
时间:2022-09-02 22:58:01 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

【#英语资源# 导语】每当9月开学日到达的时候,我们最喜欢的《开学第一课》也将开播,这次主题是“奋斗成就梦想”。以下是©文档大全网为大家精心整理的内容,欢迎大家阅读。


  Having a dream in your heart is a dream, and working hard to win success is turning into a butterfly. We all have a dream in our hearts. It was our childhood dream. We hope that when we grow up, we can have the opportunity to do what we like and work for the country. Now we study hard and want to enter our ideal junior high school, high school and university through our efforts. Every time we complete an ideal, we will peel off a cocoon. When we are successful after peeling off the cocoon, that is the moment when we become butterflies for our dreams.

  It is impossible to have no dream. It is absolutely impossible to have a dream without trying to realize it. Don't think that the dream of childhood is far away, and you are afraid to follow it. It's not that the dream is too difficult to realize, but because you don't fight. If you have a dream but dare not fight, what is the meaning of your life. It is because of dreams that we have the courage to fight. It is because of dreams that our life will become colorful. Because dream + effort = cocoon into butterfly.

  We all have a dragon in our hearts. Even if it is a kind of torture, it is also a kind of happiness. Yes, we all have dreams in our hearts. We are painful and happy to realize our dreams. Why do we study hard for decades? Yes, just for my dream. Someone said, "no, I study not to be famous, not to serve the country, but to find a good job and make my family more comfortable in the future." Isn't this a dream? No, it's a dream. It's just a different direction. So we are all cocooning our dreams into butterflies. No matter how hard and painful the previous efforts were, they would disappear in the moment when the dream came true. Just think, when we receive the admission notice, will we still remember the years when we worked hard in the past? I don't think so.

  Of course, there is no way to have a dream without working hard. If you just want to enter a certain university without studying hard, it is just a sleepless dream. Because only dreams and efforts can transform cocoons into butterflies. In order to improve the records of herbal medicine, Li Shizhen finally completed the compendium of Materia Medica, a famous herbal medicine book, after 27 years. Gou Jian, the king of Yue, was not the same as he was imprisoned. He endured humiliation and finally completed the great cause of restoring the country. There are also Sun Jing, who hangs the beam, Su Qin, who stabs the beam, and Kuang Heng, who chisels the wall to borrow light. Don't they all work hard for their dreams and finally become butterflies? The ancients can fight for their dreams, but as modern people growing up in the new era, how can we not!

  We should all work hard for our own dreams, so that our life can be fuller and more meaningful. Don't give up your dream because of a little setback. Only when you have a dream can you have the direction to work hard and make us become butterflies.

  Let's follow our dreams, work hard for our dreams, and finally become a butterfly!


  The flowers bloom and fall, the tide rises and falls, and the eyes of the world fly with the flowers and the waves. Therefore, the glory of life is reflected to be magical and solemn.

  People's ignorance at birth, innocence in youth, vigor in youth, steadiness in middle age and cynicism in old age are all manifested in the process of life. Life is the love of the mother, the severity of the father, the tenderness of the lover, and the concern of the friends. It is the collection of all feelings. The long river is lined with the setting sun, the green pines stand on the cliffs, the autumn geese fall on the sand, the spring and snow in March, the sword, the horse, and the golden mink wine are all part of the picture of life. However, some people's life paintings are sketches, some people's ink paintings, some people's gouache paintings, and some people's oil paintings... Maybe life is so colorful.

  Walking along the corridor of life, some people regard themselves as tourists and travel around; Some people regard themselves as passers-by and immerse themselves in advancing; Some people regard themselves as guests of honor, only appreciating the scenery on one side and pretending to be very interested; Some people regard themselves as masters and carefully design the scenery in their lives. Different people, different hearts, different landscapes, and different understandings of life.

  It is easy to blossom but difficult to bear fruit. Similarly, the ease with which we obtain life does not mean that the process of life also shines. Winter goes to spring, and the trees are full of beautiful flowers. When you look at them, they are colorful and pleasant; But behind the blooming flowers, there is withering, sending summer and welcoming autumn, and only a few fruits are hanging on a tree. Meditating, the survival of the fittest is frightening. Flowering is not always fruiting, and fruit is not always sweet. Isn't life like this? Living is not necessarily successful, and successful is not necessarily valuable. Flowering and fruiting are natural laws, but if there are no bees to collect pollen, everything will be in vain; If a living person is not recognized by society, the value of life cannot be realized.

