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【#英语资源# 导语】金秋送爽丹桂香,果熟菊黄步重阳。每逢佳节倍思乡,携手登高身健康。事业登高薪水涨,爱情登高甜蜜长,友情等高情谊广,好运登高开心房。祝重阳快乐!以下是®文档大全网为大家精心整理的内容,欢迎大家阅读。


  Today is the Double Ninth Festival. On the Double Ninth Festival, there is the custom of climbing mountains and heights. Therefore, on this special day, our family came to Desheng rock for mountain climbing.

  After buying good things, our party began to climb the mountain. Look, the first is the big cousin, followed by my sister and cousin, followed by me and my little cousin. My little cousin and I are really ashamed. We are older and taller than our little cousin. We can't catch up with our little cousin even climbing the mountain; But what I admire most is Grandpa. Today is Grandpa's 70th birthday. He has a big bag on his back, a little cousin in his hand, and helps grandma from time to time. Looking at Grandpa's vigorous pace, he is not like a 70 year old at all. In my imagination, he is like a young man.

  Along the way, there were many people selling drinks and food, and I saw many people climbing up with burdens. I thought to myself, these people were carrying burdens. We didn't take anything at all. Our feet were like water. It was difficult to walk. They were carrying burdens and climbing up step by step. Of course, they were more tired than me, But from their step-by-step footprints, I admire them from the bottom of my heart.

  Halfway up the mountain, I met my classmate Zhu Jianqiang. From our conversation and laughter, I became stronger, so I made up my mind: I must climb to the top of the mountain. Maybe my determination moved God. We soon climbed to the top of the mountain. Standing on the top of the mountain, we looked down, and the breeze was blowing slowly. It felt good.

  We went down the mountain and sat in the car. I looked back again and again and thought: the custom of climbing mountains and heights on the Double Ninth Festival is still around us. I will come back next year.


  The Double Ninth Festival on the ninth day of September, also known as "Double Ninth Festival", is a festival to commemorate our ancestors and sweep tombs.

  Double Ninth Festival, originated in the Warring States period, was originally a happy day. The ancients classified all things in heaven and earth into yin and Yang. Yin represents darkness and Yang represents light and vitality. Odd numbers are Yang and even numbers are yin. Nine is an odd number, so it belongs to Yang. On the ninth day of September, the sun and moon meet nine, and the two Yang are heavy, so it is called "Double Ninth".

  This day is in the mid autumn season. It is clear and crisp. It is a good time to climb up and look into the distance and relax your mind. At this time, many literati and refined scholars of all dynasties in China climbed high, drank chrysanthemum wine and recited poems for fun, leaving countless poems.

  In September, the cold winter is coming. People begin to buy winter clothes. They don't forget to burn paper clothes when they worship their ancestors to let them spend the winter in the underworld. As a result, the Double Ninth Festival evolved into a festival of sweeping tombs and burning winter clothes for ancestors.

  Like other traditional festivals, Double Ninth Festival is a festival for family reunion; It is also a family commemorating our ancestors. In Singapore, some guilds still retain the custom of offering sacrifices to ancestors on the Double Ninth Festival, which is called "autumn sacrifice".

  Other people can choose a more traditional way to celebrate on this day, such as family or making friendly appointments to outdoor activities, which can not only enjoy the scenery of nature, but also contact the feelings between relatives and friends.

  On the ninth day of the ninth lunar month, the average number of months and days is nine. Shuangyang is equal to each other, so it is called Chongyang Festival. As an entertainment oriented Festival, the main festival activities are climbing, appreciating chrysanthemums, drinking chrysanthemum wine, inserting dogwood and eating cakes.


  It is also a cycle of years and the Double Ninth Festival on September 9. Go up to the top of the mountain with Wang Wei to "remember Shandong brothers", go to the battlefield to enjoy "battlefield yellow flowers are particularly fragrant", and go back to my heart to accompany me to miss distant relatives.

  I heard the story of the Double Ninth Festival in 1999 and learned that it was the day when I met my relatives, drank chrysanthemum wine and planted Cornus everywhere. The chrysanthemums are in full bloom in 1999, but I am thousands of miles away from my relatives. The Double Ninth Festival has been with me for 12 years, but I have never returned to my hometown to spend the festival with my relatives.

  The double ninth festival represents the old people in their twilight years. This day is to honor and care for the old people. I climbed to the top of the mountain and looked into the distance, looking for the white clouds on my hometown and my hometown under the white clouds. There are thousands of thoughts in my mind, and my heart fluctuates like on the waves. I saw that under the white clouds, grandma was busy making dumplings on tiptoe. The wrinkles on her face were like a beautiful Daisy, and every chrysanthemum petal was filled with some laughter. I saw grandpa and he greeted us with hope. I also saw my grandparents sleeping under my hometown. They are busy for our arrival, shuttling between hot pots and cold stoves. But it's just good memories and fantasies. Real relatives have long been in my heart, hanging on my thoughts.

  Chongyang, there is no chrysanthemum wine, no dogwood, but I climb the mountain and look into the distance, reposing my homesick heart.

  Good wishes to you, I wish you good health; Heartfelt wishes to you, I wish you peace through the ages. Although I didn't spend the Double Ninth Festival with my relatives, I hope my kind heart can be passed on to you with the rustling autumn wind and the fragrance of chrysanthemums - my dear relatives on the Loess Plateau. May my relatives know my heart and my meaning.

  The Double Ninth Festival has passed. It flashed away with my thoughts and sadness. I will still remember that under the white clouds is my hometown!

