

时间:2023-02-22 14:51:01 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

A: Sit down, please, Mr. Hua. Would you please get Mr. Hua a cup of tea, Miss Xia?


B: Thank you.


A: l'm Alexander Bushell, the president. The general manager told me that he was very impressed with you. He said you had a very likeable personality, fluent English and Japanese, were experienced, and with an attractive face as well. So I’ve hurried to meet you.


B: Thank you for your compliments, Mr. Bushell.

B:家父已经退休了,但是我父母并不希望 我把钱花在他们身上。他们用我父亲的 退休金做生活费。

A: He also told me you’re quite young.


B: I’m 25 years old, Mr. Bushell.

B:不是的,我还有两个哥哥和一个妹妹。 两个哥哥都结婚了。妹妹是服装设计 师。她跟我和父母住在一起。

A: Married?


B: No, I don't plan to get married for four years.

B:名声很好,布歇尔先生,而我个人则很希 望能来这里上班。您很重视餐厅食物的 卫生,饭店里的客房也很干净,客房服务 又好,而且全体员工对顾客都很有礼貌、 很客气。

A: Do you live with your parents?


B: Yes, I do.

B:也并非如此。我现在上班的这家饭店将 被另一家饭店接管,我以前在那家饭店 做过,不喜欢他们的经营方式。因此我 决定辞去这份工作。

A: Does your father work?

A:原来如此……总经理告诉过你的职责了 吗?

B: My father has already retired, but my parents don’t want me to spend money on them. They live on my father’s retirement pension.


A: Are you their only child?

A:以你丰富的经验,我相信你一定能胜任 的。你什么时候可以来上班?

B: No, I have two elder brothers and a younger sister. Both of my brothers are married. My sister is a dress designer. She and I live with my parents.

B:我需要一个星期与我现在工作的饭店完 成交接工作。

A: Well, Mr. Hua, how do you like my hotel?


B: It has a very good reputation, Mr. Bushell, and I personally would enjoy working for you. You stress clean preparation for food and your restaurants, the rooms in this hotel are all clean, the room service is good, and your entire staff have polite manners and are courteous to the customers.


A: Are you not satisfied with your present job?

A:那么下星期五你直接到总经理办公室 去。他会告诉你详细的工作事宜,并带 你到各处巡视。我相信你在这儿工作会 愉快的。

B: Not really. The hotel I’m working with now will be taken over by another hotel, which I worked with before and I don’t like the way they run the hotel. Therefore 丨 decided to quit.


A: I see. Did the general manager tell you about your possible duties?

A:华先生,请坐。夏小姐,请帮华先生倒杯 茶来好吗?

B: Yes, he did.


A: With such abundant experience, I’m sure you’ll find the work quite manageable. When can you start working?

A:我是饭店的总裁,亚历山大?布歇尔。 总经理告诉我说他很欣赏你。他说你的 个性讨人喜欢,英语、日语都很流利,有 经验,还有张迷人的脸孔。所以我急着 想见你。

B: I need one week to notify my present company and hand over my work.


A: OK. I’ll give you ten days to deal with all that.


B: Thank you, Mr. Bushell.


A: So next Friday, come to the general manager’s office directly. He’ll tell you all of the details about the job and show you around. I’m sure you'll enjoy working here.


B: Certainly. Thank you very much!