  However, all the results come from the growth of life itself. Life can be created in the stone crack, and the grass breaks through the rock; Miracles can stand on the cliff, and green pines stand tall and straight; Adversity can also make talents. In fact, life is like the rocks on the bank. The originally angular rocks have become smooth and bright after being subjected to countless waves. When we marvel at the magnificence of the sea, the height of the sky and the length of the road, we can see everything.


  Struggle is the momentum of the seed to break through the soil; Struggle is the power of flowing water impacting rocks; Struggle is the essence of the sun spreading all over the earth; Struggle is the fruit of rockets soaring into the sky.

  Living in society, we should not be content with the status quo, feel satisfied with what we have or expect now, and lose the motivation to make progress and climb bravely. Then your life will decline from the system, and your life will become dim. Don't give up your due spirit of struggle for the sake of your current achievements; Don't give up the lush forest for this tree. At any time, you should see clearly what you ultimately want, and don't be blinded by temporary fame and fortune. Your perseverance and brave fighting spirit.

  On the road of life, there are indeed many such people. They pursue fashion for pleasure and indulge in the dreamy online world like the story of peach blossom. They fall into a state of being unable to extricate themselves like drugs. They make themselves negative and pessimistic about life. This kind of negative expression is caused by themselves and should not be advocated. We live in this colorful world. All kinds of things are constantly updated and everything is close to the times. At the same time, our thinking is also so. Only in this way can we maintain the spirit of struggle and struggle, and be full of disappointment in life. A positive and optimistic outlook on life is the basis of our struggle. As long as we struggle, struggle for success, struggle for the future and struggle for our dreams, our life will not pass in vain, and we will be satisfied. Struggle is the premise of achieving your dream. Only if you have what you want and what you want to achieve, then this spirit of struggle will become the driving force for you to move forward and make progress. Therefore, struggle and dream are closely linked. As long as you use the spirit of struggle, are you afraid that your dream can not be realized? There are many examples in today's society: for example, Liu Xiang won the world champion of the 110 meter hurdles, which is the result of his struggle. If he won't stick to his faith, believe in himself, fight hard, go all out for his dream, break through his dream and surpass himself, will he still win the championship? Can he still fight endlessly? Indeed, struggle is a person's positive performance. Only you have your spirit of struggle, success and key. Pay attention to the spirit of struggle! Don't ignore it because it's just a spirit. Don't look down on it because it's not angry in your eyes. We have to struggle every moment. Just like in our study, if you just rely on your own good grades and don't struggle for the most ambitious goals and neglect your studies, then you will eventually lag behind others and your grades will plummet. Don't lose your spirit of struggle for instant glory and success. We should learn from Sun Yat Sen's experience and win!

  Dream is an eagle soaring in the sky, dream is a kite flying in the air, and struggle is an eagle's wing and a kite flying rope. They are intertwined and indispensable!


  In this season when the garden is full of fragrance, people do not stop and fight for our common dream. Feicheng is moving towards the reputation of a national health city. As a member of the city, each of us should do our part, even if it is just a drop in the bucket.

  Week_ In the morning, the students of classes 1 and 2 of Longshan middle school started voluntary labor under the leadership of the teacher. The activity was called "small hands, big hands, create a health city together". It was our goal to clean up the road from Xinhua Bookstore to the court. Our two teams of horsemen divided into two roads and started working on both sides of Ma Road.

  At the beginning, everyone was full of energy. They picked up the tools in their hands to wipe the billboards and eliminate the small advertisements. They ran from one pole to another, shoveled them with shovels and wiped them with rags. Only one of the students seriously stained the rags with water, rubbed them on the power lines, and then pulled them with their hands. Finally, they cleaned the psoriasis on the poles with shovels. It was too laborious, Some students want to retreat and put down their tools to strike. Many students complain that they are tired and lazy. Just when they are ready to quit, The teacher taught us: "how long have you been working for? Do you know how long the sanitation workers have to work every day? Now you can understand the hardships of the sanitation workers. Besides, for our dream of fat city, shouldn't you do your best?" After listening to this, everyone stood up one after another and threw themselves into the work again. Many students' arms were sore, but they still insisted on repeating the same action. The students got up again and our team moved forward quickly.

  Finally, after more than two hours of labor, the whole street was very clean, as if the sun was more brilliant, and the air was a lot fresher. The birds were singing happily in the blue sky. Our mood was much relaxed, and a sense of achievement surged into our hearts. In the campus, many students consciously picked up waste paper and spontaneously cleaned the campus. The teachers looked at us seriously and smiled with satisfaction.

