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【#BEC# 导语】学而不思则罔,在掌握知识点之后将其运用在解题中才是备考的好方法。备考需要一点点积累才能到达效果,®文档大全网为您提供了“2019年初级商务英语词汇练习1”,欢迎阅读参考!更多相关讯息请关注®文档大全网!

  1. Is there any need to enforce that commandment by violence?

  A. precept B. installation

  C. commemoration D. commencement

  2. All the while Jack had been almost wortyingly meticulous in his business procedures.

  A. fastidious B. hairsplitting

  C. heedless D. extremely careful

  3. Leaders are compelled by the future

  A. forced B. forged C. repelled D. propelled

  4. His father had promised to buy him a computer ——he be haved himself.

  A. in case B. while C. after D. provided

  5. What with his high profile and charisma, Johnson has probably done much to educate the public about AIDS.

  A. popularity B. power

  C. magnetism D. sensation阿

  6. Present at the Christmas party were the two princesses and their—— husbands and the Duke of Edinburgh

  A. respectable B. respectful

  C. respective D. respected

  7. The rest ofthe crew of the ship—— going to come back home

  A. are not B. has not been

  C. is not D. have not been

  8. Undergraduate students have no_——to the rare books in the school libran

  A. access B. entrance C. way D. admission

  9. Television is one of the great advances in methods of communicalior, that,——made in the 9th century

  A. was B. were C. are D. has been

  10. We'd rather you——the account tomorro,

  A. settled B. settle

  C. Would settle D. will settle

  【答案】1-10 ADADC CAABA

