
时间:2023-02-25 21:05:01 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

【#英语资源# 导语】冬季奥林匹克运动会(Olympic Winter Games)简称为冬季奥运会、冬奥会。主要由全世界地区举行,是世界规模的冬季综合性运动会,每四年举办,1994年起与夏季奥林匹克运动会相间举行。参与国主要分布在世界各地,包括欧洲、非洲、美洲、亚洲、大洋洲。由国际奥林匹克委员会(International Olympic Committee)主办。按实际举行次数计算届数。®文档大全网为大家准备了以下内容,希望对大家有帮助。


  The Winter Olympics is a stage that shows the beauty of strength, will, skill and nature, as well as the physical limits, and has won the favor of hundreds of millions of viewers. People are encouraged by victory, regretted for mistakes and proud of participation. The weight of each medal exceeds the trophies of Oscar and Golden Bear.

  The Winter Olympics is the epitome of life. The champion is lucky. Under the pyramid leading to the champion, how many unknown heroes work hard to climb it; The champion is short-lived. Today's champion may fall out of the sun tomorrow; The champion is relative. The champion of a certain event is likely to be retarded in other aspects; The champion is glorious, but when he sang the national anthem and burst into tears, he didn't think about how brilliant the future would be, but recalled the troubles of injuries and hard training over the years; The champion is valuable. In him, there is a lot of indomitable, self challenging and peak climbing spirit.

  As a high school student in the new era, we should standardize our daily behavior, take the initiative to learn the knowledge of the Winter Olympics and be a good little guide for the Winter Olympics. At the same time, we should learn the spirit of the Winter Olympics, stand on a higher, farther and larger stage and carry forward a higher, faster and stronger spirit. Teachers and students, let's celebrate the Winter Olympics hand in hand. Let's be proud of our motherland and shout for our motherland: China is the best!


  What kind of bright dream is the Winter Olympic dream?

  The Winter Olympic dream is the ideal that the warm winter sun is written into history, the boiling blood of training in the cold night, and the most beautiful high wall on the road of self challenge. The side of the high wall is the other side of the Winter Olympic dream. The Winter Olympic dream has built a leap stage for countless Olympic athletes and created the opportunity for them to dance with ice and snow. The Winter Olympics dream is not only a national dream, but also my dream. My dream is integrated into the national dream. My life is eulogizing the extraordinary of the country. The country writes Huazhang for all of us Chinese in the Winter Olympics. I am a primary school student. When I saw on the news that there are only a few days left for the Winter Olympics, I will share my joy with my parents, because the Winter Olympics is not a small sports meeting. The Winter Olympics is the dream of many athletes' brothers and sisters. I can see many athletes training hard on TV and feel the joy of the upcoming winter Olympics in my life, Maybe everyone is waiting for this flower of dreams to bloom. I heard from my father that the 2008 Olympic Games are very magnificent. I hope that the next Winter Olympics can also let us see the brilliant Olympic Games. This is my little Winter Olympic dream.

  My dream is also a little dream of the Winter Olympics. When I saw the lovely mascot of the Winter Olympic Games, I was attracted by the lovely little panda. The lovely mascot represents our spirit. I also have a little Winter Olympic dream. I hope I can watch the game, cheer for the Chinese Olympic athletes and cheer for China with the little panda mascot. In order to welcome the arrival of the Winter Olympics, I also took part in sports. I have to run for a while every day to exercise my body, go to bed early and get up early to do sports, do morning exercises seriously, learn about sports, watch athletes' TV programs at home and watch athletes skiing. They leap down from the top of the mountain like an eagle. They are very handsome, When I grow up, I also want to be a skier to win glory for the country. This is my little Winter Olympic dream.

  Winter Olympics dream, my dream. We primary school students should roam in the ocean of knowledge, have a strong physique, study hard, exercise actively, and be the pillars of the country in the future.


