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【#英语资源# 导语】愉快的暑假生活即将结束了,校园生活就要开始了。回顾丰富多彩的暑假,有许多有趣的、快乐的收获。以下是©文档大全网为大家整理的内容,欢迎阅读参考。


  Summer vacation is happy and happy. Why is my summer vacation boring. I really hope my younger brothers and sisters in Hunan can come and play with me. I didn't expect my hope to become true. They arrived at my house at noon on August 4.

  "Ding Dong, Ding Dong, Ding Dong" must be them. As soon as I opened the door, a little girl stood in front of me. I thought I rang the wrong bell. I asked her, "who are you looking for?" She didn't speak, so I closed the door. The doorbell rang again. As soon as I opened the door, I saw my uncle and a brother and sister. Oh! It was they who came. I looked carefully. The girl didn't ring the doorbell just now. It's really a big change for women. Before, my sister was black and ugly. This time she was much more beautiful and adorable than last time.

  My summer vacation is interesting! When they came to my house, it became lively. We ate vegetables together when we ate, grabbed the remote control when we watched TV, and grabbed milk when we drank milk. When they came, my mother went to buy clothes and skirts for them. They bought them for five or six hundred dollars. I was so angry that I bought them for one bag each. They ate my own. I went to tell my mother that my mother came to scold me instead. I liked to drink them to play. I hated them for causing me to be beaten.

  They will leave on August 20. I still don't want them to leave. They have left. I

  They're gone. No one's robbing me. Man! It's strange that they feel noisy when they are there, and they feel quiet when they are not there.


  In my memory, the summer vacation was pleasant, long and colorful. If summer vacation is a vast sky, then I am a bird flying freely in the sky; If the summer vacation is the blue sea, then I am the fish that shuttle freely in the sea... The boundless paddy field; Hardworking and simple farmers; I came to the beautiful countryside again in the interesting courtyard. Summer is a hospitable girl. After the rain, the river rises and the river surface becomes wide and bright. When the wind blows, the river sometimes beats the pebbles on the bank, and sometimes beats the grass that just sticks out on the bank. In the hot season, the little friends regard the river as a playground. By the river, some are fishing; Some are playing with water; Some are chatting on the side. My little friend and I don't have the patience to fish, and we have nothing to talk about. Let's stay here. We are bored again, so we go to play in the water.

  My friends and I took up our trouser legs and went into the river. I don't know who splashed the water. A water battle broke out. You splashed me and I splashed you. The clear water, accompanied by the children's happy laughter, splashed to the ends of the earth. Unconsciously, we have been playing for several hours, and we are going home. At this time, look at ourselves, the trouser legs and sleeves have been soaked

  Although I was scolded that time, I was still very happy.


  During the summer vacation, I went to Zhengzhou and went to the aquarium in Zhengzhou.

  The main project of Zhengzhou aquarium has seven segmented venues, one scene for each. What is amazing is that there is an undersea tunnel about 70 meters long in the undersea tunnel Museum. When walking in the undersea tunnel, tourists can not only see sharks, rays and other large marine fish swimming above and around. Walking in the tunnel, there is blue sea water on the top and on the left and right sides. There are fake stones and a big shark inside. This is the first time that I have been so close to the shark. I feel that it is not so fierce, but so friendly.

  I also enjoyed the large-scale Mermaid performance. The mermaid wore a fish tail. It's beautiful to swim with fish in the water.

  In the aquarium, I also watched the performances of dolphins and sea lions. Dolphins performed jumping circles. Sea lions are really powerful and can calculate. Give yourself a hand when you perform. They all performed and sang. That's funny!!

  There, we visited many fish. For example, silver pomfret is called fierce Silver Pomfret. I also learned a lot about it: silver pomfret is produced in the Amazon River Basin of South America. Because its body shape and habits are similar to those of the piranha pomfret, it is also called the piranha Pomfret. The lower jaw of silver pomfret is upturned and developed. Its teeth are firm and sharp, and it has an extremely keen sense of smell. My character is very fierce. It is extremely vulnerable to the stimulation of bloody smell and splashing sound. There are also beautiful African princes and flower dinosaurs.

  On the second floor, there are coral chars and big turtles.

  We also saw sea dragons and seahorses, which are only ten centimeters long.

  Later, we went to Songshan Shaolin Temple. When you look at Tallinn, the number of towers there is different. It is 7. As the saying goes: save one's life and create a level 7 floating Tu!!


