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【#英语口语# 导语】学习英语口语贵在坚持,找到适合自己的方法,多运用多温故。欢迎阅读®文档大全网为大家精心整理的“酒店英语口语:酒店服务”!更多相关讯息请关注®文档大全网!

Good afternoon,sir Welcome to the International Hotel 下午好,先生,欢迎光临国际大酒店。
How many pieces of luggage do you have?请问您一共有几件行李?
I’ll show you to the Reception Desk This way,please 我带您到接待台,这边请。
I’ll put your suitcases by the post over there 我把您的行李放在那边的柱子那里。
A bellman will show you to your room when you have finished checking in 您办理完住点手续后,行李员将带您到您的房间。
Good evening,sir I’ll show you to your room You have two suitcases and one briefcase Is this correct?晚上好,先生。我将带您到您的房间去。您有两只箱子和一只手提箱,对吗?
Is there anything breakable in your briefcase?您的手提箱里有易碎的东西吗?
Please follow me,sir Your elevator is this way 请跟我来,您的电梯在这边。
Watch your step,sir And come this way,please 您走好,先生,请这边走。
This is your room,sir,after you,sir May I put your suitcases here?这是您的房间,先生。您请进,我可以把您的箱子放在这吗?
Here is your room key,sir Is this the correct number of bags?先生,这是您的房间钥匙,您的行李件数对吗?
Over here is the switch for the bedside lamp,and this is the volume control for the TV and this is the channel selector 这是床头灯开关,这是电视音量开关,这是电视频道开关。
If you require anything, you can call the Assistant Manager 如果您有事要询问,您可以打电话给大堂副理。

How many bags do you have all?您一共有几个包?
Is this all your luggage?这是您全部的行李吗?
May I help you with you bags,sir?先生让我帮您拿行李,好吗?
Just a moment,I’ll bring a luggage cart请稍等一下,我去推辆行李车来。
Would you mind taking these bottles with you?您是不是能提着这几个瓶子?
Could you take this camera with you,sir?先生,您是不是能吧这个照相机带在身上?
Just a moment,please The elevator will be here soon 请稍等一会,电梯一会就下来。
This elevator doesn’t go up to the guest rooms 这个电梯不通客房。
Please take this elevator for the restaurant 请乘这个电梯去餐厅。
This is an express elevator for the restaurant 这是去餐厅的特快电梯吗?
If you would like to go to the restaurant on the top floor,please change elevators at the th floor 如果您想去顶层餐厅,请在层换梯。
Here is a brochure explaining hotel service 这里有本小册子介绍饭店各项服务。
Your bags will be kept at the Bell Captain’s Desk 您的包将存放在行李部。

You may pick up your bags from the Bell Captain’s Desk 您可以到行李部取您的包。
Could you come down to the Bell Captain’s Desk with your claim tag to pick up your bags,sir?先生,请您拿着行李牌到行李部来取您的包。
This is your claim tag,sir We’ll keep your luggage at the Bell Captain’s Desk Could you pick it up there,please?
A: I’m going to check-out soon Could you pick up my luggage,please?我马上就要离店了,你可以上来帮我拿行李吗?
B: Certainly,sir We’ll send a bellman immediately May I have your room number,please?没问题,先生。我们马上派一名行李员上来,请问您的房号是多少?
How much is the postage on these letters to Thailand,please?这些信寄到泰国邮资是多少?
Do you have EMS in the hotel?饭店里有特快专递服务吗?
Could you tell me how much this parcel is to France?请问这包裹寄到法国要多少钱?
What’s the surcharge on this express letter,please?这封快信的附加费是多少?
Could you tell me much it costs to send a letter airmail from here to Beijing?你能否告诉寄封航空信到北京要多少费用?
I’ll have to weigh it first,it’s a little overweight You’ll have to pay extra 我要先称一下,这封信有些超重,您必须付些额外费用。
What’s the postage for this parcel to Xian,please?请问这只包裹寄到西安要多少钱?
Let me weight it first, Yuan,please 让我先称一下,请付元钱邮寄。