  The blue sky is accompanied by a few floating clouds, the brilliant sunshine covers the land of Taodu, and the intoxicating fragrance of flowers is blowing with the breeze. This is our dream. This is the home in our hearts. For this dream, everyone gives his strength, unites himself and advances towards the dream.


  When my relatives and friends mentioned that university when I was young, I always had endless longing on my face. Perhaps since then, it has planted a seed of hope in my little heart. With the passage of time, it can not be forgotten, but gradually becomes clearer. For this deep-seated dream, keep working hard.

  When I tell others my own sacred dream, some people wish my dream come true with a fake smile, some people tell me straight away that I should not dream again, and no one is willing to believe me! But it doesn't matter. Maybe this dream can't be realized in a short time. Maybe this dream is still elusive. Maybe this dream is far away from me. I still firmly walk on the road of dream and make continuous efforts for it.

  I wake up at three o'clock in the morning and go to sleep with the moon, just for the firm dream in my heart. In the morning, when others are having sweet dreams under the warm quilt, I wake up from my sleep with the rising sun in the early morning, and use this time to memorize English words and mathematical formulas. In the evening, the noisy city was peaceful again, and I still carried out calculations again and again with geometric problems and physical experiments. I looked at the bright stars in the sky and asked myself countless times. However, the voice in my heart always told me: for my dream!

  Time goes by, year after year, just for the firm dream in my heart. In summer, the sound of cicadas disturbs my mood, and the sound of basketball landing on the playground is like the sound of nature, constantly teasing my heartstrings. But I was unmoved, holding the appreciation of ancient words and articles, sitting under an old locust tree in my chair, and began to read again and again. On the winter playground, the students were playing ball and running to keep out the cold, but I took the math problem that had not been solved, and another__ Gu was sitting on the wooden stool beside the playground. The wind was cold, but he was warm because of his hot and firm dream.

  On the road of dreams, there are also many stumbles and cynics. Although I am extremely sad after every failure in the exam, I can't beat me or let me give up my inner dream, because only I know how firmly I hold my dream, how eager I want to realize it, and even, how hard I have worked for my dream. Because of my beating heart, because of my ardent dream, I will always keep it in mind and never give up.

  Just because of a small vision when I was young, I am now desperate, my Fudan dream! Fudan dream in my heart! I will continue to work hard for it!


  In the happy room, we have ushered in the new school season in September, which means that we are about to say goodbye to the time of summer vacation, accept the baptism of new knowledge, put aside our previous fun mood, and devote ourselves to learning. Before the start of school, the school has arranged a special meaningful public welfare program, the first lesson of school. The theme of this year's first lesson of school is:, The reason why it is arranged in this period is simply to stabilize the morale of the army before the start of school, so as to better learn and grow through the annual inspirational events, so as to enter the learning state as much as possible.

  Watching the first class of the new school at 8:00 p.m. on the whole, we can't help but feel excited, because in the program of the first class of the new school every year, we can learn more heroic stories, as well as those pioneers who sacrificed their lives for the motherland. Their patriotism is very strong, and we, as future generations, should strive to inherit this spirit. Because of the future of the motherland, we should learn from excellent people, learn from their excellent qualities, and build the motherland in a better state. This is also our responsibility and obligation.

  Since 2008, the special program "the first lesson of the beginning of school" has been presented in front of us. Students who have known the program know that the main purpose of the program is to take the positive energy of each year as the theme, which makes us feel the great heroic deeds and spirits of the motherland, inspires the patriotic spirit and feelings of the majority of primary and secondary school students, and guides the correct values of the children, It will play a certain role in the future growth path. During this period, the children are taught by broadcasting programs. Compared with the traditional textbooks and books, the form of broadcasting programs is more popular with the majority of primary and secondary school students. This is also the reason why the students like it.

  "The first lesson of the new school" is a program worth watching for us. Its own significance and value can let us learn some different knowledge. It can be said that it is a good new platform for learning, and it can also make our inner feelings fruitful. Life is like spending it in a trance. When we look back on it again, we must find that many people are very remorseful, regretful, and even complain about why they spent their lives in this way. Therefore, a life with a goal is what we should have. By watching this issue of the first lesson of the beginning of school, we can understand that we should cherish the hard won life and time. Especially as teenagers, we should establish correct life values and ideal goals in real life and make positive progress. For this reason, our first task at present is to continue to learn and strive to grow. Only in the future can we make a modest contribution to the motherland.


