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【#教案# 导语】教案是教师为顺利而有效地开展教学活动,根据课程标准,教学大纲和教科书要求及学生的实际情况,以课时或课题为单位,对教学内容、教学步骤、教学方法等进行的具体设计和安排的一种实用性教学文书。©文档大全网准备了以下内容,供大家参考!

篇一《Review and check》

  1. 能听懂特殊疑问句What is this?并能根据情况用It is a...回答。 2. 能使用特殊疑问句What is this?向他人询问和确认某件物品,语音语调正确。

  3. 能听懂,会说duck, cow, pig, dog, cat的单数形式,发音准确。


  1. 能听懂特殊疑问句What is this?并能根据情况用It is a...回答。

  2. 能使用特殊疑问句What is this?向他人询问和确认某件物品,语音语调正确。



  1. Sing a song


  2. Read the words one by one.

  3. Each group introduces aname of animal themselves.



  1. Ask and answer.

  T: Do you like animals? What is this?

  Ss: It’s a dog.

  T: Now we are on a farm. Theclass is a farm.

  Ss: Ok.

  T: Let’s listen to the tape.

  T: Now read after teacher:What’s this?


  Ss: Read one by one.

  T: What’s this? (师出示动物图片,提问。)

  Ss: It’s acow/dog/pig/cat/duck.

  2. A riddle: It’s an animal.It’s big. It has a big nose and big ears. It has small eyes.What is it?

  3. Draw a pig on theblackboard.



  1. T: Today we’ll have acompetition: who’ll be the best of animals? The commentator should describe theanimals.


  2. T: Look at the cow! Bigor small?

  Ss: It’s big.

  T: Look, what’s this?

  S: It’s a duck.

  T: What’s this?

  S: It’s a dog.



  1、听读B. Look and learn各五遍,家长签名。

  2、跟读C. Say a rhyme三遍。
篇二《A boy and a girl》

  Part B and D of Unit 11 A boy and a girl, Fun with English.


  1. Enable the Ss to understand, read and say the new words “boy, girl, Chinese, thin, fat, tall, short.”

  2. Enable the Ss to use the sentence in their daily life.

  3. Develop the Ss’ abilities of listening, speaking, and writing English.

  4. Train the Ss’ abilities of cooperation.


  1. The pronunciation of some new words “girl, thin, tall, small”

  2. Enable the Ss to say and use the sentences“My name is … I’m …”to introduce themselves to others.




  Communicational Approach


  Step1. Warm—up

  1. Sing a song “Hello”。

  2. Free talk

  T: This is … Her name is Helen.

  What’s your name? Nice to meet you.

  Step2. Presentation & practice

  1. Present and practice the new sentence “My name is …”

  2 T: Do you want to know my name?

  Ss: …

  T: My name is … (T presents the new sentence “My name is …”)

  T: My name is Zhu Xiaoyan. How about your name?

  S: My name is … …

  2. Present and practice the new words “boy, girl, Chinese, I’m from…”

  T: (Show the Ss the picture of Liu Tao) Look, this is …

  Ss: Liu Tao. T: This is Liu Tao. So we know his name is Liu Tao.

  T: How about his sex?

  T: What’s this?

  T: This is a Chinese flag. (Present and teach the word “boy, Chinese”)

  T: (point to one of them) this is a … Liu Tao is a Chinese boy.

  How about...? T: (point to one of them) … is a …

  T: Who’s she? (Present the new word “girl”)

  T: Miss Zhu is a girl. I’m a Chinese girl. And I’m from Rudong.

  T: Where are you from? … (Present the sentence “I’m from…”)

  Do you know where is Liu Tao from?

  3. Present and practice the new words “fat, thin, tall, short”

  T: We know Liu Tao is from Shanghai. Shanghai is a beautiful city. Let’s go to Shanghai.

  Ss: OK. T: Where is it?

  Ss: It’s a zoo.

