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【#考研# 导语】考研马上就要开始了,短时间提升写作水平,建议考生还是要多背多记多练。冲刺备考英语作文有很大的潜力。®文档大全网分享几篇关于“环境问题”的作文范文,大家一起来看看。


Write an essay of 160-200 words based on the following drawing. In your essay, you should:

  1) describe the drawing briefly,

  2) explain its intended meaning, and then

  3) suggest counter-measures.

  You should write on ANSWER SHEET 2.


  This is a very interesting cartoon, in which two sharks are celebrating the good news that thanks to global warming, the sea water will drown a nearby island in five years where a man is fishing. Hence, the sharks are eager to enjoy a good meal of human flesh.

  Though exaggerate a little, the cartoon illuminates a serious fact that the unusually rapid speed of sea-level rise, caused by global warming, is devouring our lands, and for that matter, our lives. A recent report also supported this view by quoting scientists' forecast that island countries like Japan and Indonesia, as well as the numerous islands on the Pacific Ocean, might disappear from our maps forever. The current greenhouse effect remains out of control. We are sad to perceive that the threat fail to arouse enough attention, which is best exemplified by the frustration that Kyoto Protocol confronts.

  In my opinion, it is high time for the whole world to form cooperation fighting global warming, because not a single government nor person is exempt from its harm. A series of down-to-earth measures need to be urgently implemented to control the output of carbon dioxide that greatly contributes to global warming.






  thanks to: 由于

  hence: adv. 因此

  devour: v. 吞噬

  for that matter: 对于那件事情,因为那个原因

  greenhouse effect: 温室效应

  exemplify: v. 举例,例证

  Kyoto Protocol: 《东京协定》

  exempt: adj. 被免除的

  down-to-earth: adj. 实际的,实实在在的

  carbon dioxide: n. 二氧化碳


  This is a very interesting cartoon, in which...

  A recent report also supported this view by...

  We are sad to perceive that...

  It is high time for...



(4) Write an essay of 160-200 words based on the following drawing. In your essay, you should: 1) describe the drawing briefly,

  2) explain its intended meaning, and then

  3) give your comments and suggest counter-measures.

  You should write on ANSWER SHEET 2.


  In this picture a man rudely opens a garbage can and violently throws all kinds of waste into it. However, the box is not an ordinary trash can, but is, as a matter of fact, the Earth. It is where survive, breed, and prosper. But as the drawing indicates, Earth does not receive an equal repayment. Quite the contrary, one of the biggest "gifts" humans return to Earth is an unbelievable amount of trash.

  The picture purposefully points out a kind of pollution that arouses little public attention, that is, garbage. The past century has witnessed an unprecedented increase in garbage output, most of it technological products that are difficult to be decomposed through natural processes, such as plastics and glass. Furthermore, a recent report released that several major Chinese cities are already surrounded by circles of trash in the suburban areas, polluting air, water, and earth.

  Hence, the issue of waste pollution needs to be addressed as one of the priorities that demand social efforts. Only through a holistic system of trash disposal can this problem be fully solved. Moreover, we should advocate a more frugal lifestyle so as to reduce the growing scale of waste pollution.






  breed: v. 繁殖,繁衍

  prosper: v. 繁荣,昌盛

  unbelievable: adj. 难以置信的

  unprecedented: adj. 前所未有的

  decompose: v. 分解

  suburban: adj. 郊区的

  holistic: adj. 整体的,全盘的

  trash disposal: 垃圾处理

  advocate: v. 提倡,鼓吹

  frugal: adj. 节俭的,朴素的

  scale: n. 规模,范围


  However...is not ... but is..., as a matter of fact, ...

  Quite the contrary...

  The picture purposefully points out...

  The past century has witnessed an unprecedented increase in...

  Only through ... trash disposal can this problem be fully solved.

  Moreover, we should advocate...


Write an essay of 160-200 words based on the following drawing.

  In your essay, you should:

  1) describe the drawing briefly,

  2) explain its intended meaning, and then

  3) Suggest counter-measures.


  Today's society is deluged with fake products and constructions. Given this fact, we still feel quite shocked to discover in this picture that a water disposal station is such a counterfeit project. Polluted water that goes through the station inexplicably remains unchanged, but is able to be drained off into rivers and seas.

  The drawing ironically echoes with the insufficient efforts we have committed against pollution. On the one hand, government and the whole society have already arrived at the consensus that great manpower and money should be input to fully implement water conservation policy. On the other hand, some local officials only care about how to bring about a thriving economy and vibrant trade flows, neglecting the accountability of environmental protection. But I would say that the picture reveals an action lacking farsighted view, because pollution, in the long run, will inevitably undermine the fundamentals of economy.

  To briefly conclude, the inadequate efforts to pollution issues are posing a fatal threat to mankind's survival on Earth. To prevent such a pessimistic future, the public should impose great pressure on government to take pollution affairs as priorities. Additionally, those who are responsible for false facilities that claim to address pollution should be fined and chastised.






  deluge: n. 洪水,泛滥,蜂拥而至的东西

  counterfeit: n. 赝品,伪造品

  inexplicable: adj. 无法说明的

  drain off: 排放

  consensus: n. 一致,多数人的意见

  conservation: n. 保守,保持

  thriving: adj. 旺盛的,繁荣的

  vibrant trade flows: 兴旺的贸易流

  priority: n. 优先,优先权

  chastise: v. 惩罚,严惩


  Given the fact, we still feel quite shocked to discover in this picture that...

  But I would say that...

  To briefly conclude...


Write an essay of 160-200 words based on the following drawing. In your essay, you should:

  1) describe the drawing briefly,

  2) explain its intended meaning, and then

  3) Suggest counter-measures.


  From the picture, we can see clearly that our Earth is suffering from "lung cancer" caused by environmental pollution. Its deteriorating condition is threatening all forms of life, pushing them to the edge of extinction. Just as is vividly depicted, continents that used to be covered by green life now turn deadly black.

  The damage to the natural environment began as early as the arrival of industrilization. While abundant products are offered to the society, industrialization also brings the side effect of all forms of pollution. Moreover, human exploitation of natural resources has caused destruction that is far beyond our imagination.Currently the ecosystem is on the verge of collapse, while the population of mankind is still increasing steadily and uncontrollably. More unfortunately, human beings seem addicted to industrial production and material wealth but are hardly aware of the potential dangers.

  We must realize that we are neither the master of the Earth, nor should we become the slaves of the advanced technology. Man and nature are supposed to coexist in great harmony. Without changing our negative attitude towards nature, humans will face a fatal destiny. To briefly conclude, economic development should not be achieved at the cost of our Earth's "health".






  lung cancer: 肺癌

  deteriorating: adj. 恶化的

  push... to the edge of: 把......推向......的边缘

  deadly: adj. 死一般的,极度的

  arrival: n. 到达

  side effect: 副作用

  abundant: adj. 充足的

  on the verge of: 在......的边缘

  steadily: adv. 稳步地、稳定地

  uncontrollably: adv. 无法控制地

  be addicted to: 上瘾

  coexist: v. 共存

  destiny: n. 命运


  From the picture, we can see clearly that...

  Just as is vividly depicted...

  To briefly conclude...

