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【#新概念英语# 导语】新概念英语作为一套世界闻名的英语教程,以其全新的教学理念,有趣的课文内容和全面的技能训练,深受广大英语学习者的欢迎和喜爱。为了方便同学们的学习,®文档大全网为大家整理了面的新概念第二册课文翻译及学习笔记,希望为大家的新概念英语学习提供帮助!

《新概念英语》第二册第82课: Monster or fish?


First listen and then answer the question.


What was the monster called?

Fishermen and sailors sometimes claim to have seen monsters in the sea. Though people have often laughed at stories told by seamen, it is now known that many of these 'monsters' which have at times been sighted are simply strange fish. Occasionally, unusual creatures are washed to the shore, but they are rarely caught out at sea. Some time ago, however, a peculiar fish was caught near Madagascar. A small fishing boat was carried miles out to sea by the powerful fish as it pulled on the line. Realizing that this was no ordinary fish, the fisherman made every effort not to damage it in any way. When it was eventually brought to shore, it was found to be over thirteen feet long. It had a head like a horse, big blue eyes, shining silver skin, and a bright red tail. The fish, which has since been sent to a museum where it is being examined by a scientist, is called an oarfish. Such creatures have rarely been seen alive by man as they live at a depth of six hundred feet.




monster n. 怪物

sailor n. 海员

sight v. 见到

creature n. 动物,生物

peculiar adj. 奇怪的,不寻常的

shining adj. 闪闪发光的

oarfish n. 桨鱼


1. Fishermen and sailors sometimes claim to have seen monsters in the sea.

1).to have seen是不定式的完成式结构。不定式的完成式用于不定式的动作发生在谓语动作之前的情况。不定式的完成式常用于believe,declare,find,say,see,know,think,understand等动词之后(这些动词常用被动语态):eg. I'm sorry to have taken up so much of your time.

2) claim: 宣称,断言

Claim (that)

eg. He claimed that Tom had stolen his wallet.

Claim to

eg. I don’t claim to be an expert

It is claimed that 据说

eg. It is claimed that some doctors were working 80 hours a week.

2. Though people have often laughed at stories told by seamen, it is now known that many of these "monsters" which have at times been sighted are simply strange fish.

laugh v. 笑

eg. Everybody laughed when the circus clown made his appearance.

laugh at: 因…而笑; 嘲笑

eg. Everybody laughs at my accents 大家都取笑我的口音

different ways of laughing

1.burst into laughter 突然大笑

2.crack a smile 展颜微笑,莞尔一笑

3.explode with laughter 哄堂大笑

4.force a smile 强作欢颜

at times: 有时 = now and then, occasionally,from time to time

eg. She's really rude at times.


eg. After twelve days at sea, they sighted land


3、Realizing that this was no ordinary fish...

=Realizing that this was not an ordinary fish...


eg.This is no easy work. 这绝对不是件容易干的活。

4. Occasionally, unusual creatures are washed to the shore, but they are rarely caught out at sea.

Wash 冲向 , 流向

eg.The rain has washed channels in the sand


eg. Pieces of wreckage were washed ashore .


5. Realizing that this was no ordinary fish, the fisherman made every effort not to damage it in any way..

make every effort to 尽一切努力

eg. He made every effort to climb to the top. 他尽一切努力爬到山顶

made every effort not to 尽一切努力、、、不

eg. the fisherman made every effort not to damage it


6. Such creatures have rarely been seen alive by man as they live at a depth of six hundred feet.

1)alive 主要用作表语(有时可用作后置定语,但不用作前置定语),可用于人或动物。

eg.He must be still alive

He’s the happiest man alive. 他世上最幸福的人。

注:若 alive 本身有修饰语,则也可用作前置定语。

eg.He is a really alive student. 他的确是一个十分活跃的学生。

2). living 可用作表语或定语,可用于人或物。

eg.Are your grandparents still living? 你的祖父母还健在吗?

eg. Both plants and animals are living things 动物和植物都是生物

3). live 通常只用作定语(前置),可用于动物或植物,但一般不用于人。

eg.Only a few live trees were left after the fire.


《新概念英语》83课: After the elections 大选之后


First listen and then answer the question.


Why did Patrick keep on asking the same question?

The former Prime Minister, Mr. Wentworth Lane, was defeated in the recent elections. He is now retiring from political life and has gone abroad. My friend, Patrick, has always been a fanatical opponent of Mr. Lane's Radical Progressive Party. After the elections, Patrick went to the former Prime Minister's house. When he asked if Mr. Lane lived there, the policeman on duty told him that since his defeat, the ex-Prime Minister had gone abroad. On the following day, Patrick went to the house again. The same policeman was just walking slowly past the entrance, when Patrick asked the same question. Though a little suspicious this time, the policeman gave him the same answer. The day after, Patrick went to the house once more and asked exactly the same question. This time, the policeman lost his temper. 'I told you yesterday and the day before yesterday,' he shouted, 'Mr. Lane was defeated in the elections. He has retired from political life and gone to live abroad!"

'I know,' answered Patrick, 'but I love to hear you say it!'





former adj. 从前的

defeat v. 打败

fanatical adj. 狂热的

opponent n. 反对者,对手

radical adj. 激进的

progressive adj. 进步的

ex- prefix (前缀,用于名词前)前......

suspicious adj. 怀疑的


1.The former Prime Minister, Mr. Wentworth Lane, was defeated in the recent elections. 前首相温特沃兹•莱恩先生在最近的大选中被击败。


Yesterday, he received a letter from his former wife/English teacher.


