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【#英语资源# 导语】无论是在学校还是在社会中,大家都不可避免地要接触到作文吧,写作文是培养人们的观察力、联想力、想象力、思考力和记忆力的重要手段。写起作文来就毫无头绪?以下是©文档大全网整理的九年级中秋节英语作文,希望对您有所帮助。


  The Mid Autumn Festival is the 15th day of August in the lunar calendar every year. The Mid Autumn Festival is also called autumn, August Festival, moon Eve and Moon Festival, because the moon is complete on this day, symbolizing reunion. Since ancient times, the Mid Autumn Festival has the customs of appreciating the moon, eating moon cakes, appreciating osmanthus, drinking osmanthus wine and so on.

  In the morning, my father and mother and I dressed up and went out. Grandma drove us home. Many people are busy on the road. I think they must go home to have a reunion with their families, eat moon cakes and enjoy the moon. At Grandma's house, my mother, aunt and father helped grandma cook, while my cousin and I were responsible for cleaning the yard. Through our efforts, we cleaned the yard spotlessly. With the passage of time, it was noon soon. My mother and grandmother prepared rich and delicious meals. The whole family began to enjoy them. Everyone talked and laughed, and had a happy and beautiful noon. After a meal, my parents and I went to visit with gifts. After a long time, we returned to grandma's house. I was tired and fell asleep. My mother woke me up. My father drove me and my mother home.

  When I got home, I knew that my uncle came. My uncle really lived up to expectations and brought the imported biscuits that I like to eat as a "snack". My mother took me out to buy a lot of fruits, desserts and my favorite snacks. My mother really made a lot of money. Now I have a blessing in the mouth. My mother and I went home and the delicious food was ready. Everything is ready except the east wind. It's getting dark, and we're ready to eat. Of course, we have moon cakes on the Mid Autumn Festival. Let's taste the delicious moon cakes brought by our uncle first. It's really delicious and memorable. The "delicious food" made by grandma makes people move their fingers and salivate.

  After dinner, of course, I should enjoy the moon, but Dad and they haven't finished drinking osmanthus wine, so I have to let my stomach enjoy it again. When everyone finished eating, we went to enjoy the moon under the community. I sat on the cradle with my father and mother and looked up at the moon quietly. At first the color of the moon was very light, then it became darker and brighter. Finally, a bright moon hung on the dark blue sky like a huge jade plate. The soft moonlight enveloped the earth like a transparent white yarn. Small stars, with a faint light, like countless diamonds, are scattered and inlaid on a huge sapphire. Surrounded by the stars, the moon is light and dignified, like a graceful and shy girl, covering her face with white yarn.

  It was getting dark. My parents and I looked at the bright moon and went home reluctantly.


  August 15 is China's traditional festival - the Mid Autumn Festival.

  Its customs are: eating moon cakes, enjoying the full moon, guessing lantern riddles, watching lanterns

  Early in the morning, walking on the shady road of the community, two rows of neat trees are orderly hung with red lanterns. My parents and I went to the supermarket to buy moon cakes. In the supermarket, there are double yellow lotus moon cakes, ice skin moon cakes, bean paste moon cakes, seven star moon cakes and other moon cakes, which dazzle me. My mother chose a box of the most exquisite Seven Star Moon accompaniment, and I excitedly took a box of the most delicious ice cream moon cakes and put them into the cart. A bag of grapes, a bag of bananas, a box of apples... The cart is full at once. I'm the happiest.

  In the evening, the red lanterns were fully opened, illuminating the whole community“ "Celebrating the Mid Autumn Festival" began. I took my parents' hands and ran to the activity area, "Wow, it's so lively!". It has long been a sea of people, including prize cashing area, balloon area, riddle guessing area, special snack area, fluorescent bar area... And the activity area for free marshmallow. There have long been two long dragons. Children in colorful clothes squeeze me and touch me for fear of being squeezed away. The children who get marshmallow smile and go straight to their parents' arms. I also squeezed into the marshmallow

  Look at the lanterns, look at the lanterns. The lanterns in the community are carefully decorated, including kitten shaped, rabbit shaped, Eagle shaped, fish shaped, duck shaped, lotus shaped, various and countless. The bright color of the lantern is also very special, including green light, yellow light, red light and white light. The lights of all colors cross together. It's really beautiful. It seems to enter a fairyland.

