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  五四运动(the May Fourth Movement)是1919年5月4日发生的一场反帝反封建(anti-imperialist, anti-feudal)的政治文化运动。这次运动以北京为中心,很快扩大到上海、天津、青岛等许多城市。五四运动是以青年学生为主力,市民、商人和工人等广泛参与的一次爱琴运动。他们通过**、罢工等各种活动来*软弱的政府,要求恢复国家主权(sovereignty)。五四运动对中国的政治、文化、教育,以及中国共产党(the Communist Party ofChina)的发展有着重要的作用。为了纪念这次运动中华人民共和国成立后正式宣布5月4日为中国青年节(the Chinese Youth Day)。


  The May Fourth Movement, which took place on May4, 1919, was an anti-imperialist, anti-feudal, politicaland cultural movement. The movement wascentered in Beijing, and soon spread to Shanghai,Tianjin, Qingdao and many other cities. It was apatriotic movement with broad participation by citizens, businessmen and workers, in whichyoung students served as the main force. They took various activities, such as demonstrationand strike, to protest the weak government and claim to recover the national sovereignty.The May Fourth Movement played a significant role in Chinese politics, culture, education as wellas the development of the Communist Party of China. In order to commemorate thismovement, the May 4 was officially announced as the Chinese Youth Day after the foundingof People's Republic of China.

  1.第一句中的“一场反帝反封建的政治运动”修饰语很长,可一一对应地翻译成形容词,并列作定语,即an anti-imperialist, anti-feudal, political and culturalmovement。

  2.翻译第三句“五四运动是以青年学生…”时,可将“是一次爱国运动”作为句子主干,“市民、商人和工人等广泛参与的”处理成with broad participation by...修饰“爱国运动(patriotic movement)”,“以青年学生为主力”则使用in which引导的定语从句来表达。

  3.“*软弱的政府,要求恢复国家主权”是举行各种活动的最终目的,可使用不定式来表达,译为to protestthe weak government and claim to recover the national sovereignty。