Former “以前的”、“在前面的”, the former president 前总统

Latter (刚提及的两者中)后者的,后面的

eg.Of the two the latter is far Better than the former


(2)the ex-Prime Minister had gone abroad.……这位前首相出国去了。

前缀ex-加在名词前表示“以前的”(相当于former),如ex-husband(前夫), ex-wife(前妻),ex-taxi-driver(前出租汽车司机),ex-manager(前任经理),ex-headmaster(前任校长)等。


He hopes to defeat his rival in next year's elections.


2.He is now retiring from political life and has gone abroad. 他现在退出了政界,到国外去了。

retire from 隐居;隐退: retire from political life 退出政治生活

退休:he retired from the business when he was 60.他60岁时退休了。

retire to 隐退,后退,离去: he retired to his own room after supper . 晚饭后,他退到他的房间。

3.Though a little suspicious this time…虽然那位警察这次有点疑心……


While at college, she wrote a novel.


(1)suspicious adj.

(a) 猜疑的,认为可疑的,对……起疑心的,多疑的:

If travellers look nervous, customs officers get suspicious.



You get a lot of suspicious-looking people in this bar.


固定搭配 be (fell) suspicious of (about)


If possible, please let me know by this evening.


He is better, though not yet cured. (= he is better, though he is not yet cured.)






When Susan goes to town, she will visit her grandma.



I will go where I am needed.



I have changed it as you suggest.



Mary didn't go shopping because I advised her not to.



They worked hard in order that they might succeed.



Waste must be treated so that it does not become a danger to life.



If he works hard, he will surely succeed.



Though we are all different, we need never be separate.



I was happier than I had ever been in my life.


《新概念英语》84课: On strike 罢工


First listen and then answer the question.


Who will be driving the buses next week?

Busmen have decided to go on strike next week. The strike is due to begin on Tuesday. No one knows how long it will last. The busmen have stated that the strike will continue until general agreement is reached about pay and working conditions. Most people believe that the strike will last for at least a week. Many owners of private cars are going to offer 'free rides' to people on their way to work. This will relieve pressure on the trains to some extent. Meanwhile, a number of university students have volunteered to drive buses while the strike lasts. All the students are expert drivers, but before they drive any of the buses, they will have to pass a special test. The students are going to take the test in two days' time. Even so, people are going to find it difficult to get to work. But so far, the public has expressed its gratitude to the students in letters to the Press. Only one or two people have objected that the students will drive too fast!




strike n. 罢工

busman n. 公共汽车司机

state v. 正式提出,宣布

agreement n. 协议

relieve v. 减轻

pressure n. 压力,麻烦

extent n. 程度

volunteer v. 自动提出,自愿

gratitude n. 感激

Press n. 新闻界

object v. 不赞成,反对


1. Busmen have decided to go on strike next week. 公共汽车司机决定下星期罢工。

Be on strike表示“在罢工”,这里的strike 是名词:

The workers are on strike. 工人们在罢工。

Break up a strike 破坏罢工

Call a strike 发动罢工

Call off a strike 停止罢工

Go on strike 实行罢工

2. The strike is due to begin on Tuesday. 罢工定于星期二开始。


be due to do sth. 定于(某时做某事)

The plane is due(to arrive)in London at 9 o'clock.


be due to +n. 由于……,因为……

Our delay was due to the heavy traffic.


3. The busmen have stated that the strike will continue until general agreement is reached about pay and working conditions.


State :

(1) 可以用作动词 “ 陈述;指定

Please state your name, age and occupation on the form.


Only to be used on the state date


(2) 也可以用作名词“状况”;

The messy garden is in a state of neglect.


(3) 隆重的礼仪;

The President was received in state


(4) 州,邦

In China, the railways are owned by the state.


4. This will relieve pressure on the trains to some extent. 这将在某种程度上减轻对火车的压力

(1) Relive vt

(a) 减少,减轻;

A drug that relieves headaches 缓解头痛的药。


Let me relieve you of that heavy parcel


Relieve onself 解手 (也可以用 answer nature’s call ,回应大自然的号召来表达此意)

Relieve sb’s mind 解除某人的担忧

(2) to some extent = to a certain extent在一定程度上:

The weather has helped me to some/a certain extent.


To a great/some extent 很大程度上

To such an extent that 到这样的程度以致…….

5. Meanwhile, a number of university students have volunteered to drive buses while the strike lasts. 与此同时,有一部分大学生自愿在罢工期间驾驶公共汽车

(1) vt. , vi.自愿,自动提出,自愿提供:

Volunteer to do 自愿做…

He volunteered to work overtime.


volunteered for 自愿…

Frank has volunteered for the army.


(2) n. 自愿参加者,志愿者:

The road was built by volunteers.


Are there any volunteers for a try?


6. But so far, the public has expressed its gratitude to the students in letters to the Press. 但到目前为止,公众已经向新闻界写信表达他们对学生们的感激之情了。


(1)(前面与the 连用) 新闻界, 报刊评论;

The freedom of the press 新闻自由

(2) 出版业

The university press 大学出版社

(3) 记者们(集合名词,后面动词用单数或复数均可)

The press have/has been invited to a press conference to hear the government’s statement on the event.


7.Only one or two people have objected that the students will drive too fast!只有一两个人提出反对意见,说学生们会把车开得太快!


They objected that the book was too difficult for them.