  As the golden autumn sun shines into our classroom, the students enter the bright classroom, say hello to the teachers, and put themselves into the busy study. The students welcome the first school day on September 1. Speaking of the first school day on September 1, the feelings of students and friends are naturally complex. On the one hand, they miss the good time of summer vacation, and on the other hand, they look forward to meeting with their classmates and teachers, learning together, and pursuing the ideal of youth. Of course, I think the students are also looking forward to the large-scale education special program "the first lesson of the beginning of school" broadcast by CCTV on the evening of September 1 every year.

  Speaking of the first lesson of the new term, many students will say that this is a TV program that we often watch every year. The first lesson of the new term will invite some influential guests to tell stories of their own experiences, and the selected guests often match the theme of that year. From the stories told by these guests and the events they experienced, we can see the courage to fight and the perseverance to persist. We can also witness the gradual strength of the motherland from small to large. We can also witness the birth of new China from poverty to the present prosperous and powerful new generation, and witness the rapid progress of China's scientific and technological strength. These achievements made by new China make the students who watch the first lesson of the first semester feel proud of being Chinese, enhance their national self-confidence, and encourage them to study hard for the future and future of the motherland and enhance their own strength.

  This year's "the first lesson of the beginning of school" was also broadcast on the evening of September 1 as scheduled. I had dinner with my parents, grandparents and sat in front of the TV to wait for the broadcast of "the first lesson of the beginning of school". I really look forward to the broadcast of this program, because I am particularly interested in the invited guests. This program has narrowed the distance between us and them and made us understand that as long as we study hard, It can also achieve an extraordinary cause.

  With the hour hand reaching 8:00 p.m., this year's first lesson of the beginning of school was broadcast. The theme of this year's first lesson of the beginning of school is:. After the host's touching opening remarks, the guests also appeared in turn. The guests told their own stories in plain words. The wonderful telling of these personal stories is also a vivid expression of Chinese stories. Some of what the guests did was for some people and some was for the whole Chinese people. In the final analysis, it is the good qualities of the guests that make them willing to dedicate, and it is also their achievements that promote the progress of China. I think I have learned a lot from them. Among them, the most touching thing is that the times will not disappoint everyone who works hard. The Chinese dream is a result of hard work, and the new era is a result of down-to-earth construction. Only by persevering and moving forward bravely can we always cherish the original heart and finally reach the peak that our predecessors have never touched. Even though one's own strength is very small, we can do this for thousands of people. I think the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation is just around the corner!

  The first lesson of the new term is like this. In the narration of Chinese stories and ordinary words, it unconsciously sublimates our thoughts and makes us understand that only a strong motherland can have the happiness of every citizen. Let us also know that the success of any great cause begins with a single step and comes from unremitting efforts in ordinary years. I hope that all students can be positive and forward-looking, and cherish the yearning for the future, so as to live up to the youth and the new era!


  With the arrival of the breeze in September, we ended our happy summer vacation and ushered in the season of new school. The sound of reading rang out in the school, and there were many students happy to go to and from school on the road, so the whole city became lively! Every year, I look forward to a meaningful program at 8 o'clock in the evening, that is, the first lesson of the beginning of school. The purpose is to let primary and secondary school students feel some important learning examples in the motherland before the beginning of school, and hope to take this opportunity to wake us up from the sleep of the holiday.

  The theme of this year's first lesson is: after watching the first lesson every year, it will always arouse my enthusiasm for the new semester, and then strengthen my confidence to study hard in the new semester. In the new semester, I think many students will have their own goals and plans. In this semester, they will gradually carry out their learning plans and approach the goals with actions. Goals are very, very important for everyone. Without goals, our life would be meaningless. As students who hope for the future of the motherland, we should not only contribute our own strength to the development of the motherland with actions, but also set goals for our future life path and strive forward.

  The purpose of watching the first lesson of the beginning of school is to inspire the vast number of students through the heroic deeds and heroic spirit of the motherland in different fields every year, and to make them understand that when they encounter difficulties, they should be brave, forge ahead and strive to achieve their goals. We must not forget our original intention and keep our mission firmly in mind before we can achieve success in the end. The first lesson of the beginning of school is presented to each of our students in the form of a program in order to get a more comprehensive understanding of the historical stories of our motherland, each heroic story in different periods, and their character backgrounds. We should take their heroes as an example, and always remind our compatriots who grow up in the land of the motherland that we should have a strong patriotic and powerful spirit. Only with this spirit can the motherland go further and become stronger in the future. As teenagers, we should shoulder the heavy burden of the future builders and successors of the motherland.

