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【#英语资源# 导语】同学们,大家在暑假都玩得很开心吧!下面是®文档大全网整理的内容,希望对你们有帮助!


  Half of the summer vacation has passed, and I have finished my homework long ago. In the rest of the day, I wanted to have fun. However, my parents forced me to learn this and that. If I was unwilling, they asked me if I was proud, and then they gave me a lecture for no reason, saying a lot of doctrines and saying it was for my good. I really don't know what they thought.

  I get up in the morning and wash first. Then, my mother didn't even give me the time to eat breakfast, forcing me to write my Olympiad math homework. After writing, I should have lunch. After lunch, my mother didn't let me take a nap, so she let me write my composition. After writing, I knew it was time to learn English online. I studied for three or four hours.

  After dinner, I went out for a walk. When I came back, I had to take a shower. Then my father urged me to go to bed early to welcome the new day.

  Alas, the day passed in such a vague way. In the evening, I lie down in front of the bed, watching the stars blink freely, thinking: what meaningful things have I done today? Not at all! I have entered a dream. I dream of doing my homework.

  The summer vacation I'm looking forward to is not like this! It is a combination of work and rest. It is very bright and sunny. It's not like before the exam, struggling in the sea of learning all day and suffering in exercises. I don't want it!

  Maybe in the eyes of parents, summer vacation is a golden time for learning. But in the eyes of our primary school students, summer vacation is a relaxing day.

  Mom and Dad, please respect us. I am the master of my summer vacation.


  Unknowingly, the relaxed and happy summer vacation is about to pass. As soon as school started, I was a primary school student in Grade 5. Looking back on my past summer life, I felt full and happy.

  As the saying goes: no rules, no square. Therefore, just after the holiday, with the help of my mother, I made a detailed holiday plan and lived and studied as planned every day. Relax your mood and reap happiness.

  Life lies in sports. Every morning, accompanied by the beautiful songs of birds, my mother and I got up early. After washing, we went to the stadium to play badminton and run... These events have become my strengths. Look, how good my body is now! After the exercise, after breakfast, I began to study, Chinese homework, English homework and math practice. After finishing these homework in class, I read books, because books are human nutrition. Then I copy the good words and sentences in the books. Over time, these sentences and words can be used in my own articles. Under this reasonable arrangement, I not only didn't hate learning, but also tasted the fun of learning in the harvest.

  "Work with ease, work without tiredness." This is a saying my mother often says when she is working. You can play silly and learn silly. Therefore, I changed this sentence to: "work and leisure, learning is not tired." Every time I finish my study, I will relax a little, such as looking for friends to play or watching TV. So, in every day of the summer vacation, I had a full and happy life, and I didn't feel tired at all.

  Nature is a book that can never be read. We need to read it carefully; Nature is like a beautiful picture, which needs us to enjoy it. In the summer vacation, my parents also arranged two trips for me, one to my father's hometown Jilin and the other to my mother's hometown Suiping. In the process of traveling, I marveled at the beautiful scenery of the motherland and felt the strong family affection.

  This summer holiday, I not only had a full and happy life, but also gained a lot of knowledge. It draws a complete end to the study and life of the fourth grade, and is full of infinite expectations for the coming fifth grade.

  How was your summer vacation? Let me also tell you!


  One summer holiday, my father took me and my two cousins, Li Jialin and Li Quanlin, to the ecological park.

  When I came to the ecological park, I saw a sea of people and countless people. We first played the pirate ship. There were many people on the ship. Fortunately, there were several positions. We got on the ship, sat down and fastened our safety belts. The pirate ship moved slowly. At the beginning, the swing range was very small, and the swing was gradually higher and higher. We seemed to be sailing on the water. After a while, my head began to feel a little dizzy. Later, it became more and more dizzy. I regretted sitting on the pirate ship. The boat finally stopped. I breathed a long sigh of relief, but my head was still dizzy. After we got off the boat, we stopped for a while, and my head was awake.

  Then, we went to see a three-dimensional film, and the staff gave each of us a pair of glasses. My two cousins asked curiously, "our eyes are not short-sighted. Why should we wear glasses?" Staff said: "after you put on your glasses, you feel like you are in a movie." The brothers put on their glasses and were startled. It turned out that a snake suddenly appeared in the image, as if to attack us. At that time, a large stone fell from the top and killed the snake. It was so terrible that we were scared into a cold sweat.