  The Beijing Winter Olympics is not only a stage for sports competition, but also a bright "China window". The world's first intelligent high-speed railway, the Beijing Zhangjiakou high-speed railway, has been put into operation, all venues of the Winter Olympics have achieved full coverage of the urban green power grid, and more environmentally friendly carbon dioxide refrigerant has been used for ice making on a large scale for the first time... Adhering to the Olympic concept of "green, sharing, openness and integrity", the Beijing Winter Olympics has not only realized the grand vision of popularizing ice and snow sports in large Eastern countries, It has also set a new benchmark for the Olympic model with "Chinese wisdom" and "China plan".

  The preparations for the Beijing Winter Olympics and Paralympic Games not only test the comprehensive strength of our country, but also carry the important mission of meeting the people's healthy life and building a sports power. They are an important starting point for promoting the coordinated development of Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei; Its smooth preparation not only helped turn the beautiful vision of "driving 300 million people to participate in ice and snow sports" into reality, but also ignited our lofty aspiration to build a sports power; It is not only the "most beautiful collection" of national modernization, but also an important stage to show our national self-confidence.

  Under the epidemic situation, the new Olympic spirit of "higher, faster, stronger and more united" is transcending national boundaries and deeply rooted in the hearts of the people all over the world. It is our solemn to the international community to host the Beijing Winter Olympic and Paralympic Games well. In the 100 day countdown to the Beijing Winter Olympic Games, we should work hard, start well and finish well, complete the tasks of green Olympic Games, shared Olympic Games, open Olympic Games and clean Olympic Games with high standards and quality, turn the Beijing Winter Olympic Games and winter Paralympic Games into a wonderful, extraordinary and outstanding Olympic event, and submit a satisfactory answer to the people of the whole country and the international community, Make new contributions to the cause of the Olympic movement and sing "China's good voice" on the world stage.


  The Winter Olympics is an opportunity to show our great country style. It can not only see a country's sports strength, but also a platform for the world to see China's great country style. There is no doubt that green is the most beautiful background color of the Beijing Winter Olympics. We adhere to the Green Olympics, further enhance the environmental awareness of the whole society, strengthen environmental governance and pollution prevention and control, and keep the concept of green development in mind.

  Green transportation and low-carbon travel make smog no longer cover up the blue sky; Waste classification, turning waste into treasure and making the living environment cleaner; Save water, reduce the use of disposable items, and consciously practice civilized behavior. Start with the little things around us, make our sky bluer, water cleaner and people more beautiful, and make Beijing's red walls, green tiles, green bricks and white snow another beautiful gift to the world.

  "Welcome to Beijing". Let's meet in Beijing in the winter of 2022. We danced together with snowflakes, with faces like jade, posture like pine, dancing like a startling goose and graceful like a dragon. Athletes, you are the plum blossoming in the ice and snow. Neither the cold wind nor the ice and snow can stop you from moving forward. A Winter Olympics event is about to appear in front of the world. Let's all wait and see. I wish the 2022 Winter Olympics a complete success and we will work together to the future!


  How many times look back, eager to meet; How many times I look forward to it, and finally it can be successfully realized; How many times of passion is ignited by hard work on the field. 2022 Beijing - the torch of Zhangjiakou Winter Olympic Games was lit with our hope. This year's Winter Olympic Games will be held in Beijing Zhangjiakou. Beijing is responsible for undertaking ice projects and Yanqing and Zhangjiakou are responsible for undertaking snow projects. Beijing will also become the first city to host Summer Olympic Games and Winter Olympic Games.

  Bing dwen dwen, a fat panda, has a colorful face. It is decorated by a cosmical figure. It looks like a cosmus. It does not look at its chubby, but it means creating an extraordinary future and exploring the future.

  What the Olympics brings to us is spiritual purification and world harmony and hope. We should learn from the Olympic spirit and their spirit of dedication and dedication. The competition is short, but the Olympic spirit is long-term. Everest has raised its arrogant head, the towering Great Wall has raised its unyielding backbone, and the Taotao Yellow River has clenched its powerful fist. Self confidence, self-improvement, self-esteem, sports are booming. Inherit the Olympic spirit, spread Chinese culture, abide by the world, build the World Winter Olympics, show Chinese style, prepare for the Winter Olympics, welcome the world wholeheartedly, gather at the Winter Olympics and cheer for the ice and snow athletes! You are the best! Winter Olympics, ice and snow love!