  T: Let’s see what are in the zoo. (Present some pictures of animals)

  T: Look, this is a … (monkey) And this is a monkey. (Present and practice the word “fat, thin”)

  T: (Present the picture of LiuTao and Yao Ming) This is .

  T: Yao Ming is . (Present and practice the new word “tall, short”)

  4. Present and read the text

  T: Now, how much do you know about Liu Tao? Say it out! …

  T: Let’s read and learn Liu Tao’s self-introduction.

  (Ask the Ss to read after the tape )

  T: Close your books, please. Look , This is Liu Tao’s self-introduction, and this is me, can you help me correct it? (Ask the Ss to correct the self-introduction, and learn the example.)

  Step3. Consolidation

  T: Now, boys and girls.

  Try to introduce yourselves.

  You have 30 seconds to do it.

  Step4. Homework

  1. Make your self-introduction card.

  2. Introduce yourselves to five people and ask them to sign on the back of your introduction cards.


  Unit 11 A boy and a girl

  My name is … I’m a

  Chinese… boy girl I’m from…

  I’m … (年龄) tall short

  I’m … (特征) fat thin

篇三 《Thank you》


  1、 能听懂,会说:An egg? An ice cream? Some cakes? A glass of milk? A glass of orange juice? 及其回答Yes, please. No , thank you. = No, thanks.



  1、能听懂,会说:Some cakes? An egg? An ice cream? A glass of milk? A glass of orange juice?及其回答Yes, please. No , thank you. = No, thanks.



  1、教具准备 :实物, 图片,磁铁, 课件

  2、板书准备:课前写好课题Unit 10 Thank you



  Step 1: Warm up


  T:Good morning, boys and girls.

  S:Good morning, Miss Yang.

  T:Nice to meet you.

  S:Nice to meet you,too.

  T:How are you?

  S: Fine, thank you. And you?

  T: I’m happy. Sit down,please.

  2、Free talk(Let’s free talk.Ok?)

  对话中喊学生回答问题时,不断复现you, please.

  (1)T:Good moring, what’s your name ?

  S: I’m … T: Nice to meet you.

  S: Nice to meet you,too.

  T:How are you?

  S: Fine, thank you. And you ?

  T: Not bad, thanks.(1,2,3,4,5组)

  (2)T: Good morning, Look, this is my new sweater.

  S:How nice!/It’s smart./It’s pretty./It’s nice. T: Thanks. (6, 7 coat, 8watch三人)

  (3)课件1 Thanks =Thank you 谢谢你。

  (4)操练:Thanks T:Look at her coat.

  S1: It’s nice.

  S2: Thanks.

  T:Look at his sweater.

  S3: How nice.

  S4: Thanks.

  Step 2:Presentation and practice.

  1、(接上面引入)T: Look at my box . S5: How nice.

  T: Thanks.

  T: Guess ? guess ? What’s in the box ? 老师提示a?? (目的复习许多旧单词,练习了声调的猜测,为下面学句型的声调做铺垫)

  生猜测:a ?? a?? a?? (猜到orange 为止,如猜不到提示It’s a kind of fruit .猜到后指一学生说open the box,please.S:OK!/All right.T:thanks.体现前后的衔接。)

  T:oh,it’s an orange.同时把盒子放回前面。

  2、通过orange,学习An/a?? Yes,please. Some?? No, thanks. (目的以此环节通过旧单词orange, 学习新句型,并在此总结了带an 的单词,两个的,以及一些的)

  (1)T: (师手拿苹果,问学生)Look at this small orange.

  S: It’s nice.

  T: (师作吃状,示意学生)I’d like to eat it.yam,yam,yam. Do you want to eat? (走到一学生跟前) An orange ?

  S: Yes.

  T:(引导学生说)Yes,please. (师同时出示词条Yes, please.)

  教读三遍,指读一组。(学生说时往黑板走去贴词条Yes, please.) T—S—S 操练(师拿着苹果问一学生)Anorange ?

