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【#新概念英语# 导语】新概念系列教材的经典早已不言而喻。其文章短小精悍,语句幽默诙谐,语法全面系统,历来被公认为是适合大多数中学生课外学习的资料之一。©文档大全网为您整理了以下内容,仅供参考。希望可以帮助到您!如果您想要了解更多相关内容,欢迎关注©文档大全网!




  本课侧重复习的是第7课、第31课和第55课中出现的有关过去发生的(一般过去时)、过去正在发生的(过去进行时)以及过去经常发生的动作(used to do)的描述。如:

  As soon as he got into the lift, he took off his hat.

  When he entered, they were playing computer games.

  She used to get up late in the morning.


  本课的难点部分出现了有关take与不同介词或副词的短语搭配用法。如:take off、take...off、take after、take up、take to、take in、take down、take over等。


  I used to travel by air a great deal when I was a boy. 1)注意对比used to do(过去习惯做)、be used to doing(现在习惯做)和be used to do(被用作)。 2)by air,乘飞机。相当于by plane。 3)a great deal用作副词,修饰travel。

  A flight attendant would take charge of me and I never had an unpleasant experience. 1)a flight attendant,空中乘务员。 2)这里的would do表达是过去习惯或经常做某事。 3)take charge of,掌管、照顾。 4)have an experience 有...经历。

  I am used to travelling by air and only on one occasion have I ever felt frightened. 1)on...occasion,在...场合下。 2)注意only on one occasion提到了句首,会引起句子的倒装,所以后面的谓语用了have I ever felt。 3)frightened,感到害怕的。源自名词fright(害怕)。

  After taking off, we were flying low over the city and slowly gaining height, when the plane suddenly turned round and flew back to the airport. 1)take off,起飞。 2)gain height,爬升。 3)turn round,掉头。 4)注意fly的过去式和过去分词分别为flew和flown。

  While we were waiting to land, a flight attendant told us to keep calm and to get off the plane quietly as soon as it had touched down. 1)keep calm,保持冷静。 2)touch down,落地。

  Everybody on board was worried and we were curious to find out what had happened. 1)in board,在飞机上。 2)curious,好奇的。其名词为curiosity(好奇心)。 3)可提问学生为什么happen用过去完成时(因为该动作发生在过去动作were之前,为过去的过去)。

  Later we learnt that there was a very important person on board. 1)learn,得知、了解。 2)very important person,重要人物。经常缩略为VIP。

  The police had been told that a bomb had been planted on the plane. 1)句中的tell之所以用过去完成时,是因为该动作是相对于飞机起飞发生在过去,而在此之前警察就被告知了,是过去的过去。 2)plant a bomb,安放炸药。

  After we had landed, the plane was searched thoroughly. Fortunately, nothing was found and five hours later we were able to take off again. 1)search,搜查。注意与search for(寻找)的区别。 2)thoroughly,彻底地。 3)注意本句使用were able to,表达的意思是:好不容易可以再次起飞。





  People are not so honest as they once were.

  He's got less work to do than I have.

  Joe Sanders has the most beautiful garden in our town.


  本课的难点部分出现了有关on的短语搭配用法。如:on display、on show、on business、on foot、on duty、on the whole、on fire、on purpose、on the average、on any account、on second thoughts等。


  Perhaps the most extraordinary building of the nineteenth century was the Crystal Palace, which was built in Hyde Park for the Great Exhibition of 1851. 1)注意probably、possibly、maybe、perhaps的可能性依次从大到小降低。 2)extraordinary,不平常的、非凡的。该词由前缀extra-(在外,外面)和ordinary构成。 3)the Crystal Palace,水晶宫。 4)which引导的是非限定性定语从句,修饰先行词the Crystal Palace。5)Hyde Park,海德公园。是伦敦最知名的公园,是英国的皇家公园。位于伦敦市中心的威斯敏斯特教堂地区,占地360多英亩,原属威斯敏斯特教堂产业。6)the Great Exhibition of 1851,万国工业博览会。

  The Crystal Palace was different from all other buildings in the world, for it was made of iron and glass. 1)be different from,与...不同。 2)for引导的是表原因的并列句,起着补充说明的作用。 3)be made of,由...组成。

  It was one of the biggest buildings of all time and a lot of people from many countries came to see it. of all time,空前的。

  A great many goods were sent to the exhibition from various parts of the world. There was also a great deal of machinery on display. The most wonderful piece of machinery on show was Nasmyth's steam hammer. 1)a great many,许多、大量。后接可数名词。注意与a great deal of(许多、大量,后接不可数名词)的区别。 2)various parts of the world,世界各地。various,各种各样的。 3)machinery,机器(总称)。不可数名词。 4)on display,展出。与on show意思相同。 5)Nasmyth's steam hammer,内史密斯的蒸汽锤。蒸汽锤是指靠水蒸汽推动的机器锤,锤头和汽缸的活塞杆装置能上下活动,锤制锻件。

