
时间:2022-07-14 04:49:01 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

【#写作翻译# 导语】英语中也有很多优美的文章和句子。©文档大全网为大家提供《英语美文短篇100字带翻译》,欢迎阅读。


  Man's youth is a wonderful thing: it is so full of anguish and of magic and he never comes to know it as it is, until it has gone from him forever.It is the thing he cannot bear to lose, it is the thing whose passing he watches with infinite sorrow and regret, it is the thing whose loss with a sad and secret joy,the thing he would never willingly relive again, could it be restored to him by any magic.

  青春奇妙无穷,充满魅力,充满痛楚。青春年少的时候根本不知青春为何物,直到青春一去不复返了才对青春有了真正的认识。谁都想让青春永驻,不忍青春离去; 眼睁睁地看着青春流逝,心中会涌起无穷的忧伤和惋惜;青春的失去是人们永远感到悲哀的事;青春的失去是人们真正觉得悲喜交集的事;即便奇迹出现青春复苏, 谁都不会心甘情愿重度青春的岁月。


  It was a beautiful letter, but there was no way, except for the name Michael, to identify the owner.Maybe if I called information, the operator could find a phone listing for the address on the envelope.The operator suggested I speak with her supervisor, who hesitated for a moment, then said, "Well, there is a phone listing at that address, but I can't give you the number." She said as a courtesy, she would call that number, explain my story and ask whoever answered if the person wanted her to connect me.    



  Many people put off until tomorrow what they can do today. They always look for excuses to postpone(拖延)doing something .In the end,it never gets done.If we leave things undone,we will eventually worry.This will then cause unnecessary stress(压力).Therefore,if you have this bad habit,it’s best to get rid of it and do things as soon as possible.    



  Look into your own life.If you scrub away the make-up of illusion and impurities of jealousy — can you see the clarity of grace? Can you understand how treasuring what's right in front of you is worth your time?



  I was for all intensive purposes addicted to the game I was playing.This addiction nearly ruined me mood wise,I was miserable to be around when I was even able to force myself to go to class or go out and socialize.



  God puts dreams in our hearts.So,we must dream.We lose our sorrows and heartaches in dreams.And we live our fantasies in dreams.Some dreams are aborted while some come true. 



  Both your heart and your mind need a master, and they can find the master in your ego. However, your ego will fill their role only if you use self-discipline. In the absence of self-discipline, your mind and heart will fight their battles as they please. In this situation the person within whose mind the fight is carried out often gets badly hurt.



  At the start of your workday, before you even check your emails, make a plan. Jot down the three most important tasks you want to accomplish that day. Put a big star next to the most important. Now, before you get into the busy work of emails and photocopying and tidying your desk, start on that important task and see it through to the end.


  Surprisingly few people take the time to plan their workday, and end up spinning their wheels on a number of low-priority tasks without really accomplishing anything big.

