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【#雅思# 导语】为了方便大家的学习,顺利通过雅思考试,®文档大全网为大家精心整理了2018年8月2日雅思机经真题回忆,供大家参考!®文档大全网将为大家发布最新、最专业的雅思考试机经及解析,欢迎参考阅读。


  一、 考试概述:


  Section 1:咨询,10笔记

  Section 2:图书馆介绍,6配对+4多选

  Section 3:选课场景,4单选+2多选+4配对

  Section 4:学术讲座——颜色和情绪,10笔记


  Section 1


  场景: 咨询



  1. green ride

  2. map

  3. bird watching

  4. 5 hours

  5. child seat

  6. guide

  7. 待补充

  8. holiday

  9. post office

  10. 待补充


  解析: 本场考试的会议不是特别完整,但是我们可以从答案中看出一些端倪比如答案中的guide和ride虽然比较基础,但是还是容易有考生填写错误。

  参考练习: C9T3S1

  Section 2



  题型: 6配对+4多选


  11. citizen's club -Money

  12. Bank - land

  13. Manufacturer - material

  14. Industries - Labor

  15. National telephone - equipment

  16. Insurance - art work

  17-20) 多选

  17-18) What are the two features of reading garden

  A. unique


  19-20) Two policies of the Art center

  B. the paintings are removed regularly

  D. the works can be displayed for a short period of time




  Section 3





  21-24) multiple-choice question

  21. Why does the man want to change the course?

  A. go abroad and find work from other country

  22. What does the man think about the course economics?

  B. uninterested, boring and dull

  23. The woman's opinon about choosing the course.

  C. optional

  24. Why does the woman Anna want to have the Foreign Language Course?

  C. it is useful for business and commerce

  25-26) 多选

  25-26) What do they think about the lecture?

  A. encourage student to have free thought

  B. the professor is enthusiastic about the lecture

  27-30) Mathcing


  课程一:speak in public

  课程二: Psychology - team work in large group

  课程三: Interpretation - cooperation

  课程四:reduce quarrel caused by the culture difference



  Section 4


  场景: 学术讲座——颜色和情绪




  31. hearing music

  32. study ability to handle multiple tasks

  33. unimportant

  34. evolution of language

  35. memories

  36. find out science mechanism to explain

  37. genetic origin

  38. display

  39. random arrangement

  40. triangle







  1. Describe a city or country that you would like to live or work

  2. Describe an important river or lake in your country

  3. Describe a leisure facility you would like to have in your hometown

  4. Describe a thing you own that you want to replace

  5. Describe a talkative person you know


  Describe a talkative person you know

  You should say:

  Who he or she is

  How you got to know him or her

  What he or she likes to talk about

  And explain how do you like him or her

  Actually this topic reminds me of a boy named Jason. I knew Jason from an international exchange program in Chicago University last year. It was my first time got to know him but soon we became good friends. He is a charming boy who is also pretty stout. But what makes him a real popular program in our class is his perfect personality, you know, quite outgoing and approachable. Actually, what I can learn from him is his inter-personal communicative skills. Or, in other words, being talkative. That’s our first time to participate in an English program with so many classmates with many countries. For the first week, I felt hard to get along with my teammates, as I was reluctant to speak to others. But it seemed like Jason was having a great time with his teammates. And I notice that, Jason was glad to talk and share his ideas with others, though he was not always fluent. I wouldn’t say he talked too much, I guess he just made good use all possible opportunities to practice and interact with others which was actually beneficial. At the end of that exchange program, I turned to another person and I guess I should be thankful to Jason because he was the person who really inspired me.

  In recent years, the river has suffered from industrial pollution, agricultural run-off, siltation and loss of wetland and lakes, which exacerbates seasonal flooding. Some sections of the river are now protected as Nature reserves.

  I knew Chang jiang from my textbook when I was a primary school student. I was amazed by its length and scenery. There are some many poems and article to praise it. It’s the cradle of Chinese culture. No wonder it’s call the “mother of China”.





  Passage 1:

  题目: Beavers海狸

  题型: 6填空题+7判断题


  文章大意:1. 海狸的生活习性;2. 人们对海狸从捕猎到重新引入;3. 海狸对环境的作用


  1-6) 填空题

  1. colonies.海狸很有领地意识,不会跟殖民者分享栖息地。

  2. aspen.海狸喜欢吃多种植物的树叶和树根,尤其是山杨.

  3. tissue.