  Though in those days, travelling was not as easy as it is today, steam boats carried thousands of visitors across the Channel from Europe. 1)注意as...as前后针对的是不同时间的事情,所以动词采用了不同的时态。 2)carry,运输、运载。

  On arriving in England, they were taken to the Crystal Palace by train. There were six million visitors in all, and the profits from the exhibition were used to build museums and colleges. 1)on doing,表示“一...就...” 相当于as soon as they arrived in England。 2)in all,总共。 3)profit,利益、利润。

  Later, the Crystal Palace was moved to South London. It remained one of the most famous buildings in the world until it was burnt down in 1936. 1)South London,伦敦南部。注意South London与southern London的区别,前者侧重行政区域划分,或者侧重地理位置划分。 2)remain,表示“仍然;保持”,系动词。 3)burn down,烧毁、焚毁。





  I always leave home at 8 o'clock.

  The Second World War began in 1939 and ended in 1945.

  I will visit him on Friday.

  She is walking towards the bust stop.


  When he had killed the guard, the prisoner o f war quickly dragged him into the bushes. 1)guard,守卫。 2)the prisoner of war,战俘。prisoner,犯人,源自名词prison(监狱)。 3)drag,拖拽。 4)bush,灌木丛。一般用复数。

  Working rapidly in hte darkness, he soon changed into the dead man's clothes. 1)working rapidly in the darkness,在黑暗中忙活了一阵。用作伴随状语。 2)rapidly,迅速地。源自形容词rapid。 3)in the darkness,在黑暗中。注意darkness是由词根dark加名词后缀-ness构成的。 4)change into...换上了.

  Now, dressed in a blue uniform and with a rifle over his shoulder, the prisoner marched boldly up and down in front of the camp. 1)be dressed in,穿着。 2)uniform,制服。该词由前缀uni-(单一的)和词根form(形式)构成。 3)with a rifel over his shoulder,这是个独立主格结果,表示“肩上扛着步枪”。dressed in...and with a rifle...整个结构一起用作伴随状语。 4)march,行进、行军。 5)boldly,大胆地。源自形容词bold。 6)up and down,上上下下、来来回回。

  He could hear shouting in the camp itself.. Lights were blazing and men were running here and there: they had just discovered that a prisoner had escaped. 1)注意itself起到强调作用,强调是军营里发出的声音。 2)第二句话很形象地描述出了当他们发现有人越狱后的慌乱场景,即lights blazing和men running。 3)blaze,闪耀。句中所说的lights主要是指fsearchlights,所以发出的是耀眼的强光,而blaze一词很形象地予以了描述。 4)here and there,到处。 5)冒号起着解释说明的作用,说明军营里发生慌乱的原因。

  At that moment, a large black car with four officers inside it, stopped at the camp gates. 1)注意句中的主语a large black car...前后被逗号隔开,起到了很好的强调作用:一辆黑色轿车出现了,具有很强的画面感。 2)stop at... 在某处停下来。at一般接的是小地方。

  The officers got out and the prisoner stood to attention and saluted as they passed. 1)get out,这里指从车上下来、下车。 2)stand to attention,立正站好。 3)salute,敬礼、致敬。 4)这里的as引导的是时间状语从句。

  When they had gone, the driver of the car came towards him. The man obviously wanted to talk. He was rather elderly with grey hair and clear blue eyes. 1)had gone,离开、走开、消失。 2)come towards sb.,朝某人过来。 3)obviously,明显地、显然地。 4)rather,很、非常。一般用来修饰消极或负面的特征或状况,注意与fairly(一般用来修饰积极或正面的特征或状况)的区别。 5)elderly,年长的、上了年纪的。 6)clear blue eyes,明亮清澈的蓝眼睛。这与前面的elderly、grey hair一起,凸显了这位司机的无辜与可怜。

  The prisoner felt sorry for him, but there was nothing else he could do. 1)feel sorry for sb.,为某人感到难过。 2)there is nothing else sb. can do,某人别无选择。

  As the man came near, the prisoner knocked him to the ground with a sharp blow. Then, jumping into the car, he drove off as quickly as he could. 1)as引导的是时间状语从句。 2)knock sb. to the ground,把某人*在地。 3)with a sharp blow,猛烈一击。sharp,猛烈的。 4)jumping into the car用作伴随状语。 5)drive off,开车离开。

