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【#英语资源# 导语】©文档大全网整理了高错误率考题主要围绕几种出现频率较高的题型:Factual Information questions细节题,Negative Factual Information questions排除题,Rhetorical Purpose questions修辞目的题,Sentence Simplification questions简化句子题,Prose Summary文章内容小结题。一起来看看!

1、Factual Information questions细节题

细节题也称为事实信息题,考察方向主要围绕对文章细节的定位和理解展开。常见问题形式为:According to paragraph X, which/what/why...or in paragraph X, the author suggests/indicates...



In seeking to describe the origins of theater, one must rely primarily on speculation, since there is little concrete evidence on which to draw. The most widely accepted theory, championed by anthropologists in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, envisions theater as emerging out of myth and ritual. The process perceived by these anthropologists may be summarized briefly. During the early stages of its development, a society becomes aware of forces that appear to influence or control its food supply and well-being. Having little understanding of natural causes, it attributes both desirable and undesirable occurrences to supernatural or magical forces, and it searches for means to win the favor of these forces. Perceiving an apparent connection between certain actions performed by the group and the result it desires, the group repeats, refines and formalizes those actions into fixed ceremonies, or rituals. (TPO1 THE ORIGINS OF THEATER)

According to paragraph 1, theories of the origins of theater

A. Are mainly hypothetical

B. Are well supported by factual evidence

C. Have rarely been agreed upon by anthropologists

D. Were expressed in the early stages of theater’s development

[以origins of theater为关键词定位至本段第一句,one must rely primarily on speculation, 主要靠推测,也就是A, 主要是推论的。B和C选项跟原本相似,但是内容相反,D选项文章下文有提及,但是跟剧院起源的理论无关,说的是在剧院发展的早期阶段社会意识到了能影响和控制食物产量的力量]

2、Negative Factual Information questions排除题




This unprecedented development of a finite groundwater resource with an almost negligible natural recharge rate—that is, virtually no natural water source to replenish the water supply—has caused water tables in the region to fall drastically. In the 1930’s, wells encountered plentiful water at a depth of about 15 meters; currently, they must be dug to depths of 45 to 60 meters or more. In places, the water table is declining at a rate of a meter a year, necessitating the periodic deepening of wells and the use of ever-more-powerful pumps. It is estimated that at current withdrawal rates, much of the aquifer will run dry within 40 years. The situation is most critical in Texas, where the climate is driest, the greatest amount of water is being pumped, and the aquifer contains the least water. It is projected that the remaining Ogallala water will, by the year 2030, support only 35 to 40 percent of the irrigated acreage in Texas that is supported in 1980. (TPO3 Depletion of the Ogallala Aquifer)

According to paragraph 4, all of following are consequences of the heavy use of the Ogallala aquifer for irrigation EXCEPT:

A. The recharge rate of the aquifer is decreasing.

B. Water tables in the region are becoming increasingly lower.

C. Wells now have to be dug to much greater depths than before.

D. Increasingly powerful pumps are needed to draw water from the aquifer.

[分别以recharge rate, water tables, wells, powerful pumps做关键词定位至本段前三句,B/C/D三项以并列连续的方式在原文中出现,而A选项,讲述内容跟文章对应信息不符,说明的是蓄水层的补水率低不是选项说的补水率在下降,而且跳出这道题看,随着地下水位的下降,井必须打得更深,水泵必须功率更大,这是一系列的因果关系,只有A不是这个因果序列中的]

3、IRhetorical Purpose questions修辞目的题

修辞目的题考察的是考生对文章段落逻辑关系的把握。只有很好的明白文章段落是以何种方式展开的,考生才能准确得选出正确答案。常见形式:题目Why does author mention...? 选项To provide/ suggest/explain...

解题方法:首先看所考察内容所在句子里或者前后有没有明显的指示词,比如句子前有for example, 则举例子是为证明前一句的观点,如果句子后面有因果连接词比如therefore,则所考察内容是为了引出后文结论。如果所考察内容所在句子里或者前后没有明显的指示词,则需要分析整段落的结构关系,一般这时答案往前找,常见为这段的主旨句。


Most of the world’s potable water—freshwater suitable for drinking—is accounted for by groundwater, which is stored in the pores and fractures in rocks. There is more than 50 times as much freshwater stored underground than in all the freshwater rivers and lakes of Earth. At greater depths within Earth, the pressure of the overlying rock causes pores and cracks to close, reducing the space that pore water can occupy, and almost complete closure occurs at a depth of about 10 kilometers. The greatest water storage, therefore, lies near the surface. (TPO28 groundwater)

In paragraph1, why does the author mention “the pressure of the overlying rock”?

A. To show how water can be forced deep under Earth’s surface

B. To show why groundwater is more plentiful than surface freshwater

C. To correct a commonly made error about the location of groundwater

D. To explain why most groundwater lies near Earth’s surface

[正确答案:D。在高亮部分的描写之后,本段的最后一句出现了,therefore。这里也是在说the pressure of the overlying rock导致的结果,也就是文章提到它的目的。其结果是,大部分的水储都在比较表面的地方。所以其目的就是要解释为什么水都在表面的地方。因此选D]

4、Sentence Simplification questions简化句子题

简化句子题考察是考生分析长难句的能力,即可以准确的区分句子主要内容和次要信息以及它们两者之间的逻辑关系。常见问题形式:Which of the sentences below best expresses the essential information in the highlighted sentence in the passage? Incorrect choices change the meaning in important ways or leave out essential information?



For example, some early societies ceased to consider certain rites essential to their well-being and abandoned them, nevertheless, they retained as parts of their oral tradition the myths that had grown up around the rites and admired them for their artistic qualities rather than for their religious usefulness.

Which of the sentences below best expresses the essential information in the highlighted sentence in the passage? Incorrect choices change the meaning in important ways or leave out essential information.

A. A society’s rites were more likely to be retained in the oral tradition if its myths were admired for artistic qualities.

B. The artistic quality of a myth was sometimes an essential reason for a society to abandon it from the oral tradition.

C. Some early societies stopped using myths in their religious practices when rites ceased to be seen as useful for social well-being.

D. Myths sometimes survived in a society’s tradition because of their artistic qualities even after they were no longer deemed religiously beneficial.

[原句转折,说仪式虽然被抛弃了,但随着仪式产生的戏剧却保留了下来,所以原句重心在后半段。A是条件,错,而且原文说rites没保留,A反了;B和A错的原因类似,首先因果关系错,其次myths没抛弃,说反了;C也错在抛弃了myths, 与原文相反,D正确]

5、Prose Summary文章内容小结题






A. Birch is one of the few species of tree that can survive in the extreme environments of the upper timberline. [选项提到了具体的树种桦树,明显是一个例子,细节选项,不选]

B. There is no agreement among scientists as to exactly why plant growth is sharply different above and below the upper timberline. [There is选项对应第四段首句,正确]

C. The temperature at the upper timberline is probably more important in preventing tree growth than factors such as the amount of snowfall or the force of winds. [此选项非常具有误导性,内容完全符合文章内容,可以直接从段落中找出,但是却也是个细节信息,不选]

D. The geographical location of an upper timberline has an impact on both the types of trees found there and their physical characteristics. [The geographical选项对应第二段的第三句和第三段的首句,正确]

E. High levels of ultraviolet light most likely play a greater role in determining tree growth at the upper timberline than do grazing animals such as the ibex. [虽然文章有提到ultraviolet light, 但是并没有进行比较,选项错]

F. Despite being adjacent to the timberline, the alpine tundra is an area where certain kinds of low trees can endure high winds and very low temperatures. [Despite选项对应原文的最后两句,正确]




