
时间:2022-09-10 22:40:01 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

【#英语资源# 导语】北京冬奥会一般指2022年北京冬季奥运会。第24届冬季奥林匹克运动会,即2022年北京冬季奥运会,计划于2022年2月4日星期五开幕,2月20日星期日闭幕。®文档大全网为大家准备了以下内容,供大家参考阅读。


  The original full name of the Winter Olympic Games is the Winter Olympic Games. It is a world-scale comprehensive Winter Games. The participating countries are mainly distributed all over the world, including Europe, Africa, America, Asia and Oceania. It is hosted by the International Olympic Committee. The first session has been held since 1924, and 22 sessions have been held as of 2014, once every four years. At 8 p.m. local time on February 9, 2018, the opening ceremony of Pingchang Winter Olympic Games was held. The opening ceremony took "peace" as the theme and expressed the longing for peace. Zhou Yang, China's three gold medalist, won the two Winter Olympic Games as the Chinese delegation's flag bearer. The Korean and Korean athletes joined the Korean moon Jae in Pingchang. Kim Yeon Na, the Korean goddess of figure skating, lit the main torch platform. On February 25, 2018, the Pingchang Winter Olympic Games officially closed and Beijing took over the Olympic flag. The 24th Winter Olympic Games will be held in Beijing and Zhangjiakou, China from February 4, 2022 to February 20, 2022.

  Knowing this, my heart is surging. This is such exciting news. My mother said that the performance of the opening ceremony of the 2008 Beijing Summer Olympic Games and the fighting spirit of Olympic athletes in the competition have shocked the world. Now the flame of the Winter Olympic Games will be lit on this fertile land in the East. I believe every Chinese is looking forward to the arrival of the Winter Olympic Games. At the same time, it will be another opportunity to show China to the world.

  My thoughts can't help but leap to the venue of the Winter Olympic Games. I fantasize that I hold hands with the mascot of the Winter Olympic Games "ice pier and snow Rongrong" and swim in every corner of the Olympic venue. We galloped thousands of miles on the alpine ski resort, ran fast on the speed slide, and showed beautiful and light dancing on the figure skating rink. And ice hockey, curling, snowmobile... Just thinking about it, my heart is happy.

  In 2022, I hope my classmates and I will come to the competition venues of the Winter Olympic Games together, feel the power of the Olympic spirit, watch the track full of ice and snow, watch the heroic posture of athletes on the field, and feel the Olympic spirit of "peace, friendship and unity" of the motherland. As a primary school student, we should study hard and build a great motherland with our own knowledge and wisdom, Let people all over the world perceive the long history and profound heritage of Chinese culture and convey the Chinese Olympic spirit.

  In 2022, Beijing Winter Olympic Games and winter Paralympic Games, we are looking forward to this day!


  The Beijing Winter Olympics is not only a stage for sports competition, but also a bright "China window". The world's first intelligent high-speed railway, Beijing Zhangjiakou high-speed railway, has been put into operation, all venues of the Winter Olympic Games have achieved full coverage of the urban green power grid, and more environmentally friendly carbon dioxide refrigerant has been used for ice making for the first time... Adhering to the Olympic concept of "green, sharing, openness and integrity", the Beijing Winter Olympic Games has not only realized the grand vision of popularizing ice and snow sports in large Eastern countries, but also with "Chinese wisdom" The "China plan" has set a new benchmark for the Olympic model.

  The preparation for the Beijing Winter Olympic Games and the winter Paralympic Games not only tests the comprehensive strength of our country, but also carries the important mission of meeting the people's healthy life and building a sports power. It is an important starting point for promoting the coordinated development of Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei. Its smooth preparation not only helps "drive 300 million people to participate in ice and snow sports" The beautiful vision has become a reality, which has also ignited our lofty feelings of building a sports power; it is not only the "most beautiful collection" of national modernization, but also an important stage to show our national self-confidence.

  Under the epidemic situation, "higher, faster, stronger and more united" The new Olympic spirit is transcending national boundaries and is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people all over the world. It is our solemn duty to the international community to host the Beijing Winter Olympic Games and the winter Paralympic Games well. In the 100 day countdown to the Beijing Winter Olympic Games, we should work hard, start and finish well, complete the tasks of green, shared, open and clean Olympic Games with high standards and quality, and make the Beijing Winter Olympic Games and the winter Paralympic Games a success It will become a wonderful, extraordinary and outstanding Olympic event, submit a satisfactory answer to the people of the whole country and the international community, make new contributions to the cause of the Olympic movement, and sing the "good voice of China" on the world stage.