  As soon as I talk about summer vacation, I think of heat. Oh, I'm thinking of my mother. Because it's summer vacation, I can go to my mother so that I can see her. I remember one day I had a dream that I saw him. I dreamt that I said a lot of sweet words to him. Then my tears fell down. Talked to the corner of my mouth and then I woke up!

  Summer vacation, our summer vacation is between July and August, but I also heard that this summer vacation may require make-up classes, which I am very reluctant to do, because last year I made up for it. This year I really don't want to make up for it, because I don't feel it is of any use. I'd rather be frozen to death than be heated to death. Cold, you can wear more, but hot, you can tell me you can take off more, it's impossible. And the hotter it is, the worse the people sitting by the door are. First, we can't blow down the air conditioner. Secondly, the fan is not cool. It really tells us how to live. If you are a boy, it's nothing if you sweat every day, but a girl sweats every day, and her body is sticky. It's really uncomfortable.

  I remember that during the winter vacation last year, I helped my mother work for a month and earned 5000 yuan. It happened that my living expenses and other accommodation expenses were all covered. And if this summer vacation is two months, does it mean that I can earn 10000 yuan? So I still want to have a holiday. First of all, I'm so poor in my hometown. How can I live. If you're in the house during the summer vacation, it's really hot outside, so I don't want to go out at all during the summer vacation, and when it comes to the summer vacation, I'll be completely exposed. What I want to do now is to pass the summer vacation quickly so that I can be happy. He said that once the summer vacation passes, it means that I will go to school again. Alas, it is a very difficult thing.


  Summer vacation always makes our pupils yearn for it, but waiting for the time of summer vacation makes people feel like a year.

  I always hope! I'm looking forward to that summer vacation, but this summer vacation is not as complete, beautiful and interesting as I thought. I think it is essential to arrange time reasonably. However, my summer vacation was integrated into my studies, and I was too tired to breathe. Every time I finished writing a composition, I just wanted to have a rest. My father's lion roaring skill and my mother's nagging skill were all around my ears. It was really hard luck! I can't even do it!

  I want to watch TV in the evening. My mother said that it's almost 11 o'clock. I want to go to bed. Watching TV will be bad for my eyes. I have no choice but to go to bed. I just got up in the morning and wanted to watch some comics to wake up. My father read them and said: don't waste time on comics, do you know? As the saying goes, "the plan of the day is in the morning." it's such a good time to get an English book to read. Here it is again. God beg me!

  Although the summer vacation is a little bitter, it is hard, but there are happy times. When I have time, I can go swimming with my cousin. The water fight makes me feel carefree. Without my father's lion roaring skill and my mother's nagging, I can only say one word: cool! I really want to have a good time.

  Although my parents are very strict, I always laugh when I joke. This summer holiday, I went to the beautiful lotus mountain to enjoy the beautiful scenery, and returned to my hometown to let my vision open. I also saw the lifelike sculptures. Here I feel like a bird in a cage flying to the nature, very open.

  This is my summer vacation!


  In my eyes, the summer vacation is happy, joyful, long, rich and interesting... Before the exam, we always look forward to the summer vacation, thinking that there will be no teacher's criticism, no large amount of homework, no

  If summer vacation is the sky, I am a bird, circling in the blue sky, sometimes straight into the clouds, sometimes playing with the clouds; If the summer vacation is the sea, I am a fish, flying through the coral group, and excited to burst out of the water

  I'm a bookworm. I'm only busy studying at ordinary times. I don't have more free time to read. In the summer vacation, I can spare a lot of time to read. I can eat spiritual food again. I can spare a lot of time to read in the library. I can also borrow my favorite books home and swim in the ocean of books.

  I also like swimming very much. Swimming is the most physical exercise. I have to have classes and do my homework. It takes up our exercise time. In the summer vacation, I can swim freely in the water again. Therefore, I go swimming every day. Swimming can not only exercise but also avoid the summer.

  Just because of the summer vacation, I have enough time to go to the library to learn the natural and scientific knowledge that I am interested in, and go swimming with my friends. It seems that we can never finish listening to the lessons and writing the homework. When we have time, we can do something meaningful and happy. The summer vacation is good!


  One day in the summer vacation, I went hiking with my father.

