
时间:2022-10-23 01:07:01 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

【#英语资源# 导语】长津湖是国庆档的电影,虽然已经过去了好久,但是它的精神却值得我们学习一生。以下是©文档大全网为大家精心整理的内容,欢迎大家阅读。


  I went to see Changjin Lake today to see the revolutionaries of the older generation resist US aggression, aid Korea and defend our country. Now we have a happy life without gunsmoke, which has more emotion than usual.

  I met two groups of people in the cinema that impressed me. One group was young parents who took two little boys to see the film. After the film, the two children stood in front of the poster and took a group photo with a salute gesture of the young pioneers. They didn't smile, but looked serious; One group is my former junior high school math teacher and his son. He was a soldier when he was young. Now his son is also an excellent Navy soldier. I think this is inheritance! This is the immortal spirit!

  "We do not fight now, and the next generation will fight this war. Now we fight for the next generation.". Deeply touched by the film, the war scene was really great. The scene was grand, the momentum was sufficient, and the images of the characters were also deeply displayed. The bombing of the communication station in the middle section was very intense, the hearts were buckled, and the tension was very good. There is also food comparison. My heart is sour. There are great differences in the supply and equipment of the campaign. The last ice sculpture can't stand the hard won of a good life! "Changjin Lake" is still very good. It's worth seeing. Prepare paper towels.


  On the eighth martyr's Memorial Day in China, the release of Changjin lake is undoubtedly the most beautiful hymn to the heroes of the war to resist US aggression and aid Korea!

  On this national day, Dr. Wang and I took Xianbao to the cinema to watch this very educational film Changjin lake. The film tells a true story about resisting US aggression and aiding Korea. I can't remember how many tears I shed and how many paper towels I used to wipe my tears by the characters and deeds in the film

  From November 27 to December 24, 1950, in the most bitter and cold place in Northern Korea, the lowest temperature at night was nearly minus 40 degrees Celsius in the Changjin Lake area, the Chinese people's volunteer army fought head-on with the elite of the US Army, annihilated a whole regiment of the US Army, recovered the vast eastern area north of the 38th parallel, and won a turning point for the Korean War.

  In the film, flesh and blood, iron men, brave and courageous, rushed to the front. They had no time to say goodbye, but they had no time to be sad, bear the injury, shed blood, chew two steamed buns, say two smiles, a telegram, firm eyes, high morale, and hurried to the next battlefield

  One of the images that moved me most was: when the volunteer army was ordered to block the withdrawal of the U.S. military, rows of volunteer soldiers were lying prone at minus 40 degrees, holding steel guns and grenades. They maintained a neat battle formation and battle posture, and became "ice sculptures" that would never fall. They vowed to defend the territory and people of the motherland to the death. The ice and snow frozen the soldiers' bodies, but could not seal their immortal soul.

  This domestic conscience play, Changjin lake, not only gave me a heavy blow to my heart, but also gave me a profound ideological and political lesson: good education can not only be in the classroom, but also in life, in film and television dramas, and in anything we can find and feel with our heart.

  If faith has color, it must be Chinese red - the color dyed by soldiers with blood donation. There is no war in the era of peace, but the resolute and courageous spirit of the soldiers needs us to always remember, inherit and live forever!


  Today, my father took me to the cinema to watch the film Changjin lake.

  The film tells the heroic deeds of the volunteer army "resisting US aggression and aiding Korea and protecting the country". After watching the film, my mood couldn't calm down for a long time.

  There are two clips that impressed me most: one is that when the volunteer army was bombed by American aircraft, Lei Gong carried the identification bomb dropped by the US military onto the jeep, risked the risk to attract the American aircraft away, and finally he died. When Wu Qianli pulled Lei gong out of the jeep, Lei Gong said, "it hurts! Don't leave me here alone.". With that, he lost his life.

  In another clip, when the U.S. army retreated, it found that a group of volunteer soldiers had been frozen into ice sculptures, but they still kept a fighting posture before they died. The division commander of the US military saluted them and said, "we can never defeat such a determined enemy.".

  Our martyrs said, "if we don't fight this war, we have to fight our next generation.". We must not forget the revolutionary martyrs who are willing to sacrifice themselves for our happy life.


  "Changjin Lake" shows the wisdom and courage of the Chinese people!

  The success of the volunteer army depends on carrying forward its own strengths and expertise, and on finding the enemy's weaknesses. It depends on courage and tactics and courage and wisdom. The US military on the Korean battlefield has "more steel and less gas". Infantry are afraid of close combat and night combat. If they leave the support of aircraft and artillery, their fighting will will be greatly reduced. The volunteer army boldly carried out close combat and night combat, boldly carried out interleaving, circuitous and encirclement, often cut off the connection between us infantry and tanks, and often organized small teams to directly attack enemy command posts and artillery positions. Changjin Lake artistically reproduces the battle process, and the characters are vivid, courageous and knowledgeable, which is impressive.

  Wu Qianli, platoon commander Lei Gong and other grass-roots commanders implemented the operational guiding ideology of "you hit you, I hit me", and the command was flexible. Under the words and deeds of the veterans, the recruits have grown rapidly in the fierce battle, brave and smart.

  Five hundred miles, five thousand miles and five thousand miles, the three brothers of the Wu family symbolize the sustainable inheritance of the red gene among Chinese soldiers.


  My sister took me to see the film Changjin lake. At first, I really didn't understand it. Later, I learned how difficult it was to win the war to resist US aggression and aid Korea and how great the Chinese people's Volunteer Army was. They fought several wars and finally succeeded. They sacrificed many people to kill Americans. And they are still half of the children, but they have shouldered the responsibility of protecting the country.

  We can never forget that today's happy life was bought by them with blood and sweat. We should cherish this hard won peace and jointly protect our happy home.

  Thank you, hero. I also want to learn from you. I always insist on not giving up and contribute to the country!

