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【#英语资源# 导语】我的朋友英语作文是学生们常写的一种作文,它可以让我们用英语来描述我们身边的朋友,展现我们的语言表达能力和交际能力。在®文档大全网上,我们可以找到许多范文和写作技巧,帮助我们更好地完成这篇作文。让我们一起来学习和提高吧!

1.我的朋友英语作文 篇一

  Friends add color to my life, and without them, how boring my life would be!

  Of course, I won't have only one friend, but my best and best friend is Zhang Na. She has jet black hair and always wears high braids; Under the thick eyebrows were a pair of big black pearl like eyes, which can be described as thick eyebrows and big eyes; With a small nose and a mouth like a cherry, it's incredibly cute! She is tall and has a long and thin neck.

  She has a violent personality, and one can defeat two boys. Once after class, she and I were playing games when suddenly two boys walked by and gave us a blank eye. How could Zhang Na be convinced? Zhang Na quickly kicked them and ran away.

  She has many hobbies: drawing, skipping rope

  First of all, let me talk about drawing! Once in an art class, I didn't want to draw anymore, so I doodled a few strokes, but she was still focused on drawing until I asked her to go out and play after class, and she didn't look up either. She rejected me and said, "I want to draw, you go play with others first

  She loves skipping rope. Once in a physical education class, the teacher asked us to jump rope, and the students suddenly became listless. Only Zhang Na was very happy. Then she jumped up with joy. I only jumped fifty or so, but she jumped over a hundred.

  I have such a friend, I am very happy and proud.

2.我的朋友英语作文 篇二

  My good friend's name is __, He has a pair of round eyes and a chubby face that looks very cute. She is a lively and lovely person who loves Dim sum. The food she makes is very tempting. This is inherited from her father, who is a chef. Besides cooking, she studies and plays the piano. She is a quiet girl with a strong artistic style.

  I still remember that time, the Dim sum she made was mouth watering. That time I went to their house to play, and after playing for a while, we felt bored. I decided to do something else and as soon as she spoke, she said, "We can read..." I understood her meaning before I could finish speaking. Thinking: I came to your house just to stop studying at home, but you still have to study. She seemed to see the reluctant look in my eyes and said let's make Dim sum. I quickly nodded and agreed.

  I can't be of much help in the kitchen. At most, I can help her pick up some things, and I might even make the mistake. Her Dim sum will be ready in a minute.

  Looking at the delicious and beautiful tiramisu, I immediately picked up the spoon and dug a mouthful. The fragrance was so unforgettable. I have to say that the rice she cooked is really delicious.

  She is my good friend, a girl who loves cooking.

3.我的朋友英语作文 篇三

  I have many, many friends in life, but when it comes to good friends, there is only one. He is __, We often play together inseparable. He always calls me "orange" and I always call him "bean".

  He had this pair of eyes that would narrow into a slit when he smiled. He used to wear glasses like a doctor, but now he has become a different person without glasses. He also had his spiritual hair cut, and the most interesting thing was that he had a fleshy face next to him.

  We met before going to school, and since then we have regarded each other as our best friends. We also have hidden secrets between us. He likes reading very much. I remember one time when I went to their house to play, I saw many books. We enjoyed reading them with great interest. After less than an hour, I stopped reading and asked him to play with toys with me. But he remained calm in his own little world. He was about to finish his meal, but he was still reading. Finally, I used all my strength to pull him out of the world of books and had a sweet and delicious meal.

  Don't look at him as a boy, he also has a cute side. We were swimming together, and he gave me the ball, but I don't know where it is. He looked left and right but didn't look at the ball. The ball hit him with a "bang" sound, and he shook his head as if nothing had happened and said, "It's okay, let's keep playing

  He is my good friend, the best friend in the world!

4.我的朋友英语作文 篇四

  Do you know who my best friend is? Hahaha, can't you guess? Let me introduce her then.

  She is not tall or short, with a face like a red apple, long hair, two crescent like eyebrows that are light. She has double eyelids, and her large eyes sparkle like diamonds. She is my Dandan sister.

  Despite her young age, she always likes to fight against injustice. I remember one time, some children were playing together, and an older child always bullied a little boy. The little boy was so aggrieved that he cried loudly. Seeing it to Sister Dandan, she ran up and asked what was going on, so she shouted loudly at the older child, "How could you bully this little boy like this? You did wrong and should apologize to him." At Sister Dandan's strong demand, the older child finally admitted to being wrong and apologized to the little boy. Sister Dandan comforted the aggrieved little boy again. After a while, the little boy burst into tears and laughed happily again.

  Miss Dandan always gives people a feeling of wind and bustle, like what everyone says is' big sister '. We often read and chat together, and we have a lot of fun together.

  This is my good friend and also a good sister who loves to fight against injustice.

5.我的朋友英语作文 篇五

  Classmates all have their own good friends, I believe you will definitely say, "Of course I do!" Yes, having friends will not make you feel lonely. I also have a good friend, his name is Zhang Junhao. We are a particularly good pair of friends. Let me introduce him now.

  Zhang Junhao is 11 years old this year, slightly smaller than me. He and I both enjoy playing football, but his hair is black, short and thin, and he looks really handsome. His nickname is Haohao. Zhang Junhao has a round face with bright eyes, which are as black as grapes, and are full of energy. There are two curved eyebrows above the eyes, like thin willow leaves. Zhang Junhao has a straight nose like me, a big mouth, and red lips. He also enjoys playing games. Every time I go to his house, I play football or games. He was very focused at the time.

  We still have time to argue. Remember every morning when he comes to school, he comes to poke me in the neck, Then I went to him and said, "It hurts a lot, let me poke you." He said, "It doesn't hurt." Then I smiled and said, 'Today I must poke you, I must poke you before I avenged you.' He said, 'I'm not good to you anymore.' I thought to myself, 'I can't poke me for him, it ruined our long-standing friendship.' So I said to him, 'Today I'll let you go.' And we restored our friendship back then.

  After listening to my introduction to Zhang Junhao, you must know why we are good friends! I hope you can also make
