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【#新概念英语# 导语】新概念英语作为一套世界闻名的英语教程,以其全新的教学理念,有趣的课文内容和全面的技能训练,深受广大英语学习者的欢迎和喜爱。为了方便同学们的学习,©文档大全网为大家整理了面的新概念第二册课文翻译及学习笔记,希望为大家的新概念英语学习提供帮助!

《新概念英语》第二册第58课:A blessing in desguise?


First listen and then answer the question.


Why does the vicar refuse to cut down the tree?

The tiny village of Frinley is said to possess a 'cursed tree'. Because the tree was mentioned in a newapaper, the number of visitors to Frinley has now increased. The tree was planted near thechurch fifty years ago, but it is only in recent years that it has gained an evil reputation. It is said that if anyone touches the tree, he will have bad luck; if he picks a leaf, he will die. Many villagers believe that the tree has already claimed a number of victims. The vicar has been asked to have the tree cut down, but so far he has refused. He has pointed out that the tree is a useful source of income, as tourists have been coming from all parts of the country to see it. In spite of all that has been said, the tourists have been picking leaves and cutting their names on the tree-trunk. So far, not one of them has been struck down by sudden death!




blessing n. 福分,福气

disguise n. 伪装

tiny adj.极小的

possess v.拥有

cursed adj.可恨的

increase v.增加

plant v.种植

church n.教堂

evil adj.坏的

reputation n.名声

claim v.以......为其后果

victim n.受害者,牲牺品

vicar n.教区牧师

source n.来源

income n.收入

trunk n.树干


is sad to do据说

cut down砍断砍倒

so far目前为止,直到现在


1,be said to do据说(The tiny village of Frinley is said to possess a 'cursed tree')

有多种表示,比如is claimed to do,is considered to do等

the rain is said to be the biggest in history.据说这场雨是。

2,强调句(it is only in recent years that it has gained an evil reputation)


例:it is you that I want marry,not her.我要娶得人是你,不是她。

《新概念英语》第二册第59课:In or out?


First listen and then answer the question.


Why did Rex run away?


Our dog, Rex, used to sit outside our front gate and dark. Every time he wanted to come into the garden he would bark until someone opened the gate. As the neighbours complained of the noise, my husband spent weeks training him to press his paw on the latch to let himself in. Rex soon became an expert at opening the gate. However, when I was going out shopping last week, I noticed him in the garden near the gate. This time he was barking so that someone would let him out! Since then, he has developed another bad habit. As soon as he opens the gate from the outside, he comes into the garden and waits until the gate shuts. Then he sits and barks until someone lets him out. After this he immediately lets himself in and begins barking again. Yesterday my husband removed the gate and Rex got so annoyed we have not seen him since.




bark v. 狗叫,吠

press v. 按,压

paw n. 脚爪

latch n. 门闩

expert n. 专家

develop v. 养成

habit n. 习惯

remove v. 拆掉,取下


complain of就某件事而发牢骚,抱怨

so that目的在于,以期能够


1,as用法汇总(As the neighbours complained of the noise, my husband spent weeks training him to press his paw on the latch to let himself in)


例:as a citizen, we should keep our city clean.作为一名市民,我们应该保持城市清洁。



2,becaome an expert at doing成了干某事的行家(Rex soon became an expert at opening the gate)

意思上要比be good at强烈

例:She is an expert at solving problems.她是解决问题专家。

3,spend,cost,take的区别(my husband spent weeks training him to press his paw on the latch to let himself in)


例:I spend money buying cake.

cost主语是物,后面加to do

例:the cake costs me 200 yuan to buy.

take主语是物,后面加to do,但take是花时间,cost是花钱

《新概念英语》第二册第60课:The future


First listen and then answer the question.


Does what Madam Bellinsky said come true?

At a village fair, I decided to visit a fortune-teller called Madam Bellinsky. I went into her tent and she told me to sit down. After I had given her some money, she looked into a crystal ball and said: 'A relation of yours is coming to see you. She will be arriving this evening and intends to stay for a few days. The moment you leave this tent, you will get a big surprise. A woman you know well willrush towards you. She will speak to you and then she will lead you away from this place. That is all.'

As soon as I went outside, I forgot all about Madam Bellinsky because my wife hurried towards me. 'Where have you been hiding?' she asked impatiently. 'Your sister will be here in less than an hour and we must be at the station to meet her. We are late already.' As she walked away, I followed her out of the fair.





future n. 未来,前途

fair n. 集市

fortune-teller n. 算命人

crystal n. 水晶

relation n. 亲属

impatiently adv. 不耐烦地


look into朝里看,调查,研究


1,双重所有格(Arelation of yours is coming to see you)


例:a friend of mine我的一个朋友

例:shirts of yours你的衬衫

2,intend to(She will be arriving this evening and intends to stay for a few days)

intend名词是intention,目的。intend to do就是“目的是……”“打算……”“有意愿……”

例:she intends to break into my house, but fails.她打算硬闯我家,但是没闯进来