  S接过苹果Yes, please.继续问下一个,操练一组。苹果就放在最后一位同学那。


  (3)T:(回到电脑前) an orange? 你还知道其他的带an 的单词吗?Do you know the other words with “an ”?

  S:an apple , an elephant, an ice cream (同时课件3呈现,带读一遍)

  3、学习an ice cream T:Guess? Guess? What is it?


  T:师采用各种方法教学生认读单词 老虎读,猫读 从低到高读 慢读到快读 指读几个, 两人读,四人读,一排读,小组读 (冰淇淋对于孩子很难读,所以设计各种各样的方法练习读这个单词)

  T:An ice cream? S:Yes,please.

  T: (示意cold)引导学生说No, thanks. 出示词条No, thanks.边说当你不想要的时候就说No ,thanks. T与一学生示范,Work in pairs.

  4、Now, I’m hungry .(师作饥饿状)通过饥饿引出蛋糕,学习cake蛋糕 T:Oh,it’s a cake. Read after me.cake,cake.

  (1)音标教读k ei k.

  (2)跟写单词show me your figers and follow me.

  (3)升降调教读 One by one T:What is it?

  S:学生会用汉语告诉老师是蛋糕。 T与一学生示范A cake ? Yes,please./ No, thanks.

  T:师出示课件两个蛋糕,How to say ?

  S:学生会说two cakes. T:师出示课件一些蛋糕,How to say ?

  S:学生可能会说cakes, 也可能会说some cakes.

  T:师教读some, 明意“一些”

  S:指名让学生组词Who can make phrases with “some”?

  T: 当你想问别人要一些蛋糕吗?你该怎样问?

  (4) S:some cakes ? T: Yes,please. (师同时出示词条some??)

  5、通过一首儿歌,复习cake, ice cream并稍作休息 Chant: An an ice cream? No,no,thanks. Some some cakes ? Yes, yes, please.(教读,齐读)

  6、学习juice, a glass of, milk

  (1)T:(师作饥渴状)thirsty, thirsty,I’m very thirsty . I must drink some juice.(师顺手拿起果汁,喝完后yam, yam,yam) 教读juice ,指读一组, What colour is the juice ? What juice ?

  T:This is orange juice. What else juice do you know ?(生组词)

  (2)T:师边把果汁倒入杯子中,边说:This is a glass.(教读,指读) 左手说a glass, 右手说juice. 三四遍 停止倒果汁,This is a glass of juice. 教读a glass of juice 师拿起果汁,问一学生:A glass of juice ? S:学生回答Yes, please,就可以喝一口,继续问其他同学,连环问,直至果汁喝完。

  (3)学习牛奶 T: Oh, there’s no juice.Close your eyes.Let’s change. (师边倒牛奶,边重复说milk,milk ,milk) Open your eyes,what is it? S:milk T:师教读milk T:(一杯牛奶)How to say? T: Who can make phrases with “a glass of??” Work in pairs.

  7、儿歌复习饮料 Chant: Juice, juice, juice,

  A glass of juice? No, no, thanks; Milk, milk, milk,

  A glass of milk ?


  8、招聘启示 KFC招聘启示 KFC招聘营业员,




  (3)能用英语询问客人想要些什么。 师示范,学生六人一组练习,展示

  Step 3 Consolidation

  T: Today Nancy and Yang Ling are going out. They want to buy somethings to eat and drink. Let’s listen to the tape.

  1、Answer the question

  2、S read the books and repeat the tape.

  3、S read the text by themselves.

  Step 4 Sumay小结

  T: Now, boys and girls, Let’s review,think over今天学到了什么?what have you learned this lesson?

  上完这节课,你还想学习哪些食物饮料类的知识?after this lesson,what else food do you want to learn?你打算怎样去学习呢 ?

  Step 5 Homework

  1、Listen and repeat the text 5 times.

  2、Make a dialogue with your friends.

