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【#小学英语# 导语】英语练习首先解决了面对应试教育的问题,让你多方位学习和掌握英语类型题的解决方法,其次,做英语练习题可以让你增加做题量,积累更多英语知识点,对将来的发展也有很大的作用。以下是®文档大全网整理的《四年级小学生英语作业题》相关资料,希望帮助到您。


  衬衫( )   新的( )   外套( )   星期( )
  阅读(   )家庭作业( )  打扫( )   洗( )
  街道( )  图书馆( )
  A.I’m lost. Where’s the zoo?   B.Excuse me.   Can you help me?
  C. In the evening, I do my homework.   D.Iplay on the computer
  E. I clean my bedroom.    F. These are new trousers.
  G.Let’s go to the park to fly kites.   H. Go straight and turn left.
  I. I play catch with a ball.   J.What do you do on Sunday?
  ( ) 1.直走然后向左转
  ( )2. 我迷路了,动物园在哪里?
  ( )3.让我们去公园放风筝。
  ( )4.打扰了,你能帮助我吗?
  ( )5.这是新的裤子。
  ( ) 6.我玩电脑。
  ( )7.在晚上,我做家庭作业。
  ( )8.我打扫我的卧室。
  ( )9.你星期天在做什么?
  ( )10. 我玩接球游戏
  ( ) 1.当你要打扰别人时,你应说:
  A. Thank you.   B. Excuse me.   C. Sorry.
  ( ) 2.当某人向你问路,你想指给他时,你应该说
  A、I can show you.   B. Excuse me.   C. Thank you!
  ( ) 3.爸爸问你今天星期几时,应说:
  A. Where’s it?   B. What day is it?   C. What’s this?
  ( ) 4当你想知道去图书馆怎么走时,你应该询问别人
  A. How are you?   B. Where’s the library?   C. How old are you?
  ( ) 5询问别人,你晚上干什么时,你应说:____
  A.what do you do in the evening?   B. what do you like?   C. I do my homework.
  ( )1. Thank you.   A. He is wearing a green sweater.
  ( ) 2. What is he wearing?   B. No, it’s Kim’s cap.
  ( ) 3. Is this your cap?   C. No, it’s near.
  ( ) 4. What do you do in the morning?   D. seven
  ( ) 5. Is it far from here?   E.Yes,they are her new shorts
  ( ) 6.Are these her shorts?   F. You’re welcome.
  ( ) 7. how many days are there in a week?   G.Mondy
  ( ) 8.what day is tody?   H. Go straight and turn left.
  ( ) 9. Where’s the zoo?   I. Thanks.
  ( ) 10. I like your skirt.  J. I brush my teeth.


  一、 英汉互译。
  教室-------( )   电灯---------( )
  讲台--------( )   书包---------( )
  Book ------( )   candy--------( )
  Toy--------( )   key----------( )
  Hair-------( )   his----------( )
  二、 填空选择。
  1、-- ( ) in the classroom?
  --Many chairs and desks.
  A:What   B: What’s   C Where
  2、--We have a big classroom.
  -- ( ) .
  A:Yes   B: Oh   C:Really?
  3、Many books are on the ( ) desk.
  A:teachers   B:teacher   C:teacher’s
  4、The picture is ( )the wall .
  A:at   B:in   C:on
  5、( )clean the windows.
  A:Let’s   B:Lets   C:lets
  6、It’s ( ) fat panda .
  A:an   B:a   C:the
  7、I have an ( )book,
  A:English   B:Chinese   C:Story
  8、My desk is black ( )yellow.
  A:and   B:or   C:/
  9、I have a ( ) book.
  A:China   B:Enlishi   C:Chinese
  10、Excuse ( ) .I lost my keys.
  A:my   B:me   C: I
  三、 情景选择。
  ( )1、放学后,你看到教室里很脏,会对同学们说:( )
  A:Let’s clean the classroom.
  B:Clean the classroom .
  ( )2、你们的教室很大,你应该怎么说:( )
  A:Our classroom is big
  B:It’s so small .
  ( )3、当你看到朋友的相册中有一个陌生的'女孩,你应该问: ( )
  A:Who is that boy ?
  B:Who is this girl ?
  ( )4、当你看到迈克背着新书包去上学,想知道里面都有什么时,会问:( )
  A:Do you have a new schoolbag .
  B:What’s in your schoolbag .
  ( )5、你的王老师又高又壮,想把他介绍给你的好友时,会说:( )
  A:This is my teacher ,Mr Wang .He is tall and strong .
  B:This is my teacher,Miss Wang .She is tall and thin.
  1、have We new a classroom .
  2、is it Where ?
  3、is it colour What ?
  4、his name What ?
  5、tall and strong He’s .


  beef  window  cake

  窗户  蛋糕  牛肉
  1、Turn____the light,please!
  A、under  B、on  C、in
  2、We have____new classroom.
  A、the  B、an  C、a
  3、We have five new____.
  A、chair  B、chairs  C、chaires
  4、Let me____the window.
  A、sweep  B、putup  C、clean
  5、What is this?
  It is a____.
  A、bee  B、egg  C、orange
  1、Clean the board.     A.、开灯。
  2、Turn on the light.     B、擦窗户。
  3、Sweep the floor.     C、挂上图。
  4、Put up the picture.     D、擦黑板。
  5、Clean the window.     E、打开门。
  6、Open the door.     F、扫地。
  ()Mike:Really?Let’s go and have a look.
  ()Mike:Hi,Amy.This is ZhangPeng.Our new classmate.
  ()ZhangPeng:Where’s my seat?
  ()Amy:Mike,we have a new classmate.
  ()Mike:It’s near the door.

