

时间:2023-02-27 14:51:01 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

A: Have a seat, please. I’ve read your resume on the website. You’re a new graduate?

A:请坐。我已经在网站上看过你的履历 了。你刚刚才毕业?

B: Yes, madam.


A: Have you completed your military service?


B: Yes, I have. I was admitted to the Department of Law, Suzhou University. I thought it wasn't suitable for me, so I left and served in the army. After completing my military service, I passed the exam and was admitted to the Department of Accounting at Shanghai University.

B:是的。本来我考上苏州大学法律系,但 我觉得不适合,所以就退学去当兵。退 伍之后,我就考上了上海大学会计系。

A: That’s interesting. What’re your plans for your future?

A:挺有趣的。你对自己未来有什么打算 呢?

B: I’d like to work in an accounting firm to gain some work experience and put what I've learned into practice.

B:我想到会计事务所工作,以增长自己的 经验并能学以致用。

Have you had any previous experience?


B: Well, when I was a college student, I worked as a trainee every summer and winter break at the accounting firm. Does that count?

B:嗯,当我还在念大学时,每年寒暑假我都 会到会计事务所实习,这样算吗?

A: It counts, of course. What kind of work did you do there?


B: I did clerical stuff and ran errands.

B: —些文书工作和跑腿。

A: Good. Then you wouldn’t have to start everything from the very beginning. At your various jobs, how was your attendance?

A:很好。那你就不必从头开始学起了。你 做了那么多工作,出勤情况怎么样?

B: My attendance records were perfect, because I was never absent or late for work.

B:我的出勤记录很好,因为我从未缺席迟 到。

A: In this office, we encourage full attendance by offering a bonus. If you take any leaves or are late by over half an hour in a month, we’ll deduct money from your salary.

A:在我们这里,是以奖金来鼓励全勤。如 果一个月内请假或是迟到超过半小时的 话,我们就会扣薪水。

B: I see. May I know the office hours?


A: Office hours are nine to six. One hour and thirty minutes for lunch. There is also teatime at four o’clock in the afternoon.

A:早上九点到下午六点。中午有一个半小 时的时间用餐。另外下午四点有下午茶 时间。

B: I see.


A: Do you have any questions?


B: May I know how much I will be paid monthly?


A: Well give you about two thousand to start. There’ll be trial period of three months. One year later, well also have a job performance review and consider giving you a raise.

A:起薪两千左右,有三个月的试用期。一 年以后,我们会有一个绩效考核,然后考 虑要不要给你加薪。

B: When will I know your decision?


A: I’ll call you in three days.


B: Thank you and can you call my cell phone?


A: All right. See you next time.


B: Thank you again for your kind consideration. See you.


英语面试口语对话大全3-1-5: 履历.doc