  What I like most is guessing riddles. Other children are no exception. They rush to grab the note. Sooner or later, I flew three meters under the fish lamp and grabbed a piece of puzzle paper. Dad smiled and said, "I'm agile." The adults nearby also laughed. I open the title: a mirror is shining, travel all over the world and look at the past and present. I secretly rejoice that this question is not difficult for me. The answer is the moon. I walked fast and ran to the prize cashing area

  The full moon hangs high. Our family has been enjoying the moon on the balcony. The happiest feeling is that grandpa and grandma are busy, putting moon cakes, fruit and fried snails. Mom and Dad were chatting while watching the moon. My brother and I were chasing and playing on the balcony. The whole family blossomed happily. Grandpa even told the story of Chang'e running to the moon. Chang'e secretly took the elixir. Now she is alone in Guanghan palace“ Chang'e should regret stealing the elixir. The blue sea and the blue sky make her heart clear every night. " I blurted out.

  Looking up at the starry sky, the moon on August 15 is round and big, representing reunion.


  Mid autumn night, full moon night, whenever the Mid Autumn Festival comes, all kinds of beautiful fairy tales and legends will echo in my ears and in my mind. I will also read some books, review and understand this beautiful festival, spend with my family on this full moon night and enjoy the beauty of reunion.

  Although this is a good day every year, it can bring us different feelings every year, even the weather will be different. In the south, there are few mid autumn festivals that can really see the moon. Many times, the warm and beautiful moonlight is covered by ethereal clouds such as dark clouds. But today is different. When I come home from school, I can feel that it must be a good weather tonight, a good weather to enjoy the moon with my family and friends.

  When I came home with such a good mood, I didn't expect to see my mother cooking in the kitchen and my father watching the news on the sofa. Today is our reunion day, so even if the family's social work is busy at ordinary times, we have put off all work and social intercourse today and choose to spend it with our family on this festival that has entrusted the Chinese people with thousands of years of beauty.

  Today's dinner was very rich, and my mother's craft seemed to have improved again. After hearing my praise, my mother couldn't help smiling happily, and my father followed me to praise constantly. The exaggerated tone often made us laugh, and the atmosphere on the table was particularly warm and beautiful.

  After dinner, my father suggested that we go out for a walk and have a look at the beautiful moonlight tonight. What's more, our family hasn't gone out for a walk and play together for some time. Naturally, the proposal was passed by a unanimous vote. We all think it is a waste not to go out for a walk in such a fine weather and moonlight. So we changed into our clothes and left home together after a rest. We walked on the street full of gentle moonlight and experienced the warmth of the family with laughter.

  It's quiet tonight, but I can see and vaguely hear the bright lights, happy laughter and wine persuasion in the passing house floors, which makes people not only feel quiet, but also have a different kind of warmth. Our family was walking on the road, watching the moon and chatting about family affairs. Although most of them were just trivial things, I wouldn't like to listen to them as usual. But today is different. Every trivial matter seems to have a unique charm. I can't help interrupting and chatting with my parents.

  Occasionally, we met some acquaintances and neighbors on the road, and we would warmly say hello and goodbye, enjoying the reunion of our family of three.

  On this moonlit, seemingly endless path, I listened to my parents' gentle and affectionate nagging and looked up at the moon. Obviously, it's just a cold planet without feelings. Why does it make me feel warm from my heart? Even the moonlight is full of beauty.

  It was not until my parents' voice woke me up that I suddenly saw the smile on the faces of my parents standing at the door, which was particularly soft against the light in the house.

  Originally, it's not the moon that makes me warm.

