

时间:2021-08-30 03:41:41 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

【#英语资源# 导语】九九重阳节,送你九个心愿:愿你身体健康,生活幸福,学无止境,工作顺利,感情美满,开心乐观,福星高照,天天向上,节日快乐!天凉记得加衣!下面是®文档大全网整理的内容,希望对你们有帮助!


  In the golden autumn, we not only ushered in the Mid Autumn Festival, national day, but also the Double Ninth Festival.

  As early as thousands of years ago, there has been the virtue of respecting the elderly. In modern times, we can see people who respect the elderly in the streets, for example "Help the old man across the street and give him his seat when he sees the old man on the bus... In order to let the old people live a better old age, the government has specially set up a university for the elderly, which is free. There are so many subjects in this school! There are art, dance, opera, martial arts and musical instruments... They are full of desire for knowledge and are not satisfied with their old age and age The lost heart, like a primary school student, tastes the "unparalleled delicacy" in the book.

  On this day of the Double Ninth Festival, grandparents go mountain climbing, drink chrysanthemum wine and wear dogwood in groups.

  The Double Ninth Festival is also called the old people's day, which is a traditional festival in China. I hope everyone has a good time on double ninth day and remember to pray for the old people at home!

  Life is easy, but heaven is hard to grow old. Every year there is Double Ninth Festival, and now there is Double Ninth Festival. Yellow flowers in the battlefield are particularly fragrant. "


  The ninth day of the ninth lunar month is a traditional festival in China - Double Ninth Festival. China also defines the ninth day of September every year as the elderly Festival. Tradition and modernity are cleverly combined to become a festival for the elderly to respect, love, respect and help the elderly. On this festival, some families will take the elderly to enjoy the scenery in autumn, or mountain climbing and fitness, so that their body and mind can be bathed in the embrace of nature; Others may go to shopping malls to carefully buy nutritional supplements and new clothes for the elderly; There are also some. Volunteers go to the nursing home to help the elderly... And the Double Ninth Festival I spent with my relatives on October 16 this year has been given more meaning.

  At noon that day, more than 20 people gathered in the public house. Suddenly, the house was crowded and lively. In the big living room, Grandpa and his sisters and brothers talked about the past. In the east room, my uncle's family and my uncles are playing mahjong. In the hut, our children are playing cards. In the kitchen, aunt and mother are busy cooking. After a while, the delicious smell of food came from the kitchen. We hurried to the kitchen and said, "it's time for dinner! We're all hungry!" our children helped set the stool and table for a while. The food was full of two big tables.

  I shouted, "dinner is ready!" everyone sat around the table. Relatives brought gifts to Grandpa, and parents also prepared gifts for Grandpa, a plaster pillow, which can help sleep, calm the mind and eliminate annoyance. We children, who usually love to play and make trouble, are unwilling to fall behind. We stand in two rows by head solemnly and celebrate our birthday to the public in turn. The candles on the pink "longevity peach" cake have been lit. Our temporary Choir clapped hands and sang the birthday song, and then began the congratulatory message PK. The brothers and sisters in front spoke well. When it was my turn, I was very nervous and felt that I couldn't repeat the previous message. The message prepared at home was deleted, leaving only "I wish grandpa a long life and strong body", but I felt too short. At this time, I suddenly found that my mother pointed to the gray haired elders sitting next to Grandpa quietly and quickly, I immediately thought of it and immediately added: "I also wish grandparents and grandparents here a happy old age day, health and longevity!" the elders were so happy that they couldn't close their mouths and praised my speech. The opening toast was delivered by grandpa. His smile was the most brilliant, but his eyes were full of tears. Grandpa stood up, picked up his glass and said, "I'm a little excited today. I'm so glad that all the people of our big family have gathered together! For my holiday, you have me in your heart, and I have a big family in my heart...". It was a real pleasure for everyone to drink around the table.

  Although the Double Ninth Festival has passed for many days, the tears in Grandpa's eyes often appear in front of me. He made me understand: in fact, it is not difficult to be filial to the elderly and make them happy. A blessing, a gift and having a meal with them... It is enough to comfort the elderly who have worked hard for their future generations. It is not the size of the matter, but the key is whether they have this sincerity. Unforgettable Double Ninth Festival! I hope every day is double ninth festival in people's hearts!


  The golden dead leaves left the treetops and danced like butterflies in the air. Finally, they landed quietly on the ground in a long and soft arc. Pieces of golden yellow made the most beautiful ornaments for the cold streets. Gradually, the charm of autumn became stronger. Autumn is coming.

  When the maple leaf is red, it is the Double Ninth Festival. I climbed the mountain of my hometown. In the past, the rugged rocky path is still very friendly. The scenery along the road is still the same, but I feel even more sad, because seeing things and thinking about people, but things and things are not people. Yes, the Double Ninth Festival will inevitably remind people of the people, things and everything in the past. Inadvertently, I thought of my late, dear uncle. The laughter and laughter with my uncle in the past emerged in my difficulties, which made my thoughts of him stronger in the autumn wind.

  Last year's Double Ninth Festival passed soon, but it seems to be very long. At that time, uncle was still with us. He is a very lively and lovely old man, because he has an evergreen new and generous mind. His smile is so hearty, clear and kind, which can't help but remind me of "Jue Lei Maitreya". Everything about him infects the sun around him.

  However, the irreversible natural law of birth, old age and death has finally made uncle a thing of the past, leaving us only pieces of memories like maple leaves, rustling down and weighing heavily on our hearts. The bright smile has been frozen since then. At that moment, I seemed to grow up, understand the joys and sorrows of the world, understand what family affection is, and understand that we should cherish all this in the world.

  Today's Double Ninth Festival, I stand on the mountain, learning the autumn wind, mixed with missing, which has confused my thoughts. Since ancient times, people like sad autumn and are worth Double Ninth Festival. I finally understand where this "Sadness" comes from. At this moment, I repeatedly chewed the charm of this poem and tasted the heavy thoughts contained in "one less person", including the helplessness of reality and the memory of the past. In this blurred autumn, I tried to find the precious pictures of yesterday. Unconsciously, the sun had slipped into the mountains, like a yellow pomegranate.

  "The setting sun is infinitely good, but it's nearly dusk." I silently recited in my heart and stepped on my way home

