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【篇一】报告显示 超三成全职主播月收入超8000元

Live streaming has become one of the highest-paid new occupations in China, according to an industry report released by Momo, a mobile-based social network platform.

The report on China's live streaming industry in 2017 surveyed over 10 thousand live streamers and viewers. Data from the report shows that they are young and mostly post-90s, with 60 percent born after 1990.

The overall income of the industry ranks higher than most common occupations, with over 35 percent full-time live streamers making 8,000-plus yuan per month and 6.6 percent 30,000-plus yuan.

The earnings are closely related to how much time streamers spend and their education level, according to the report.

Full-time practitioners earn more than the part-time group. People with at least a bachelor's degree account for 63 percent of the high-paid streamers with a monthly income over 8,000 yuan, which is about double of those with a high school education.

In addition, most viewers said favor humorous, amiable, and talented streamers. Less than 10 percent said good lucks is enough to be successful.

The Internet era has changed young people's view on employment. Over half of the steamers said that live streaming is much harder than it seems.

And over half of the graduates (54 percent) in 2016 chose live streamer as their ideal job, according to a public report from the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security.











Last week H&M received intense backlash after releasing a controversial ad featuring a black child wearing a sweatshirt with the slogan “coolest monkey in the jungle.”

The brand was slammed on social media by a slew of celebrities for being racially insensitive, and two of its collaborators, The Weeknd and G-Eazy, ended their working relationship with the retailer.

H&M took the criticism seriously, it says, and has taken steps to address its internal diversity problem.

In a Facebook post on Tuesday, H&M wrote that the ad was not intentional.

“The recent incident was entirely unintentional, but it demonstrates so clearly how big our responsibility is as a global brand,” the statement read. “We have reached out, around the world, inside and outside H&M to get feedback.”

CNN Money reports that the new Global Leader for Diversity and Inclusiveness position will be filled by Annie Wu, who will also continue in her current role as H&M’s Global Manager of Employee Relations.

“None of our staff or customers have been injured,” the brand said in a statement to the New York Times?over its decision to close all stores in the area.

The brand later apologized to employees on Twitter,?writing, “We would also like to apologize sincerely to our employees, many of whom were placed in highly stressful situations in the wake of protest action. It has been a difficult and challenging week for H&M but we remain fully committed to our South African operation.”



各界名流在媒体上都对此事进行了抨击,与HM合作的两大明星The Weeknd 和G-Eazy 也于本周终止了与HM的合作。




据美国有线电视新闻网财经频道报道,H&M设立的新职位产品多元化和包容性全球负责人将由 Annie Wu担任,同时她也是H&M现任的全球员工关系经理。

H&M在《纽约时报》的声明中称“没有员工或顾客在本次抗 议事件中受伤”,它们还决定关闭本地区所有HM的实体店。

之后,H&M又在推特上对公司员工进行了道歉,称“我们也向公司员工真诚道歉,他们中有些人在本次抗 议事件中承受了着巨大压力。本周对H&M来说是难熬的一周,但是公司在南非的业务发展不会就此停摆。”

