

时间:2023-03-22 12:22:01 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载


教授turn up, apologize, keep her word

Li Fang was heart-broken. It was Valentine’s Day and Hu Jin had said she would meet him at the coffee shop after work. But she didn’t turn up. She could be with her friends right now laughing at him. She said she would be there at seven o’clock, and he thought she would keep her word. He had looked forward to meeting her all day, and now he was alone with his roses and chocolates, like a fool. Well, he was not going to hold his breath for her to apologize. He would drown his sadness in coffee.






本篇短文选自人教版高一必修三unit 1 Festivals around the world。文本内容是节选自A Sad Love Story的第一段落,主要讲述了Li Fang 与Hu Jin 两人在Valentine’s Day这一天的双方因误会没能成功约会的故事。试题要求重点讲解turn up, apologize, keep one’s word. 相较之以往的试题中着重要求学生讲解词汇构词技巧的知识,本试题中的词汇短语之间没有内在联系,考生应着重在于词汇本身的丰富内涵,通过例句的讲解帮助学生更好地把握这些词汇的含义及用法。


Teaching Design

I Teaching aims

1. Knowledge aims: Students can know main idea of the passage and master the meaning and usage of new words and phrases such as “turn up, apologize”

2. Ability aims: Students can talk about the Valentine’s day and apply the new words and phrases into the context correctly and their reading and speaking abilities can be greatly improved.

3. Emotional aims: Students can be confident to talk in English and they can also learn to cherish love.

II Teaching key points

The usage of the new words and phrases such as “turn up, apologize”

III Teaching difficult points

How to apply these new words into practice correctly.

IV Teaching procedures

Step 1 Lead in

Invite students to watch the movie “Valentine’s Day ” and ask students some questions:

1)What do people usually do on Valentine’s Day?

2)Do you know the history of Valentine’s Day

Step 2 Presentation

1 .Reading

Ask students to read the whole passage and then tell the following sentences True or False

1)The girl whom Li Fang loved and waited for finally turned up.

2)Li Fang was heart-broken because Hu Jin didn’t send him a gift.

3)Hu Jin with her friends was laughing at Li Fang on Valentine’s Day

2. Word learning

(1)After reading the whole passage, ask students to circle the difficult words and phrases and guess the meaning of them ,then analyze the language points for students.

?turn up

A. appear or become visible;show up

eg.We invited her to our party but she didn't even turn up.

B. increase the amount of sound, heat, power being produced

eg. Would you mind turning up the radio because I can’t heard it well.

C.discover the location of or find by searching or examining

eg.Investigations have never turned up any evidence .

apologize :acknowledge faults or shortcomings or failing

eg.We apologize for any inconvenience caused during the repairs.

Usage:apologize to sb. for sth./ doing sth.

keep one’s word: if you keep your word, you will do what you promise before

Eg. I often keep my word and tell him everything.

Antonym: break one’s word

(2) Invite students to finish the following exercise with the learned words and phrases

?The boy had no other choice but ______ the woman ______ breaking the window.

A.to apologize to; for B. to apologize; for

C. apologizing for; to D. to apologize for; for

I am sure something better will __________, but nobody believes me.

A. turn up B. turn down C. turn on D. turn off

Don’t trust him. He doesn’t ________.

A. break his word B. keep his word

C. waste her word D. eat her word

Step 3 Consolidation

1. Invite students to retell the passage with the key words and rewrite an ending .

2. Make up a new love story with words“turn up,apologize,keep one’s word”

Step 4 Summary and Homework

1. Invite one student to be the teaching assistance and summarize what we have learned today.

2. Ask students to make their own sentences with “turn up,apologize,keep one’s word” and search more words and phrases related to them.

V. Blackboard design VI. Teaching reflection