  4. oil.海狸用什么让自己的皮毛油光水滑

  5. lodge.海狸用树枝搭建成窝

  6. mud.海狸用泥巴把树枝缝糊上以便防水。

  7-13) 判断题

  7. TRUE.


  9. FALSE.

  10. FALSE.

  11. TRUE.

  12. TRUE.




  Passage 2:






  14-18) 段落信息配对题

  14. E

  15. F

  16. H

  17. C

  18. D

  19-22) 人物观点匹配题

  19. D

  20. A

  21. E

  22. C

  24-26) 摘要填空题

  23. settlement

  24. hammer

  25. limestone

  26. bones


  Passage 3:






  27-31) 选词填空题

  27. L.

  28. F.

  29. E.

  30. K.

  31. J.

  32. D.

  33-37) 判断题

  33. YES.

  34. NO.

  35. NOT GIVEN.

  36. YES.两个队伍同时给出同样的研究结果。

  37. NO.

  38-40) 单选题

  38. C.

  39. D.

  40. D.



  Tastebuds (or Papillae) were first described by Italian Physiologist Marcello Malpighi in the late 1600's. Malpighi is considered to be the founder of the fields of histology and anatomic microscopy, as he was one of the first people to carefully examine the tissues of plants and animals using a microscope. In addition to first describing papillae, Malpighi was the first person to see red blood cells, and he was the first person to actually see the small blood vessels connecting arteries and veins, verifying the theory of blood circulation proposed by William Harvey. Malpighi named these vessels capillaries. Any time you come across something described as Malpighian (for example the Malpighian Tubules of insects, or Malpighian Tufts in the kidney), it was first described by Marcello Malpighi.

  The average person has about 10,000 taste buds and they're replaced every 2 weeks or so. But as a person ages, some of those taste cells don't get replaced. An older person may only have 5,000 working taste buds. That's why certain foods may taste stronger to you than they do to adults. Smoking also can reduce the number of taste buds a person has.

  But before you give taste buds all the credit for your favorite flavors, it's important to thank your nose. Olfactory (say: ahl-FAK-tuh-ree) receptors inside the uppermost part of the nose contain special cells that help you smell. They send messages to the brain.

  Here's how it works: While you're chewing, the food releases chemicals that immediately travel up into your nose. These chemicals trigger the olfactory receptors inside the nose. They work together with your taste buds to create the true flavor of that yummy slice of pizza by telling the brain all about it!

  When you have a cold or allergies, and your nose is stuffy, you might notice that your food doesn't seem to have much flavor. That's because the upper part of your nose isn't clear to receive the chemicals that trigger the olfactory receptors (that inform the brain and create the sensation of flavor).

  Try holding your nose the next time you eat something. You'll notice that your taste buds are able to tell your brain something about what you're eating — that it's sweet, for instance — but you won't be able to pick the exact flavor until you let go of your nose.

  So the next time you chomp on an apple or slurp up some soup, thank your tongue — and your nose! Without them, life wouldn't have any flavor.


  TASK 1

  word count: 173

  The line graph illustrates the production of four kinds of main fuels in United Kingdom in a period of 14 years from 1986 to 2000.

  Overall, despite an obvious fluctuation, petroleum accounted for the largest amount of fuel production throughout this period. In terms of coal, it experienced a generally downward trend while natural gas increased dramatically especially after 1994.

  Generally speaking, the production of petroleum and coal showed an opposite trend. To be specific, that of petroleum grew from 120 in 1986 to 140 in 1990, before declining to 120 in 1995, after which it climbed back to 140 in 2000. On the other hand, as for the production of coal, there was a moderate drop from 110 in 1986 to 80 in 1991, after which the production rose to 100 in 1995 and then went down to approximately 60 in 2000.

  The production of natural gas was quite stable before 1994, levelling out at just under 60. However, after that year, it increased significantly and almost doubled to 120 in 2000.

  TASK 2




  Some people say modern children’s games do not develop a wide range of skills, while traditional games can be much better for developing such skills.

  To what extent do you agree or disagree?

  (Word count: 288)

  The development of online children’s games today is beyond our wildest expectation. However, some people argue that modern games are not good for cultivating a variety of useful skills and that traditional games perform much better in this. Personally, I am of the same opinion.

  It is true that spending much time on video or mobile games enhances some skills. When children play video games in groups, they often take turns leading and following, depending on who has specific skills needed in that game. A study shows that teens who had played group games online felt they had gained leadership skills such as persuading and motivating others. Online multi-player games offer teens a rare chance to participate in, and sometimes lead, a diverse, mixed-age team. However, this tends to be a rare case, as the online teams are, often times, informal and young players never think about how to truly work as a team during the game.

  Traditional games can, on the other hand, greatly assist in the development of important skills. It is believed that many board and card games promote skills such as problem-solving. For example, those young people who try their hand on Monopoly usually analyse their current status and make full use of resources at hand, even when they face a bankrupt in the game. Such skill is learnt and is highly likely to be applied in their future job. Other card games encourage the young to think twice before making a decision, which develops their thinking skill.

  In conclusion, many practical skills go hand-in-hand with traditional games. Therefore, parents and teachers should ensure that their children or students learn to enjoy various traditional games, rather than just collapsing in front of a screen.

