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【#雅思# 导语】为了方便大家的学习,下面是®文档大全网整理发布的2019年2月16日雅思机经真题回忆,欢迎阅读参考!更多相关讯息请关注®文档大全网!


  Section 1






  Basic information:

  1. Need to help Tom’s mother her dressing

  2. Also do medication

  3. Drive to clinic

  4. What is very important: companionship

  5. Postcode:FX562N


  6. Have paid holidays

  7. Also include free meals

  8. Interview tim/date: Friday 4 March

  9. Bring original certificate

  10. Contact Ms Howell for detail or reference

  考点:长难词拼写,如medication, referee, companionship, certificate


  Section 2






  11-17)Multiple Choice

  11. What is true about this horse range?

  A. not open when the weather is bad

  B. the largest club in the centre

  C. can book individual lessons

  12. 参加的人需要什么?

  A. a certificate

  B. a deposit

  C. 暂缺

  13. M女士提到了关于这个活动的什么?

  A. book in advance

  B. 暂缺

  C. 暂缺

  14. If the freshman feels nervous, he/she can

  A. watch others riding

  B. talk with other riders

  C. 暂缺

  15. What item is not allowed in riding?

  A. phone

  B. camera

  C. 暂缺

  16. The shop in the centre is selling

  A. jacket

  B. footwear

  C. trousers

  17. What special service does it offer?

  A. for disability

  B. for competitors

  C. for caring horse

  18-20)Map Matching

  18. cafe-D

  19. booking office-C

  20. waiting area-E



  Section 3






  21-23. What are the benefits of this course according to the girls from the accounting apartment?

  B. useful teaching staff

  E. important to future career

  F. chance of visiting campus

  G. small tutorial class

  24-25. What are the two most qualities of accounting that a girl called Bridge described?

  A. challenge content

  B. practical focus


  26. number of lectures in time-consuming

  27. enjoy learning vocabulary

  28. but it is difficult of grammar

  29. and writing

  30. the teacher patient yet sometime…that is strict.



  Section 4






  31-34)Choose the correct letter

  31. The amazing part is: C. small brain (bees can fly smoothly even though they have very small brain)

  32. How do people distinguish one bee from another? B. color strips (by looking for signs in different colors on bee’sbody)

  33. 那个科学家在蜜蜂翅膀wings clings(附着)B. a sign applied to their bodies (The scientist stick under wings)

  34. We can calculate the distance (we can know how far the bee can fly by knowing the time it flies)

  35-40)Table filling





  Public Holiday

  题目来源:Part 1


  1. How many public holidays do you have in China?

  2. Do you think people need more public holidays?

  3. How do you usually spend your holidays?

  4. Which holiday is your favorite?


  这个题主要考查的是一些关于节日的词汇, 不是特别难的题目,考察同学们能够给出观点和原因(reasons for opinion),考察一般现在时描述holiday activities。



  第三题考查一般现在时,和描述holiday activity的词汇。

  第四题也是考察如何给出观点并表达原因,其中考察节日的场景词汇,比如喜欢春节是因为可以一起吃团圆饭(family reunion dinner)和家人相聚(spend family time together),如果不提前准备词汇可能影响流利度,另外同学们还要注意发音,比如reunion, lantern。可以听语音示范进行跟读和发音纠正。还有一些表达需要需观察外国人的用语习惯,比如补觉,一般说get more sleep而不是 sleep more。

  1. How many public holidays do you have in China?


  We enjoy 7 public breaks a year. We have just celebrated Chinese new year,The year of the Pig, and we are about to celebrate Lantern Festival. But for students, they have two more holidays. summer break and winter break.


  2. Do you think people need more public holidays?


  I think people do need more public holidays, these days a lot of them are overworked, it is common to see that people work over 40 hours a week. I think they should be given more personal time off to achieve a balance between life and work. In my opinion, getting enough relaxation is important for people’s well-being.


  3. How do you usually spend your holidays?


  If I have a holiday in winter, I may just stay at home, read more and get more sleep, spend more time being with my family. In summer, I may go for a trip or play some sports, like swimming and hiking.


  4. Which holiday is your favorite?


  My favorite holiday is Chinese new year, because during that period, I get to be with my family, we could enjoy delicious hometown food, we catch up with each other and I get to see the friends who I haven’t seen for a long time. So, it’s my favorite.



