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  【#三年级# 导语】英语是世界上的国际通用语言之一,使用范围很广泛。随着我国对外开放的不断扩大化,科学技术的不断进步,国际地位的不断提高,非常需要精通外语的专门人才,以加速我国“四化”进程,使我国在国际事务中发挥更大更积极的作用。而小学时期对于孩子学习英语来说也是黄金时期,所以要尽量在孩童时期就有对孩子的英语教育。以下是®文档大全网整理的相关资料,希望对您有所帮助。



  使用“It has... It has... and...”句型介绍动物的特征,并能用“It is...”及 “It is so...”来表达自己对动物的整体评价。

  1. 本课时的重点是使用“It has... It has... and...”句型介绍动物的特征并,能在实际生活中运用。

  2. 本课时的难点是“It has...”的读法及单、复数的正确用法。

  3. 能运用所学语言展开讨论、表演。





  1. 培养学生热爱动物、热爱大自然的美好情感,增强学生的环境保护意识。

  2. 学生能根据自己的想象与创意改编对话,增强对英语学习的自信心和学习兴趣。



  1. Let's chant:(根据书本 PEP 1 P 35 的 chant 改编)

  Make this clown, up and down.

  Face big, ears small. Head big, mouth too.

  Arms long, fingers short. Legs long, feet short.

  Face big, ears small .Head big, mouth too.

  Body long, ose too. Happy, happy, happy fellow.


  2. Look at the cat. It is fat. Look at the pig. It is big...




  T: Look at the mouse. It is...

  Ss: It is... (有的学生说:It is small. 有的学生用很夸张的语气说:It is very very small.)

  T: It is small. It is very very small. It is so small.(注意语气夸张、强调)

  (教师把 mouse 的尾巴翘起来,做一些有趣的动作)And it is funny. It is so...

  Ss: Funny. It is so funny.

  T: It is so funny. It is so small. Other ideas? How do you think of the mouse?

  Ss: It is so nice. It is so small. It is so funny/ beautiful.( 学生边说边手舞足蹈)

  T: Yes, it is so small. How about this elephant? It is so...

  Ss: It is so...

  2. Guessing game:

  T:The mouse is happy. I'm happy too. How about you? Are you happy? Now, let's make some riddles.

  Ss: OK!

  T: Listen! It's beautiful. It is so beautiful. It has big eyes. It has a small nose. It has a small mouth. It has long ears. What is it?

  Ss: Rabbit! (同学大声回答)

  T: Another riddle. It has small eyes. It has big ears. It has a short tail. And it has a long nose. What is it?

  Ss: Elephant.

  3. (1)教师拿出玩具大象

  T: Look at the elephant. The elephant has a (教师停顿,并指着大象的鼻子)...

  Ss: A long nose.

  T: Yes, it has a long nose. (教师写出课题)

  T:(然后分解跟读,指着单词 has) Here "a" is pronounced as...

  Ss: //

  T: Let's read the word together.

  Ss: / h / // / s / has

  T: It-has-a long nose.(分解跟读)

  T: (运用玩具大象,做“Catch and say”的游戏) It has a long nose. Please catch it and say the sentence.

  Ss: (抓到大象,边说边做动作) It has a long nose.

  T: (大象回到老师的手中) It has a long nose. How about its tail? It has a...

  Ss: (大部分学生回答) It has a short tail. (也有几名学生回答) It has a long tail.

  (老师迅速出示大象, 同学们就叫了起来: It has a short tail.)

  T: So, It has a long nose and a...

  Ss: A shot tail.

  T﹠Ss: It has a long nose and a short tail.

  T: Look at the elephant. It has a...

  Ss: A long nose. Look at the elephant. It has a long nose. Look at the elephant. It has a short tail.(老师利用手势来引导)

  T: How about its eyes?

  Ss: It has small eyes.

  T: Yes, it has small eyes. Look the elephant. It has small eyes. How about other animals?

  T: (利用课件)How about this kind of animal?

  Ss: Look at the... It has ... ears.

  4. T: (CAI)Look at the elephant.

  It has a long nose. Yes, yes, yes.

  It has a short tail. Yes, yes, yes.

  It has big ears. Yes, yes, yes.

  It has small eyes. Yes, yes, yes.

  Let's chant together.

  Ss: (小组进行练习)

  T: This is my chant. Can you make a chant like that? Look at these animals.

  Ss: Look at the rabbit.

  It has... Yes, yes, yes.


  5. T: Your chant are nice. Let's play a game. Boys and girls, close your eyes. Please guess: It has a big nose. It's an elephant.(在这个游戏中,注意只让学生摸到动物的一两个部位)

  S1: (Guess) It has a long mouth. It has small eyes. It's a duck.

  T: Yes. So, Open your eyes. Let's say together.

  S2: It has short arms. It has a big body. It's a panda.

  T: No.

  S3: It has... It's a...

  6. T: So many animals here. And there are also many animals in the circle. What are they? Let's read together:

  Ss: It has big ears.

  T: Guess, What is it?

  Ss: It's a...

  T: Let's go on.

  Ss: It has small eyes. It has four short legs. It has a fat body. It has a long tail.(课件逐句出现)

  T: What is it?

  Ss: It's a...

  T&Ss: It says: Mew. Mew.

  Ss: Cat. Cat.

  T: Another one.

  Ss: It has a small nose. It's has a small nose. It has a big body. It has small eyes. It has big ears. It has a long tail.

  S1: dog/ squirrel/...

  Ss: It's small. It's white.

  T&Ss: It's a mouse.

  Ss: It has a small nose. It has a big mouth. It has a big face. It has a long tail. It has small eyes and small ears. It has long arms and long legs. It likes peaches.

  S1: It's monkey.

  7. T:(CAI)Look at the cat. The cat is sad. Can you guess why?

  S1: The cat... (很多学生都用中文来表达)

  T: Because the cat can't find his mother. Look, let's read together.

  Ss: Hello. Are you my mother?

  T: Let's help the cat.

  Ss: OK.

  T: (CAI: rabbit) Is she the cat's mother?

  Ss: No.

  T: Guess. The rabbit says...

  Ss: ...

  T: Look!

  T&Ss: No. Your mother is a cat. It has a small nose.

  T: So, I'm a cat. Who wants to be a rabbit?

  S1: (带上头饰)

  T: Hello. Are you my mother?

  S1: No. Your mother is a cat. It has a small nose.

  T: Practice in pairs. Look. Who's coming?

  Ss: A dog.

  T: Yes. The cat says...

  Ss: Hello. Are you my mother?

  T: (带上头饰)Hello. Are you my mother?

  S1: No. Your mother is a cat. It has a big nose.

  S2: No. Your mother is a cat. It has a long tail. It has small eyes.

  T: Let's read together.

  Ss: No. Your mother is a cat. It has a big nose and a long tail.

  T: Now, look, the cat meets...

  Ss: A monkey.

  T: Yes, a monkey. Can you act it out?

  S1: Hello. Are you my mother?

  S2: No. Your mother is cat. It has small eyes and big ears.


  T: Hello. I'm a cat. Who wants to be a rabbit? Who wants to be a dog? Who wants to be a monkey? Hello. Are you my mother?

  S1: No. Your mother is a cat. It has a small nose.

  S2: No. Your mother is a cat. It has a small nose.


  T: The cat is so happy. Why?

  Ss: The cat finds his mother.

  T: OK. Let's read together.

  Ss: Hello. Are you my mother? Yes, come on. My baby.

  T: Let's get in groups of four. Act it out.

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