  Ever since Bing dwen dwen was elected Olympic mascot, I always had a wish to go to the Winter Olympics skating competition with her. Today, I finally got what I wanted.

  Today is the second competition day of short track speed skating, that is, the gold medal competition of men's 500 meters. I was Bing dwen dwen Bing dwen dwen. It's great. We can fight side by side. I am on the first track, the ice pier pier is on the fourth road, we are hanging on the court. We just exchanged our eyes and we understood each other. Only the gunfire of the match started, I rushed like a arrow from the string. I tried my best to skate and try to get rid of the Korean player, but the Korean player really couldn't give up. There was still one lap left. I went hand in hand with the Korean player, which couldn't work. I wanted to let the five-star red flag fly over the field. How could the Korean steal my spotlight, but I was out of strength. At this critical moment, Bing dwen dwen rushed Bing dwen dwen, I am not afraid. I still try to slide. I didn't give any chance to Korean players in end point. The ice pier was better. He was the first to break through the finish line. At this time we forgot to be tired. We cheered on the court, we won, and watched the bright five star red flag rising. The exciting National Anthem resounded through the Olympic Stadium, not to mention how happy we were. Of course, we also hugged the third Korean player. He was also very excellent. We were friends off the court.

  I'm so excited about this competition!


  From Tokyo to Beijing, from midsummer to ice and snow; Different venues, the same pursuit of dreams. The 24th Winter Olympic Games will start in Beijing on February 4, 2022, and the countdown has entered.

  You know what? Bing dwen dwen is the mascot of the Winter Olympics. It is a very lovely ice crystal shell panda like astronauts. I love to love China. Shuey Rhon Rhon is the mascot of Paralympics. It likes skating and skiing very much. It also likes our national treasure giant panda. The 2022 Beijing Olympic Games is about to begin. I am proud of my motherland.

  This fierce competition consists of seven major events, 15 sub items and 109 minor events. What a great thing that a country and a city can host an Olympic Games! All athletes are preparing for this opportunity to win glory for the country. The Olympic Games is an excellent display of human physical fitness. Short track speed skating is like a wind driven electric engine, with shocking speed in just a few hundred meters of the track. The athletes in the Winter Olympic Games are in full bloom of tears, just like the athletes in the Winter Olympic Games.

  The Olympics is also a stage for athletes. The athletes performed strong will, beautiful posture and flexible skills on the stage. Tens of thousands of spectators cheered for them. Victory makes people happy and failure makes people regret. Every time they challenge their limits, every time they miss success and refuse to admit defeat, they make the athletes stand up and devote themselves to more hard training. Every time we go all out, we feel deeply proud. The value of every medal in the Olympic Games far exceeds all the gold and silver treasures in the world.

  The Olympic Games is not a simple sports competition, but a belief that will never change. Although we can't win gold medals for our country like athletes, and we don't have the opportunity to visit the scene and participate in the service and reception of the Olympic Games, as long as we start now, we can contribute to the Olympic Games. When the Winter Olympics comes, we will decorate every corner of the city with civilization, extend the hand of etiquette to welcome visitors from all over the world, carry forward the national spirit and highlight our national culture.

  2022 Winter Olympics, I cheer for you! 2022 Beijing, I cheer for you!


  Winter Olympics? A big question mark appeared in my mind. What is the "Winter Olympics"? With this question, I need to understand it well.

  The original full name of the Winter Olympic Games is "Winter Olympic Games". It is a world-scale winter comprehensive games. The participating countries are mainly distributed all over the world, including Europe, Africa, America, Asia and Oceania. It is hosted by the International Olympic Committee. The first session has been held since 1924, and 22 sessions have been held as of 2014, once every four years. At 8 p.m. local time on February 9, 2018, the opening ceremony of Pingchang Winter Olympic Games was wonderful. The opening ceremony took "peace" as the theme and expressed the longing for peace. Zhou Yang, China's three gold medalist, won the two Winter Olympic Games as the Chinese delegation's flag bearer. The Korean and Korean athletes joined the Korean moon Jae in Pingchang. Kim Yeon Na, the Korean goddess of figure skating, lit the main torch platform. On February 25, 2018, the Pingchang Winter Olympic Games officially closed and Beijing took over the Olympic flag. The 24th Winter Olympic Games will be held in Beijing and Zhangjiakou, China from February 4, 2022 to February 20, 2022.