  Summer/Winter holiday 寒暑假

  The Spring Festival 春节

  The Mid-Autumn Day 中秋节

  The National Day 国庆节

  catch up with 叙旧

  public breaks 节假日

  well-being 健康

  achieve a balance between a and b 实现平衡

  hometown food 家乡菜

  get more sleep 补觉

  personal time off 个人休息时间


  题目来源:Part 1


  1. Do you often write with a pen?

  2. Is your handwriting easy to read for other people?

  3. Do you like to receive cards with hand-written words?

  4. Can we tell someone’s personality from his or her handwriting?

  5. What’s the difference of writing with a pen and typing on a computer?


  相比其他的第一部分,这个题稍微有难度,因为这个属于我们不是很熟悉的话题,个别词汇发音也容易不正确,比如:calligraphy, written。



  第三题read这个动词需要注意, 书写能够被看懂就是can be read 或者是 handwriting is legible。

  第四题一定要注意like doing 和like to do的用法。

  第五题一定要注意比较级的形式。很多同学会问第一部分要说多少,要尽量多说但是多说的时候也要stay on topic, 观点表达清楚就可以结束了,其中可以有一些linking words加强自己的流利度,比如: and also, but sometimes. 回答完毕的时候可以说so...示意考官说话结束

  1. Do you often write with a pen?


  I write with a pen basically every day because I’m still a student, our homework has to be submitted in written form, so I write a lot. But sometimes, I type as well if I send a email or chat to friends online.


  2. Is your handwriting easy to read for other people ?


  I think others can read clearly of my handwriting, my handwriting is quite legible. But it is not very legible if I’m writing Chinese in cursive style.


  3. Do you like to receive cards with hand-written words?


  Yeah, I like to receive cards with hand written words. I have received a card with handwritten words from my friends on my birthday, and I thought it was a really great gift.


  4. Can we tell someone’s personality from his or her handwriting?


  I think it will be really difficult to predict a person’s personality trait by just looking at his handwriting, but if a person practice the art of calligraphy, he may show a bit of artistic personality.


  5. What’s the difference of writing with a pen and typing on a computer?


  It is a lot quicker to type on a computer, and computer spots typos and correct that for you, but writing with a pen is the only way to develop quality penmanship. So, I think modern people should develop both skills.



  personal traits 个性

  artistic personality 艺术气质

  the art of calligraphy 书法

  legible 易于识别的

  cursive style 连写

  typo 错误拼写

  quality penmanship 良好的书写


  Passage 1







  可参考真题:C11T3P2:Great Migration


  A. Learning theory is rooted in the work of Ivan Pavlov, the famous scientist who discovered and documented the principles governing how animals (humans included) learn in the 1900s. Two basic kinds of learning conditioning occur, one of which is famously known as the classical condition. Classical condition happens when an animal learns to associate a neutral stimulus(signal)with a stimulus that based on how closely in time the two stimuli are presented. The classic example of classical conditioning is a dog’s ability to associate the sound of a bell(something that originally has no meaning to the dog)with the presentation of food(something that has a lot of meaning for the dog)a few moments later. Dogs are able to learn the association between bell and food, and will salivate immediately after hearing the bell once this connection has been made. Years of learning research have led to the creation of a highly precise learning theory that can be used to understand and predict how and under what circumstances most any animal will learn, including human beings, and eventually help people figure out how to change their behaviors.

  B. Role models are a popular notion for guiding child development, but in recent years very interesting research has been done on learning by example in other animals. If the subject of animal learning is taught very much in terms of classical or operant conditioning, it places too much emphasis on how we allow animals to learn and not enough on how they are equipped to learn. To teach a course of mine I have been dipping profitably into a very interesting and accessible compilation of papers on social learning in mammals, including chimps and human children, edited by Heyes and Galef.

  C. The research reported in one paper started with a school field trip to Israel to a pine forest where many pine cones were discovered, stripped to the central core. So the investigation started with no weighty theoretical intent, but was directed at finding out what was eating the nutritious pine seeds and how they managed to get them out of the cones. The culprit proved to be the versatile and athletic black rat (Rattus rattus) and the technique was to bite each cone scale off at its base, in sequence from base to tip following the spiral growth pattern of the cone.