  The Winter Olympics I know began with the first anniversary of the countdown to the Beijing Winter Olympics.

  That day's event was held in the "ice cube" of the National Swimming Center. The "ice cube" has bright lights, the stage decorated with blue ice crystal geometric patterns and the shell of the water cube complement each other, and the giant banners of the mascots "ice pier" and "snow Rongrong" are hung in the air, reflecting the characteristics of winter ice and snow sports and modern science and technology.

  What is the Olympic Games? I think:

  First of all, it is a struggle. On this stage, people all over the world have fully demonstrated their strength, will, skills and the beauty of nature, struggled with human physiological limits, and won the favor of hundreds of millions of viewers. Every trophy is a limit.

  Second, it is a war. In this battlefield, the banner of "higher, faster and stronger" is fluttering in the wind, which reflects that every athlete has the courage to challenge the strong players in the world and constantly surpass himself and others. Every record is a miracle of mankind.

  Again, it is a kind of life. In this life, use sports to improve human health and optimism, use persistence to express their longing for life, and use sweat and tears to show the value of life. Every cry is another wonderful of life.

  Finally, it is a party. Chinese China very fruitful and China novel coronavirus pneumonia has been working together in the world. The epidemic prevention and control is effective, and the recovery of the economic development is good. The strategic epidemic prevention measures have blocked the spread of COVID-19. China has set an example and demonstration for governments and people all over the world, and has also provided effective experience and wisdom for the world's epidemic prevention and control of infectious diseases. It has been highly praised by people all over the world. Hosting the Winter Olympic Games in China has shown the world "China's charm", displayed "China's business card", and displayed the brand-new image of the world's second largest economy and responsible power.

  2022 Winter Olympics, I cheer for you! 2022 Beijing, I cheer for you!


  The 24th Winter Olympic Games in 2022 is indeed of special significance. It is the first time for China to host the Winter Olympic Games and makes Beijing the first city to host the winter and summer Olympic Games at the same time. As a result, China has successively held the Olympic Games, Paralympic Games, Youth Olympic Games, Winter Olympic Games and winter Paralympic Games and won the Olympic Grand Slam. Chinese people can't help being proud. The trickle flows into rivers and seas, and countless hands are connected to make the Great Wall. Today's achievements are inseparable from the full dedication of 1.4 billion compatriots at home and abroad. It is not that we are in China, but that we are China.

  For me, the holding of the Winter Olympics is not only to let the world know about ice and snow, but also to let the world know China. As the organizer with a history of 5000 years, from badges to venues, all designs highlight China's comprehensive national strength and traditional culture. From the Xia, Shang and Zhou dynasties with traces to the spring and autumn, Warring States, Qin, Han and Three Kingdoms, to the admirable prosperous age of Sui and Tang Dynasties, and now, there are countless treasures inherited by blood, but they are indelible and thick everywhere.

  The Winter Olympics logo is enough to reflect the charm of Chinese calligraphy. The logo takes the word "winter" as the main body, skillfully combines the form of ice and snow sports with calligraphy and figures, integrates heaven and man, stirs the heartstrings, and shows the vitality and passion of winter sports.

  Recalling 40 years of stormy waves, 90000 miles of wind and Peng are lifting, people like moss and flowers must still be indomitable. Drinking ice for ten years is difficult to cool blood; Looking back a hundred years, I asked for a long tassel. At the Winter Olympics in the year of the tiger in renyin, he returned triumphantly. Dance ink Winter Olympics, praise China.


  In the winter of 2022, we will usher in the Winter Olympic and Paralympic Games in Beijing, China. I am very happy. At that time, the two mascots of the Olympic Games "bingdundun" and "xuerongrong" will also come to us. Is it cute to listen to their names. "Bingdundun" and "xuerongrong" are anthropomorphic Panda Babies designed in 3D.

  Bingdundun has a friendly and lovely image and charming innocence, which is deeply loved by people all over the world, especially teenagers all over the world. The "ice" in the name of bingdun symbolizes purity and strength, and "ice" is also a feature of the Winter Olympic Games. Dundun means honest, healthy, lively and lovely. The design of bingdun is modern and fashionable, showing the world the rich forms of Chinese civilization, the connotation of wisdom and colorful style.

