

时间:2021-08-04 11:33:56 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

【#四六级考试# 导语】没有被折磨的觉悟,就没有向前冲的资格。既然选择了,就算要跪着也要走下去。其实有时候我们还没做就被我们自己吓退了,想要往前走,就不要考虑太多,去做就行了。以下是®文档大全网为大家精心整理的内容,欢迎大家阅读。



  泼水节(Water-Spri nk|ing Festi va|)是傣族最隆重的节日,也可以称之为傣族的“新年”。泼水节已有700多年的历史,一般在每年的4月13日举行,持续3至7天。大家用纯净的清水相互泼洒,祈求洗去过去一年的不顺,新的一年带着美好的愿望再次出发。人们把第三天视为最美好最吉祥的日子。在这天,人们观看龙舟竞赛,跳孔雀舞。活动内容丰富,场面极为热闹。除了我国傣族,亚洲其他国家,如泰国,也有庆祝泼水节的习俗。


  Water-Sprinkling Festival(Songkran)is the most important festival of the Dai Ethnic People,which can be also called‘'New Year”of Dai People. Songkran has over 700 years of history.It’s generally held on April 13 each year and lasts about 3-7 days.People splash each other with pure water,to wash away the bad luck in the past year,so as to start again with good wishes for the new year.The third day is taken as the most wonderful and auspicious day.On this day,people watch dragon boat races,and perform Peacock dances,with abundant activities of festival happiness.In addition to the Dai people in China,Songkran Festival is also observed by other Asian countries including Thailand.



  蒙古族是一个富有传奇色彩的民族,对亚欧历史进程产生过巨大的影响。全球蒙古民族共约有820万,主要分布在中国、蒙古国、俄罗斯三个国家。蒙古族服饰包括长袍、腰带、靴子、首饰等,但因地区不同在样式上有所差异。中国境内的蒙古族主要居住在内蒙古自治区,全区现有蒙古族人口约达380万。自古以来,蒙古族人善于骑射,素有“马背上的民族”(the Peop I e on Horseback)之称。


  Mongolia is a legendary nation that once had huge impact on the history ofasia and Europe。There are about 8.2 million Mongolian people in total in the whole world.They are mainly distributed in the three countries of China,Mongolia and Russia.Mongolian costumes include robes,belts,boots,jewelry,etc.,that vary in different styles in different regions.  Mongolians who live in the territory of China mainly reside in Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region,in which there ale about 3.8 million Mongolian people.Since ancient times,Mongolian people ale good at riding and shooting.They are known as“the People on Horseback”.



  就像向中国出售商品的公司会看到收益有损失一样,中国经济 活动放缓有着世界性的影响。包括澳大利亚、巴西和东南亚在内的 其他国家近年来都看到了巨大的利润,因为中国对自然资源有需求。 中国的需求下降巳经对很多商品的价格有了影响。上周,中国财政 部长楼继伟表示,今年的经济增长可能为7%,而这不一定是“底线”。


  A slowdown in economic activity in China has a global impact as companies that sell to China may see revenues suffer. Countries includ¬ing Australia, Brazil and others in South East Asia have seen huge profits in recent years because of Chinese demand for natural resources. The fall in demand from China has already had an impact on the prices of many commodities. Last week,China’s Finance Minister Lou Jiwei indicated that economic growth could be 7% for the year, and that this may not be the “bottom line”.