  Knowing this, my heart is surging. This is such exciting news. The world has been shocked by the athletes' performance at the opening ceremony of the 2008 Olympic Games. Now the flame of the Winter Olympics will be lit on this fertile land in the East. I believe every Chinese is looking forward to the arrival of the Winter Olympics. At the same time, it will be another opportunity to show China to the world.

  Shuey Rhon Rhon Bing dwen dwen, I am thinking of the Olympic Winter Games, and I am dreaming of the Winter Olympic mascot "ice pier, snow Rong Rong" hand in hand, swim in every corner of the Olympic Games. We galloped thousands of miles on the alpine ski resort, ran fast on the speed slide, and showed beautiful and light dancing on the figure skating rink. And ice hockey, curling, snowmobile Thinking like this, my heart is happy.

  In 2022, I hope my classmates and I will come to the competition venues of the Winter Olympic Games together, feel the power of the Olympic spirit, watch the track full of ice and snow, watch the heroic posture of athletes on the field, and feel the Olympic spirit of "peace, friendship and unity" of the motherland. As a primary school student, we should study hard and build a great motherland with our knowledge and wisdom, Let people all over the world perceive the long history and profound heritage of Chinese culture and convey the Chinese Olympic spirit.

  2022, Beijing Winter Olympic Games and winter Paralympic Games, very much looking forward to this day!


  We are looking forward to hosting the 2022 Winter Olympics. During the 2020 Winter Olympics, the Olympic Committee put forward the concept of "thrift and thrift as the center of sustainable development", which is highly praised by the International Olympic Committee. The hosting of the Winter Olympic Games will be incorporated into the major strategy for the coordinated development of Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei, and integrated into a blueprint with economic development, social progress and ecological construction, so as to promote the benign interaction between the Olympic movement and urban development. A new mission is in front of us. This will not only be a sports event, but also a broad platform to benefit thousands of families and promote civilization and progress. It will also be a historical opportunity to create a better sports environment, natural ecological environment and social and cultural environment.

  We are full of confidence in hosting the 2022 Winter Olympics. This confidence comes from the prosperous and stable economic and social environment, from the love and yearning of the 1.3 billion Chinese people for the Olympic movement, from the comprehensive conditions and profound cultural and historical heritage of Beijing and Zhangjiakou. We firmly believe that the Beijing Winter Olympic Games will once again play a moving chapter of Olympic peace, friendship and progress and contribute to the realization of the Chinese dream of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.

  On the occasion of celebrating the victory, we also want to express our sincere respect to our competitor Almaty, whose unremitting pursuit of the Olympic movement deserves respect. The future of the Olympic movement requires all participants to lift together.

  We look forward to 2022, when the Olympic movement will glow with new brilliance in the ancient Great Wall and the spring festival culture with unique oriental characteristics. People of different faiths, colors and races gathered together to share the passion, happiness and well-being brought by the Olympics. Let's start from now on and jointly launch a new 'Olympic Legend'.


  With the successful bid for the Olympic Games in 2008, the children of China will be as happy as the successful bid for the Olympic Games in 2008. However, the success of the Olympic bid is inseparable from these bidding personnel. They work hard for the success of the Olympic bid. The success of the Olympic bid is their reward.

  Hosting the 2022 Beijing Winter Olympics is not only our solemn to the International Olympic family, but also an important measure to implement the coordinated development strategy of Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei. We should adhere to the green Olympic Games, enhance the awareness of environmental protection of the whole society, strengthen environmental governance and pollution prevention and control, and run the concept of green development through the preparatory work.

  The Olympic Games is a war without gunpowder smoke. It can not only see the sports strength of a country, but also let foreigners see the moral fashion of our Chinese people.

  It is the Olympic spirit that brings us peace and prosperity. It is the Olympic spirit that deserves to be carried forward!

