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【#雅思# 导语】为了方便大家的学习,顺利通过雅思考试,®文档大全网为大家精心整理了2018年7月28日雅思机经真题回忆,供大家参考!®文档大全网将为大家发布最新、最专业的雅思考试机经及解析,欢迎参考阅读。


  一、 考试概述:


  Section 1


  Section 2


  Section 3


  Section 4



  Section 1

  场景: 咨询——求职




  1. Name: Carilly

  2. Transportation: Ferry and airport

  3. Be familiar with children’s family

  4. have XXX and parties

  5. must be able to sing

  6. experience is required

  7. training is provided

  8. free meals

  9. starts on 13 July

  10. on Wednesday


  Section 2


  题型: 6单选+4地图

  11-16) Multiple choices










  Section 3




  21-26) multiple-choice question

  21. advantage C

  22. B people are given one gift chosen by the researchers

  23. B cheaper

  24. C campus




  Problems: CE


  Problem: genuine smile, reason

  Section 4

  场景: 学术讲座——蝴蝶



  31. Some butterflies in south America hibernate in the form of an egg

  32. Save energy accumulated for formative stage

  33. Certain caterpillars in the far North produce a chemical of blood similar to antifreeze to protect larva

  34. Can’t live for long at cold condition, some mechanism can only operate warm weather

  35. Monarch butterflies in winter stay in North America

  36. Survival skill help can last for up to 6 months for long journey Monarch butterflies in migration

  37. At night they stay on the trees

  38. Finding their ways for following the rivers

  39. They also orient by using sun and the possibility of flowers

  40. Watching the migration can be good interest to increasing number of tourists





  Describe a building you like

  Describe a public place that you think need improvements

  Describe a city or country that you would like to live or work

  Describe an important river or lake in your country


  Describe an important river or lake in your country

  You should say:

  What is this river called

  How do you know about it

  What it looks like

  And explain why it is important

  The first important river that comes into my mind is Chang jiang river, which is also known as Yangtze river. It is 6,380 km long and is the longest river in Asia and the third longest in the world. The river is the longest in the world to flow entirely within one country. It drains one-fifth of the land area of the People's Republic of China and its river basin is home to nearly one-third of the country's population.

  The Yangtze plays a large role in the history, culture and economy of China. The prosperous Yangtze River Delta generates as much as 20% of the China’s GDP. The Yangtze River flows through a wide array of ecosystems and is habitat to several endangered species including the Chinese paddlefish and the Chinese alligator.

  In recent years, the river has suffered from industrial pollution, agricultural run-off, siltation and loss of wetland and lakes, which exacerbates seasonal flooding. Some sections of the river are now protected as Nature reserves.

  I knew Chang jiang from my textbook when I was a primary school student. I was amazed by its length and scenery. There are some many poems and article to praise it. It’s the cradle of Chinese culture. No wonder it’s call the “mother of China”.


  一、 考试概述:



  Passage 1:

  题目:The extraordinary Waltkin Tench

  题型:判断 6+ 简答题 7


  文章大意:Watkin Tench的传记类的文章,涉及到澳大利亚土著人,英国罪犯送往澳大利亚




  A great deal was known about Tench before arriving to Australia. FALSE

  Tench drew pictures of what he saw during his journey? NOT GIVEN

  generally treat convicts well. FALSE

  Tench's opinion towards Aboriginals remained unchanged. FALSE

  An Aboriginals gave Tench food as a gift when they first met. NOT GIVEN

  Tench held unusual opinion in his time. TRUE

  Short answers

  What concrete information proved Tench had a good education background?


  What was used to control convicts?


  Who told Tench to punish Aboriginals?

  Governor Phillip

  What activity did they engage on their way to H... River?

  Food hunting

  Where did the escaped convicts intend to go?


  Where did Tench meet the first Aboriginal ?

  Botany Bay

  Passage 2:

  题目: playing with science

  题型:段落细节配对7+多选 2+填空 3







  14. E

  15. H

  16. F

  17. B

  18. G

  19. D

  20. C

  21. A

  22. E

  23. B

  24. navigator

  25. zin and copper

  26. Lancroft Library

  Passage 3:

  题目:Marketing and Mind Control

  题型:单选题5+判断题5+段落信息配 4







  27. B

  28. D

  29. A

  30. D


  31. NO

  32. YES


  34. YES

  35. NO


  36. B

  37. H

  38. G

  39. E

  40. F


  TASK 1

  The bar chart indicates great difference between boys and girls in the sports that they chose to play in a particular country in 2000. According to the graph, the sports include cricket, basketball, tennis, netball, football and swimming.

  As is exhibited in the graph, the percentage of boys who chose to play cricket, netball and football is far bigger than that of girls. That proportion for boys was at 13%, 18% and 20% respectively, compared to less than 5% for girls.

  However, there are similar percentages of boys and girls selected the sports of basketball, tennis and swimming, which the figures of girls are slightly smaller.

  The figures in the graph lead us to the conclusion that boys and girls have different fondness for sports. Most of the boys enjoyed playing ball games, while girls liked sports indoors such as swimming and tennis.

  TASK 2




  Some people who have been in prison become good citizens later, some people think that they are the best people to talk to school students the danger of committing a crime. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

  Word count: 370

  Many methods have been employed to reduce the juvenile delinquency such as putting those who go astray to prison or rehabilitating them by means of community service. Nowadays a new proposal that school students should be informed of the hazard by the reformed criminals has been put forward, which, in my opinion, should not be regarded as the first resort.

  It is understandable that having the rehabilitated ex-criminals share the risks of committing crime can bring the criminal case to life and leave students a deep impression. Involving in the offences by themselves, the criminals are more likely to unravel the long course of their crime, from their initial motivation and the circumstances around, to their mixed and subtle feeling when violating the law, together with their confession in the court and their rehabilitation or prison term. This personal and detailed narration of criminals case sound more real and convincing, making students believe that how easy it is to commit a offence and how serious the consequence will be like.

  However, as a matter of fact, I deem that effectiveness of this approach is quite limited and can even induce some negative outcomes. In terms of professionalism, the reformed offenders cannot elaborate the importance of abiding by the law from social and legislative perspective; rather, they tend to focus primarily on their personal feelings or bogged in some trivial matters. In contrast, if school students are educated by some experienced officers from judicial systems, students may more be impressed by their professional and well-rounded share and realize the deterrence of law. Besides, in light of the potential mental harm, those freshly released from prison may suffer from guilt when they share their illegal behaviors to school students. Citizens are likely to bias against the law violators and prisoners, as illegal act are culturally and socially indecent and unacceptable against some backdrop. In this case, the former criminals may be attached to stigma of being less well-educated or being impoverished, making them feel shamed and rejected by the society.

  In conclusion, sharing risks of law violation by ex-criminals should not be widely advocated and better method can be taken to help students to become aware the importance of compliance with laws.

