新东方新概念英语第三册 百度网盘:新东方新概念英语第三册笔记第4课(3):课后答案详解


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Special difficulties 难点

  impossibility n.不可能之事, 不可能
  grant vt.同意, 准予
  A. 两类词汇:
  1>tell, give等动词可以和双宾语搭配(指物的直接宾语,指人的间接宾语)
  -- He?told?a?story?to?me. = He?told?me?a?story?.
  2>explain, say等动词只能代一个(直接)宾语, 在间接宾语前要用介词to
  -- He explain the difficult to me. / He said nothing to me.
  -- She speaks English to her husband and Swedish to her children.
  -- He admitted his guilt to the police.(guilt n.罪行, 内疚)
  -- Did you suggest this idea to him?
  当直接宾语比较长或者是个从句时, 通常放在间接宾语之后(但say除外)
  -- I explained to him the impossibility of granting his request.
  = I explained the impossibility of granting his request to him.
  -- He confessed to me that he had fallen asleep during the meeting.
  = He confessed that he had fallen asleep during the meeting to me.
  confide vt., vi.
  1> 倾诉(与in连用)
  -- Jone felt she could only confide in her mother. 琼觉得她只有向她妈妈倾吐心中的秘密。
  2> 吐露 (心事、秘密等), 与to连用
  -- One evening he came and confided to me that he had spent five years in prison.
  -- His suggestion is worth considering.
  -- His rise in status is worth the loss of money.
  Multiple choice questions 多项选择
  1... A illustrate vt.阐明, 阐述
  “...a great many people are often willing to sacrifice higher pay for the privilege of becoming
  white-collar worker"
  2... C double life
  3... D "...he feels that his rise in status is well worth the loss of money"
  previous adj.在前的, 早先的
  respect n.某方面 vt.尊敬, 尊重
  4... B to?go?可以省略
  They usually go to work wearing a collar and tie.
  5... D
  "Alfred was too embarrassed to say anything to his wife about his job."
  so...that…(在that引导的结果状语从句中, 如果采用否定式,可以和too...to?互换)
  -- The water is too hot for us to drink. = The?water?is?so?hot?that?we?can‘t?drink.
  6... C "He simply told her that he worker of the Corporation"
  simply副词(仅仅是, 再没有别的了= only, just)
  无论是simply, only还是just,往往用在所修饰的主体词之前。
  -- I did it simply/only for the money
  -- I don‘t like driving. I do it simply/only because I have to go to work each day.
  in?a?simple?way 简单地, 简朴地
  -- She?was?always?dressed?in?a?simple?way.
  7... B
  Before是介词和动名词形式搭配。 -- Before returning home...
  Before是连接词,引导时间状语从句。 -- Before?he?returned?home...
  before?引导的从句, 常用一般现在时或一般过去时, 不用进行时。
  8... C "half as much as it used to be"
  -- I feel the summers are hotter than they used to be.
  -- I feel you are much fatter than you used to be.
  9... D
  gain:获利, 赢得(表示通过努力)
  -- gain time, gain reputation, gain speed, gain height
  -- doctor‘s?fees 医疗费 / the?lawyer‘s?fees 律师费
  -- pay for my university fees 支付我的大学学费
  10... B companion n.同伴, 共事者 comrade n.朋友, 同志, 伙伴
  11... C "well worth the loss of money"
  pay?back 偿还, 报复
  reward 酬劳
  value 价值
  compensate v.偿还, 补偿
  compensate?for赔偿 = make?up?for弥补
  -- His intelligence more than compensate?for his lack of experience.
  12... A call = addressed as被称为
  name命名 / cry?out喊叫 / shout v.呼喊, 呼叫