  Finally, we played the Ferris Ring car again. The Ferris Ring car is one of my most feared games. We sat on it. At the beginning, there was a 360 degree rotation. I pushed the board with my legs and held the seat belt tightly. It finally stopped.

  It was dark, and we reluctantly left the ecological park. I think it would be nice to play in the ecological park every day!


  With the footsteps of summer girls, my happy summer life began!

  The summer morning is beautiful. When the eastern sky is not clear, I run to the balcony and take a breath of fresh air. I immediately feel relaxed and happy - the air is good! When the sun rises, I take out a book and read it silently. There is no loud noise in my ears, no strange sound of car horns, and I just feel the gentle morning wind caressing my ears. No one bothers me. I feel comfortable doing anything. When the shouting of cars and the laughter of people came from afar, the day of summer vacation began.

  Unfortunately, the happy summer vacation turned into a miserable job in a few days. We were born with our work, but it has become more heavy. Because we have been busy for a semester and it is time for the final examination, our work at this time is to grasp every minute, try to memorize every question, and show our usual work results during the examination, so as not to let our work be wasted.

  After the tense exams, we entered a relaxed and happy summer vacation, but now it is not very easy. Every day we have to run around to make up for the lessons, English and math, one lesson after another, one subject after another, and we have to do homework at home. The job of the summer vacation is to prepare for the next school period.

  After the summer vacation, I will go to meet new problems and new tests. In the new semester, work is the most difficult and tiring, and also the most important semester in primary school.

  Work is what we must do. We are born to do work. When we go to school, our work is hard, when we rest, our work is enjoyment, when we play, our work is relaxation... Let's taste the sweets and bitters of work!


  On July 18, my mother and I went to Weihai by plane and started our journey to Weihai.

  Weihai is a coastal city, so the weather is not so hot, and the sea breeze often blows, which makes people feel very cool. Moreover, I think Weihai is a very clean city. There is basically no garbage on the streets, and there is little dust. My shoes are clean for several days, which makes me like this city at once.

  We went to Liugong Island and Chengshantou. I saw the blue and endless sea, the seagulls flying and resting on the sea, and the fog that I could see but could not touch. Just like in the fairyland, I also heard the sound of big waves beating against the rocks. The sound was like a monster roaring at the foot of the mountain. When the sea wind from the mountain hit me, I shivered all over. I also tasted the sea water, How salty!

  Among the two scenic spots, I also visited the palace of Qin Shihuang, the end of the sky, the three halls, the whale Museum, and the Museum of the Sino Japanese War of 1894. The Museum of the Sino Japanese War of 1894 impressed me most.

  In the museum, I saw the warships, weapons, telescopes and other cultural relics used in previous wars. I also learned that the heroes of the Sino Japanese War of 1894-1895 included Ding Ruchang and Deng Shichang. Because China's strength was not strong enough, we failed in this war. Let us remember that we should be beaten if we lag behind. I must study hard and win glory for the motherland!

  The trip to Weihai not only let me appreciate the beauty of the sea, but also let me understand the history of China's Sino Japanese War of 1894.


  The colorful summer vacation is coming to an end. The interesting things in the summer vacation make me countless, and the harvest in the summer vacation is more.

  Just say pen writing. At the beginning of school, I was a fifth grade student. In order to let us adapt to pens in advance, Mr. Cheng taught us to write pen characters. After listening, my heart was as sweet as honey. In the afternoon, I pestered my mother to buy me pens and ink. After I bought it, I was busy absorbing ink and writing with pen. I spent the whole afternoon absorbing ink, writing, absorbing ink and writing... When my mother came back from work, she was furious when she saw me. It turned out that there was ink on my clothes, face and hands. Mother said angrily, "don't make a fool of yourself. Let teacher Cheng teach you how to use it!" Under the guidance of Mr. Cheng, I quickly learned how to hold a pen, sit, write and how to absorb ink. Now, my pen handwriting is excellent!

  In the summer vacation, I also got a lot from my composition. In order to make me adapt to the transition from the lower grade to the middle grade, my mother signed me up for the "composition guidance class". In the tutoring class, the teacher told me: "the composition is not difficult at all. The materials are around us. It depends on who pays attention and who carefully observes." The teacher led us to play games and write compositions. We unconsciously learned to write compositions, and thus wonderful articles were generated under our pen. I think composition is not difficult at all.

  Ah! Summer vacation life is really interesting. I can play and learn knowledge. What a harvest I have made this summer vacation!


