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【#英语资源# 导语】在日常学习、工作抑或是生活中,大家都经常看到作文的身影吧,作文是一种言语活动,具有高度的综合性和创造性。你知道作文怎样才能写的好吗?以下是®文档大全网为大家整理的内容,欢迎阅读参考。


  The customs and habits of the Double Ninth Festival live up to this wonderful scene and add happiness to this autumn. Then how many people draw the happiness of this autumn and a smile for how many people. It can't be seen or touched. You should feel it from your heart. Autumn is a good season for hiking. You can go to the suburbs to "pick green", climb mountains, or engage in activities beneficial to your health, which is very good for your health. China has designated the Double Ninth Festival as a festival for the elderly. Students, at 9:00 in September, what did you do for your grandparents and grandparents, and how did you make them unforgettable and happy? Listen to my experience.

  Once again, on the ninth day of September, autumn figures are everywhere in the sky and on the roof. The earth is covered with a layer of thick and fluffy sands, golden and shiny. I looked at the calendar. Originally, it was the ninth day of September, which was the Double Ninth Festival, and then the festival of the elders. How could I forget? What gifts should I give her. I've been thinking for a while. I can't think well. When I was feeling irritable, I took a newspaper and saw the words "Double Ninth Festival". I was overjoyed. I read the newspaper carefully. It clearly said that whenever the Double Ninth Festival, children and grandchildren should go out to the suburbs with their elders. Relax, eat cakes and look at chrysanthemums. This is the best gift to experience the happiness brought by this autumn. After reading this newspaper, I have a small abacus in my heart

  I went to grandma and wanted to test grandma's memory. I smiled and said, "grandma, do you understand what day this day is?" grandma said suspiciously, "Oh... Oh... Oh, it's your birthday?" "no, no, my birthday is several months earlier." grandma thought again, "is this your mother's birthday?" "No, it's the Double Ninth Festival. It's your festival." grandma suddenly realized and smiled. I continued, "I'll go out with you!" My grandmother and I set out. Then my grandmother and I went further while talking. We looked at the clear pool water and enjoyed the magnificent mountains. We suddenly felt refreshed. My grandmother and I unknowingly spent a lovely Double Ninth Festival.


  "The chrysanthemums in the garden are golden, and there are solitary clumps in it. The color looks like frost. It also looks like the song banquet at present. The Pulsatilla enters the youth market." this poem is written by Mr. Bai Juyi. The poem is called "white chrysanthemum on the Double Ninth Festival banquet". When it comes to Double Ninth Festival, it has been a traditional festival since ancient times.

  The Double Ninth Festival began in the Pre-Qin Dynasty. It was originally to celebrate the autumn harvest and the day of offering sacrifices to heaven and ancestors. Later, it developed in the Han Dynasty. It was a banquet for the emperor of the current Dynasty to pardon the world in pursuit of longevity. It has a history of about 3000 years. Today, the Double Ninth Festival has been stipulated by law as the festival of respecting the elderly.      China's traditional festivals have different customs, and the Double Ninth Festival is no exception. Because the Double Ninth Festival initially pursued longevity, and chrysanthemum symbolized longevity, most customs are related to chrysanthemum. Climbing is a traditional custom of the Double Ninth Festival. Sometimes people take their brothers and family to climb on September 9 for foresight. Climbing also has the effect of refreshing people's hearts, promoting blood circulation and removing silt. It is a kind of sports to keep fit and strengthen the body.

  Double Ninth Festival is also known as "chrysanthemum Festival" because it coincides with the blooming of chrysanthemums in autumn. On this day, people will drink the wine made of chrysanthemum. Chrysanthemum is cold, has the effect of relieving summer heat and removing silt, and tastes fragrant and slightly sweet. It is a rare health drink. Another is the wind of wearing dogwood. In ancient times, dogwood was described as a symbol of auspiciousness. In order to seek auspiciousness and peace, the ancients wore dogwood for physical well-being.

  In addition to the above common customs, there are different local customs. For example, in Suzhou, people in Nanjing chisel five-color paper into an inclined plane, bind it into flags and insert them in the court; Changzhou people eat a kind of pasta called "camel hoof"; In Zhejiang, people usually visit each other and give each other Zongzi on this day; It is called "Chongyang Zong".

  As far as Shaanxi in the north, people will give each other chrysanthemum cakes and chrysanthemum wine. Women want to pick dogwood by mouth on this day. It is said that it can cure heart disease. Although there are differences between the north and the South and different customs, this interesting Double Ninth Festival custom reflects people's pursuit of a better life and their longing for simple emotion, and also adds rich and diverse colors to China's traditional culture. Double Ninth Festival is a traditional festival left from ancient times. To carry forward traditional culture, start with me.

  In addition, since the 1980s, the Double Ninth Festival on September 9 of the lunar calendar has been designated as the national day of respect for the elderly, which also reminds us not to forget our parents while pursuing a happy life.

  "The golden chrysanthemum is angry to show the autumn frost, the Cornus is quiet and pistil welcomes the Double Ninth Festival, the wild geese sing loudly and singing loudly, and the Wanderers hurry to visit the high hall." in this festival of missing relatives, I wish the children all over the world to put aside their busy work and send their blessings to the high hall. Beat the waist and legs, wash the dishes and chopsticks, listen to the chatter, pull the family, be filial and grateful, and shine the Double Ninth Festival!


  Time flies. Unconsciously, another Double Ninth Festival is coming. The Double Ninth Festival in 1999 represents eternity, respect, and love for the elderly.

  It's nothing more than beating the back, pushing the waist, or helping to do some housework for the elderly. In addition to these, Grandpa and grandma won't let us do anything again. Usually, the old people always love us most. If you can't bear to eat, leave it to us; If you have a good drink, leave it to us if you don't want to drink; I have never seen my grandparents often add new clothes to themselves, but use them to wear old clothes for their children; I've never seen my grandparents very extravagant. They always save when they can, but they give us the rest of the money to buy snacks; I haven't seen my grandparents pick me up from school one day. They often have to stand up even if they are ill. They don't let us worry at the school gate.

  When the weather turns cold in autumn, my grandmother always asks me, "wear so little, is it cold?" at this time, I will turn my head impatiently and say, "it's not cold." I can't help complaining that my grandmother is too wordy! Often I don't have time to listen to Grandpa finish this sentence, so I insert a sentence: "I know, I know!" I feel that listening to a sentence all day, my ears are about to hear the cocoon.

  In the final analysis, we should understand and respect the elderly. Think of an old man who doesn't want to be valued and respected by his younger generation? Although we can't have too much money and energy to give all the elderly a warm and comfortable home, we can start from the elderly around us and move them with our love bit by bit.

