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【#四六级考试# 导语】备考是一种经历,也是一种体验。每天进步一点点,基础扎实一点点,通过考试就会更容易一点点。®文档大全网为您提供了“2019年12月大学英语六级作文万能句型6篇”,欢迎阅读参考!更多相关讯息请关注®文档大全网!


  controversial a. 有争议的

  tear...away from 使……离弃

  lag behind 落后于

  univer sity authorities 校方

  restore traditional regulation 恢复传统校规

  students' school years 学生在学期间

  romantic passion 浪漫的感情

  Garden of Eden 伊甸园

  Forbidden Tree 禁果

  please v. 取悦于

  lop-sided a. 片面的

  drive n. 推动

  indulge oneself in 沉缅于

  devoted a. 忠实的

  frustrated a. 挫败的


  cotton-padded quilt 棉被

  parallel bars 双杠

  run around the track 绕着跑道跑步

  horizontal bar 单杠

  shoot baskets 投篮

  balance beam 平衡木

  by turn 轮流

  flying rings 吊环

  shadow-boxing 太极拳

  bending down and straightening up 弯腰运动


  eternal theme 永恒主题

  warmth n . 温暖

  laughtern . 笑声

  a sense of strength 力量感

  sufferings and happiness 悲和喜

  maintain mutual trust 保持相互信任

  avoid potential friction 避免可能发生的磨擦

  broaden outlook 拓宽视野

  treasure n . 珍宝

  reinforce one’s belief 加强信念

  new avenues in life 人生新的道路


  being fair and upright in act 处事公正, 行为正直

  virtue n. 美德

  liar n. 说谎者

  be regarded as 被认为是

  the tide of commodity economy 商品经济的大潮

  at the sacrifice of... 牺牲……

  reput ation n. 信誉

  honesty is the only thing that can be cast away 诚信是惟一可抛弃的

  pretend not to + v. 假装不……

  pre requisite n. 先决条件

  pity v. 可怜

  personality degraded 降低人格

  make an excuse 找借口

  a trifle thing 微不足道, 小问题

  eradicate v. 排除

  seed n. 种子

  sow v. 播种


  controversial a. 有争议的

  tear...away from 使……离弃

  lag behind 落后于

  univer sity authorities 校方

  restore traditional regulation 恢复传统校规

  students' school years 学生在学期间

  romantic passion 浪漫的感情

  Garden of Eden 伊甸园

  Forbidden Tree 禁果

  please v. 取悦于

  lop-sided a. 片面的

  drive n. 推动

  indulge oneself in 沉缅于

  devoted a. 忠实的

  frustrated a. 挫败的


  deliberately ad. 故意

  in an attempt to + v. 为了, 企图

  string n. 线

  brown paper 牛皮纸

  thrifty people 节俭的人们

  requisite n. 必需品

  relaxa tion n. 休息, 放松

  amusement n. 娱乐

  be housed at home 藏在家中

  stuffed birds 填鸟

  toy animals 玩具动物

  in connection with... 与……有关

  the latest addition 最新的收藏品

  verifying facts in reference books 在参考书中查证事实

  have some bearing on it 与……有关

  like-minded collectors 想法相同的收藏者