  At 9:27 a.m., take G179 bullet train. It takes only 4.5 hours from Beijing South Railway Station to Qingdao railway station.

  Different from the previous four official visits to Qingdao, this time, the wife and grandchildren are self-help leisure tourism. Therefore, the advantages of leisure and freedom should be fully reflected in the choice and arrangement of time, scenic spots, routes, food and daily life.

  After leaving the station, he soon settled down in a medium-sized hotel at the intersection of Dongping and Chaocheng Road, not far from the west side of the station. Then I can't wait to walk to the trestle scenic spot hundreds of meters away from the basement. Trestle, located in Qingdao Bay. It is a landmark building in Qingdao, just like the Bund in Shanghai. It is a must visit place for most tourists.

  More than 3 p.m. is the ebb time. The beach on the west side of the trestle was crowded with people, and the water was crowded with tourists. The voices of the people and the waves mingled with each other, pounding the high embankment and the shaded pine forest on the bank. The reefs that intersect the baths are quieter. Adults and children catch crabs in the crevices of reef rocks. The trestle leading to Qianlan Pavilion is crowded with tourists. The eight pillars and eight corners of the pavilion stand majestically in the sea, facing little Qingdao from afar. On the east side of the trestle is the distribution center of speedboats. The waves and water drills aroused by speedboats entering and leaving the wharf are thrown to the trestle in response to the screams of passengers.

  The "sea palace" not far from the west side of the trestle is still as dazzling as it was more than ten years ago. At a close look, in the increasingly purified political environment, it has been deserted and very depressed. The scene in front of the door shows that there are few passers-by here.


  During the summer vacation, my father and I came to the beautiful Qingdao. Qingdao is very beautiful. Let me tell you about the beautiful world of Qingdao.

  I walk barefoot on the fine sand beach and enjoy the boundless sea. The sea is still like a transparent and transparent glass mirror. When the sea surges, it comes forward like a tall wall.

  Seagulls rise and fall. The sea still attracts many tourists. Some play beach bathing in the sun, some swim, some fight water battles, and some make castles. What's more interesting is that the dog is shallow, which makes my eyes wide open. Looking at others playing so happily, I can't help picking up some colorful shells on the beach.

  Wave after wave. Left a string of footprints on the beach, a wave hit, the string of footprints actually disappeared without a trace.

  Qingdao is not only beautiful in the sea, but also beautiful in the mountains. It is surrounded by sea water. The environment here is elegant, the streets are clean, the air is very fresh, there are almost no impurities in the air, and there are many flowers, plants and trees. Haier Group and Tsingtao beer are also here. It is a beautiful and rich place.

  Beautiful Qingdao, I love you!


  It's summer vacation, and I happily come to Grandpa's house as a guest.

  Grandpa's home is in the countryside. There are luxuriant locust trees, large green vegetable fields, and various unknown flowers and plants at the door of his home, emitting fragrance. The neighbors there raised chickens, dogs, cats, sheep, rabbits and many other small animals, especially the gentle little black dog that grandma raised. It was very cute and wagged its tail, as if welcoming me.

  I like Grandma's little black dog best. As long as I go to grandma's house, the little black dog will follow me closely, like my little tail. Every time I eat, I don't forget to secretly give the dog some, or even all, especially meat. Grandma often makes delicious snacks for me. Hey! In grandma's eyes, I am always a greedy child.

  The summer vacation is coming to an end soon. I will also go home to continue my guzheng and dance. I will never forget these days in the countryside. These days have brought me endless happiness! I love the countryside, Grandpa and grandma! I love every plant there, especially those lovely little animals!


  Although the happy summer holiday has passed, I still can't forget some things.

  During the summer vacation, my father enrolled me in a guzheng class. The teachers in the study class are kind and sometimes play with us.

  Once: after class, I played with my classmates. At this time, the teacher came up and asked, "what are you playing? I'll try it too!" hearing this, we all whispered, but we still "generously" agreed.

  We played - ducklings crossing the river. The teacher volunteered to be a fisherman, We little ducks "We'll come here and go there. Sometimes we even go around the teacher and go back to the bank. The teacher was so dizzy that he couldn't catch us. At that time, the bell rang and we went to class. We had a good time! When we got upstairs, we all picked up our fans and fanned vigorously. Although there was a slight chill, we still hung large beads of sweat on our heads, like soybeans Size of. How hot it is!

  Although the happy summer holiday has passed, I will never forget these things. I will always hide them in my mind.