  In a tree on the mountain, I saw a nest of birds. All of a sudden, a little friend came and tried to hit the bird with a slingshot. Dad hurriedly said, "I can't hurt the birds." I also hurriedly said, "birds are our friends. That's what the teacher said. Didn't your teacher tell you?" The child blushed and said, "I know. I won't shoot birds anymore..."

  The children left. I asked my father, "Daddy, the bird can't fly. What if someone hurts it in the future?" Dad thought for a while, and without saying anything, he took me home.

  Back home, dad found a piece of wood and wrote on it: "love birds". Oh, I see. We went back to the mountain and placed the wooden card under the tree with birds. Several grandfathers who were walking saw it and said, "yes, we should love the birds. This little girl is really a good child." I was so happy to hear that

  At this time, the birds in the tree, chirping, seemed to thank us!


  Students, everyone had a good time in the summer vacation! Let me talk about the interesting things that happened in my summer vacation! That day, my mother bought back a group of loaches, which were very interesting. My sister and I are worried about fun! Seeing these loaches, I met and had an idea.

  My sister and I held a unique game of catching loach. My parents were the judges. The rules are as follows: the referee will first divide the loach into two halves and put them into two pots. One minute will be counted to see who catches more and then wins.

  The competition started. My sister was so fierce that she immediately entered the role and used her unique skill - Jiuyin white bone claw. The scene was no less than catching me at ordinary times. After a while, they caught seven. To be honest, this kind of competition is quite stressful for a careless person like me. But I'm not willing to be outdone, so I used our ancestral secret book - Roche King Kong claw. Who says men can only catch money, I can also catch loach! He caught a dozen or so at once. We had a heated fight, and a fire was added to the hot room. Because I was nervous, a loach slipped out of my hand. I didn't have time to care about it, so I continued to catch it.

  It's time. My sister lost to me at 37:35. Looking at our tired heads sweating and the house full of water, my parents were laughing. Dad jumped up more like a child. Suddenly, a loach sprang out of dad's pocket


  The summer vacation has finally arrived, and you can enjoy yourself again. You don't have to be afraid of getting up early because of being late, or not having your homework finished, or being scolded by your teacher. You can sleep in early summer vacation. No matter how late you do your homework, you don't have to worry about being scolded. But you can't lie in all day! Therefore, my parents made a summer life schedule for me and let me do it according to the schedule. But, you said I would follow the schedule? Hee hee! I'm sure not! Because I like a free life, not a free life.

  In the summer vacation, I read books, write homework and keep a diary. If I'm in a good mood, I'll call my classmates and have a chat. It's very interesting to have a chat with grandpa and grandma! However, the most interesting thing is to listen to Grandpa's stories, talk about the past and the present with him, and sometimes bring out many jokes!

  I remember once, my brother and I argued about Cao Cao. I said, "Cao Cao is a deceitful villain, not a good thing." My brother said, "he is not a deceitful villain." When Grandpa heard this, he laughed at me and said, "Cao Cao is really not a deceitful villain. He is a famous poet and politician. Do you know, silly grandson, don't say that in the future. It will kill you." After listening, I nodded and said, "I know, I know. I will not say that he is a liar in the future."


  The summer vacation began. Because I didn't do well in the final exam, my mother decided not to take me anywhere for the first month of the summer vacation. She specially did her homework at home and wrote a composition every day. At first, I complained a lot, but after a few days of such a life, I found that I was used to it and thought it was a beautiful life.

  When I say this, some people will ask, what's good about studying and doing homework at home every day? Then let me tell you. Just two days before I finished the test, before my grades came out, my mother went to work. Nobody cared about me. I just sat on the sofa every day, watching my cell phone or TV, to kill time. However, no matter how good-looking things are, they will get tired of them. But when I put down my mobile phone, I had nothing to do, because my mother went to work, and my grandfather didn't want to take me out to play because the weather was too hot, so I felt that time was hard to endure. It was not like studying. I always felt that time was not enough.

  Now, I have a full life every day. I do my summer homework in the morning and have classes in the dance class in the afternoon. When I have free time, I will be sent to the bookstore to read. In the evening, I will take a walk outside. When I go to bed, I will preview the fifth grade lessons. The busy and full day will pass like this.

  I study like this every day, not to eat a fat man at a time, but to add up every day. Although it is not difficult, it must be continuous and continuous.

  Come on, there is no end to hard work.