  The image of xuerongrong comes from lanterns. Lanterns have distinctive Chinese cultural characteristics and a long history of 2000 years. They are recognized as "Chinese Symbols" in the world. They are a perfect combination of happy festive atmosphere and the beautiful implication of "auspicious snow heralds a bumper year". Snow, a symbol of whiteness and beauty, is the characteristic of ice and snow sports. Tolerance means tolerance, tolerance, communication and mutual learning. Fusion means fusion, warmth and mutual understanding. Rongrong expressed the concept of world civilization exchange, mutual learning and harmonious development, and embodied the beautiful vision of creating a more inclusive world and building a community with a shared future for mankind through the Paralympic movement.      Bingdundun and xuerongrong have not grown up yet. They still need to learn more new knowledge. Neither of them is in the same school. Bingdundun gets dressed and gets up early every morning, eats breakfast and prepares for school. She is a three good student in school. The school has evening self-study every day. It is very late after the evening self-study. Bingdundun is afraid of the dark. Every night after the evening self-study, he goes home uneasy and trembling.

  Xue Rongrong transferred to the same school as bingdun because of her parents' job transfer. They also became classmates. Soon they became good friends and established a pure friendship. They trust each other very much and never cheat each other. Once the other party needs help, they will go all out, just like Charlotte and Wilbur. Xuerongrong knew that bingdundun was afraid of the dark, so she accompanied him home after self-study every night. After sending bingdun home, she returned home in another direction. When bingdun encountered learning difficulties in snow melting, she couldn't bear to explain the problems repeatedly for it. Two good friends help each other, love each other and grow up happily.

  Pure friendship helps people overcome all kinds of difficulties and grow and progress. Cherish the pure friendship around us and the pure friends around us. We help each other and love each other like ice pier and snow Rongrong. We overcome difficulties and grow and progress together.


  The 24th Winter Olympic Games in 2022 will be held in Beijing. I dream that I can also participate!

  My dream is really coming true. Today I received the invitation of bingdun and xuerongrong. Do you know who they are? They are my good friends and the mascots of the Olympic Games.

  I am very glad that I can participate in short track speed skating. As soon as the whistle rings, my little friends and I start from the starting point. We catch up with each other. No one wants to fall behind. I tried very hard to skate, but I just felt that my opponent flew past me like the wind. I suddenly felt like a little snail. I couldn't catch up with them. I saw that they had reached the end, and I was still skating. I said to myself that I can't give up. I want to cheer. Finally, I reached the end. My partners gave me a big hug.

  "Get up, go to school!" how did I hear my mother's voice? Ah, I just had an Olympic dream. I feel so happy. I can also compete with the Olympic champion. The hug just now is everyone's affirmation of me!


  The Olympic Games is an excellent display of human physical fitness. Short track speed skating is like a wind driven electric engine, with shocking speed breaking out in just a few hundred meters of the track. Figure skating is like flowers blooming on the ice. It is breathtaking. There are 109 events in the Winter Olympic Games. Each event carries the sweat and tears of Olympic athletes.

  The Olympics is also a stage for athletes. The athletes performed strong will, beautiful posture and flexible skills on the stage. Tens of thousands of spectators cheered for them. Victory makes people happy and failure makes people regret. Every time they challenge their limits, every time they miss success and refuse to admit defeat, they make the athletes stand up and devote themselves to more hard training. Every time we go all out, we feel deeply proud. The value of every medal in the Olympic Games far exceeds all the gold and silver treasures in the world.

  The champion, I have to say, is the winner. The champion is lucky. The road to the champion is full of thorns. How many Olympic athletes run regardless of pain. The champion is also temporary. If you want to make real progress, you have to forget all your achievements. The champion is not absolute. The champion of this project does not necessarily have proud achievements in other projects. The champion is proud. When he wears the national flag and sings the national anthem, his country is also proud of him. The champion is excellent. In him, we can see how much valuable spirit.

  The Olympic Games is a great event of peace, and I am also very confident that the Chinese people will succeed in hosting the Olympic Games! The Olympic spirit has played incisively and vividly in the Olympic field, and it is also engraved with our heartstrings. I hope the Olympic spirit can stay in the world and let the Olympic spirit take root in everyone's heart!