  D. Urban black rats were found to lack the skill and were unable to learn it even if housed with experiences cone strippers. However, infants of urban mothers cross fostered to stripper mothers acquired the skill, whereas infants of stripper mothers fostered by an urban mother could not. Clearly the skill had to be learned from the mother. Further elegant experiments showed that naive adults could develop the skill if they were provided with cones from which the first complete spiral of scales had been removed, rather like our new photocopier which you can word out how to use once someone has shown you how to switch it on. In case of rats, the youngsters take cones away from the mother when she is still feeding on them, allowing them to acquire the| complete stripping skill.

  E. A good example of adaptive bearing we might conclude, but let’s see the economies. This was determined by measuring oxygen uptake of a rat stripping a cone in a metabolic chamber to calculate energetic cost and comparing it with the benefit of the pine seeds measured by calorimeter. The cost proved to be less than 10% of the energetic value of the cone. An acceptable profit margin.

  F. A paper in 1996 Animal Behavior by Bednekoff and Balda provides a different view of the adaptiveness of social learning. It concerns the seed catching behavior of Clark’s nutcracker(Nucifraga Columbiana)…

  Passage 2







  可参考真题:C12T6P2:The Lost City

  Passage 3







  可参考真题:C12T5P3:What’s the Purpose of Gaining Knowledge


  TASK 1




  1. 该表格题是一个动态图,要注意描述趋势,如milk consumption 随着年龄的增长在增加;Butter consumption在45-65岁时消费,而后开始下降;

  2. 要注意横纵向进行对比,如25岁以下的人群更多人选择消费普通牛奶,然而其他三个年龄段都倾向于消费低脂牛奶,尤其是26-45岁和65+的年龄段(分别为80%和70%)。

  3. 如何分段:一个表格一段。


  The tables give information about changes in the consumption of full fat and low fat milk and butter based on four age groups (under 25, 26-45, 45-65, over 65), the figure is shown by percentage/gram of consumption in 2010.

  It is clear that milk was becoming more popular with the increase of age. The figure increased dramatically from 1200ml to 1800ml by the age of over 65. In those who are aged under 25 years old, their highest milk preference was full fat (59%), meanwhile, the other three age groups had shown a higher interest in low fat milk, with 80%, 55% and 70% respectively.

  As for butter consumption, the number increased dramatically from 19 to 60 grams for those people aged 45-65. However, this figure decreased by half for people who are 65 years or older. For customers aged under 25, they prefer full fat butter over low fat, the figure was 60% and 40% respectively. On the other hand, the remainder three age groups shared a similar preference, with more people prefer to choose low fat butter.

  Overall, youths seem to be more interested in consuming full fat products, and with the increase of age, the consumption for both milk and butter increased, except for those over 65 years old who reduced butter consumption for healthy purpose.

  (219 words)

  TASK 2

  Nowadays, children spend too much time watching TV and playing computer games. Some people believe this has negative effects on children's mental abilities. To what extent do you agree or disagree?




  TA/TR(key words):








  TV and computers have been indispensable devices in every family during the modernization. Unexpectedly, kids are familiar with all of them and regard the electronic technologies as a main way of entertainment. And no one can deny that the benefits brought by these are meaningful for the development of children’s mental development.

  Watching TV and playing computer game are the major method for most students to have fun in the spare time, which would relax them easily with the convenient access in every home; with the increasing stress becomes a necessary part in different phrases of school, students in all ages who are under huge pressure need to figure out an efficient way to refresh themselves in the limited free time, which can help them concentrate on later study and be healthy for their brains. As a result, considering the characters of TV programs and computer games, like low price and diversity, parents and schools can rely on them. Besides, TV programs and computer games with the support of new technologies have involved intelligent and inspiring design; children exposed in these technologies can cultivate thinking habits and explore their potential, which is essential and positive in the mental development.

  Unfortunately, spending too much time on both TV and computer can be harmful definitely. There is a lot of meaningless information from TV, even including nasty or violet plots, by which children’s mind can be affected. At the same time, some computer games are not suitable for kids, so that they can learn nothing but just waste energy, not even mentioning practice their thoughts. However, the essential supervision and guidance from parents and teacher can contribute to the effectiveness of using TV and computers in developing the mind and reduce the negative impacts.

  In conclusion, the disadvantages cannot cover the benefits of TV and computers, and the worry would not be serious, if people put them into good use with right instructions, combining the strict policy from the government.

  (328 words)