  "The first lesson of the beginning of school" is a program worth watching for primary and middle school students across the country. Its own significance and value can give us a brand-new understanding of our thinking, which can be said to improve our ideological quality and make our inner feelings fruitful. By watching this issue of the first lesson of the beginning of school, we can understand that we should cherish the hard won life and time, especially as teenagers, make good use of our youth and study hard. In real life, we should establish correct life values and ideal goals and make positive progress. In addition, the most important thing is to always maintain ideological awareness and love the motherland. We should conscientiously study scientific and cultural knowledge, improve our abilities in all aspects, and make active efforts to become talents needed by the motherland and the party, so as to realize the value of life.

  After reading the first lesson of the new semester, I also have a clearer plan for my future study. First of all, I should establish a correct value concept and clearly know my goal. Then, in the aspect of learning, we should not only see the superficial scores, but also let ourselves receive more knowledge, understand every detail of our efforts, and strive to be a self-improvement and progressive youth. In life, we should be diligent and thrifty, and we should also cultivate our spirit of hard struggle. As the future successors of the motherland, I think this is the quality that young people in the new era should have.


  The speed of time rushing by is the most impressive. In a twinkling of an eye, the summer vacation is over. It's the beginning of the new year. It's time for students to go back to school and study. September 1 is the unified opening day for primary and secondary school students across the country. At the same time, this evening is also the time when the CCTV special program "the first lesson of the new school" is broadcasted. Speaking of the first lesson of the beginning of school, it is of great significance. Every year, different themes are presented to the audience. The program is full of positive energy, explaining the correct values and concepts of life to us.

  The first lesson of the new term in 2022 has a brand-new theme, "striving to achieve dreams", which makes people feel mixed feelings. As teenagers in the new era, we are extremely happy, but this happiness does not come easily. Therefore, we should also cherish our youth, work hard to learn cultural knowledge, improve our abilities and qualities in an all-round way, lay a good foundation for ourselves, and contribute our part to the society and the motherland in the future, so as to realize our maximum value.

  Watching the first lesson of the beginning of school in 2022, we can feel that everyone should have a dream, a correct goal and a direction in life. In the pursuit of his ideal life, he will continue to march forward bravely, not afraid of hardships, work hard, and harvest the future he wants. In addition, the life value of each of us needs to be created and fought well by ourselves. Despite the ups and downs in life, young people do not need to panic. We should always be firm, do practical things in a down-to-earth manner, and take every step of the way. I believe that we who strive hard will surely reap success. The road to realize our dreams is not far away. As long as we have perseverance and perseverance, a bright future will surely beckon to us.

  2022 is a special year, which coincides with the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Youth League. Therefore, 2022 is endowed with special significance. Today's happy life can not be separated from the correct leadership of the party and the assistance of the Communist Youth League. Therefore, each of us should cherish our present life. At the same time, we should shoulder the sense of mission entrusted by the times, be a good successor to the motherland in the future, study hard and work hard. The future of the new era needs us to continue to create, new chapters need to be constantly updated, and the future will be even better.


  The autumn is crisp, and the happy summer holiday has passed. What welcomes us is the new school season. On the evening of September 1, I turned on the TV early and began to wait for the first lesson of the new school year. For our young students, watching the program of the first lesson of the new school year is an indispensable part of the new school year. The first lesson of the new school year can benefit us a lot, and there are many places worth learning. The theme of the first lesson of this year's school year is striving to achieve dreams. After reading the first lesson of the new term, I learned a lot that I could not learn from textbooks, which gave me a deeper feeling, encouraged me to continue to move forward, and let me know how to shoulder my obligations and responsibilities as a primary and secondary school student.

  As a primary and secondary school student, we should correct our thinking, learn to bear hardships and stand hard work, establish personal lofty ideals and goals, pay attention to personal moral cultivation, develop good living habits and style, be willing to help others, and pay attention to national affairs.

  As a primary and secondary school student, you should always study hard, study hard, and master solid basic knowledge through systematic learning. It has formed a good learning style and set a clear learning goal, won the affirmation of teachers and students, and set a good learning example for classmates and friends.

  As a primary and secondary school student, we should actively participate in physical exercise, improve our physical quality, actively participate in various cultural and sports activities carried out by the school, participate in social practice, inherit and carry forward the spirit of hard work, enrich our after-school life, and make corresponding improvement in all aspects.

  As a primary and secondary school student, we should not only shape a healthy and confident me, but also look at problems with a developmental perspective. Everyone will have many shortcomings and shortcomings. We must constantly improve our ideological understanding, improve ourselves, and learn to adapt to the development requirements of society.

  April showers bring May flowers. We must firmly believe that through continuous learning and efforts, we will be able to become a student with ideals, morality, culture and discipline, meet challenges with excellent results, and contribute our life-long strength to socialist construction.