  Do you know the Olympic Games? Then you must know the Olympic mascot? What is the mascot of this year's Winter Olympic Games? Don't worry. Let me tell you that the mascot of this year's Olympic Games is a national treasure astronaut with a sugar gourd shell. This lovely giant panda astronaut is called bingdun.

  Referring to the Olympic Games, we all know that it was held in Beijing. I think most people's memory of old Beijing may be the sugar gourd sold by Zhang San in the streets! Coincidentally, do you think the shell of the ice sugar gourd symbolizes the crystal clear ice in winter?

  Lovely sugar gourd with lovely animals. Who should we choose for this lovely animal? After a round of animal beauty pageant, we decided to choose an animal that best represents Chinese characteristics. When it comes to China, the first thing you think of is national treasure! As soon as we see the giant panda, we know that it is China's national treasure and China's representative animal. In this way, our giant panda stands out among thousands of animals.

  When the colorful halo symbolizing the winter track appears in front of our national treasure in sugar gourd shell, do you think he looks like an astronaut? Now does our national treasure have the sense of science and technology and future of the modern century? When it comes to the sense of technology, you may first think of the current 5g Internet, so this color halo has become a more futuristic energy halo. At this time, does our astronaut panda have a fuller image!

  After the image is created, do we have to name the mascot? Can't you just call him panda? It's a little difficult to have Beijing characteristics and conform to his image! Beijing, the characteristic of Beijing is sugar gourd! This echoes with the sugar gourd shell on him! But you can't just call him sugar gourd! In fact, sugar gourd used to be called sugar pier. Duner is a very interesting word. It has the characteristics of northern winter. It is also very kind. It is as healthy, lively and lovely as the children next door. But foreigners can't read the sound dun'er, so ah, the astronaut giant panda has a lovely reduplicated name dun. Thinking of winter, we added the word "ice" to our name.

  Now, do you have a deeper understanding of the mascot of our winter Olympic Games?


  As we all know, pandas are China's national treasures. But do you know this panda? It is a mascot ice pier of China's 2022 Winter Olympic Games.

  You may not believe it. Its original prototype was ice sugar gourd! This is because in the process of mascot evaluation, the creative works of ice sugar gourd were shortlisted in the top ten. It is the original creative source of ice pier. Later, the design team changed it into ice pier after more than half a year of modification. It can be said that without the original creative works of ice sugar gourd, there would be no ice pier now.

  After saying its origin, let's talk about my understanding of it!

  At first, I thought it was the mascot of the winter Paralympic Games. Because I think ice means strong; Dundun means health and encourages disabled athletes. Then I found out I had an oolong. The meaning of ice is actually a symbol of purity and strength, which is the characteristic of the Winter Olympic Games; Dundun actually means honest, healthy, lively and lovely. It symbolizes the strong body, tough will and inspiring Olympic spirit of Winter Olympic athletes.

  Secondly, I found that it has the same shell as ice and snow, and its appearance characteristics are very consistent with the characteristics of the Winter Olympic Games. It shows the characteristics of the Winter Olympic Games. I think it's really good to make it a mascot of the Winter Olympic Games.

  Look, there is a story behind an ordinary name. Isn't it amazing? In fact, this phenomenon is very common! For example, there is a story behind the names of xuerongrong and Fuwa. Dear friends, I'll tell you again next time!


  Today, my mother and I watched the announcement ceremony of the venue of the 2022 Winter Olympic Games. When I heard the word Beijing, I was very excited! Because our motherland has become the focus of the world again, I am proud of her. I am the Olympic baby born on the day of the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games. In 2022, I have grown from an Olympic baby to a teenager. In order to meet the Green Olympics, I want to do what I can for environmental protection. Through our efforts bit by bit, the trees on both sides of the road will be greener, birds will fly in the blue sky, and fish will swim in the clear river. The scenery will be beautiful. Not only that, at the age of 14, I must go to Beijing to cheer for the Olympic athletes of the motherland, because my mother told me that China's winter sports are in a position in the world, and many gold medal winners were from Harbin! After listening to this, my expectation for the 2022 Winter Olympic Games is even stronger.

  In 2022, I was 14 years old. I would like to sincerely wish the Beijing Winter Olympics a complete success and good results for our Olympic athletes!

