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  《花花 公子》创始人海夫纳去世

  《花花 公子》杂志创始人休·海夫纳去世,享年91岁。

  海夫纳1953年创办《花花 公子》,创刊号封面刊载了当红影星玛丽莲·梦露的*照。《花花 公子》杂志推动了公众对性的看法的变革,上世纪70年代鼎盛时期订户超过700万。

  《花花 公子》公司说,海夫纳星期三在位于洛杉矶的花花 公子豪宅中去世,是自然死亡。

  创办杂志后,《花花 公子》打出品牌,逐渐发展为一个多媒体王国,曾包括在20个国家发行的《花花 公子》杂志,夜 总会、*、有线电视台和制片公司。除了* 体照片外,包括雷·布莱伯利、约翰·厄普代克、弗拉基米尔·纳博科夫和乔伊斯·卡罗尔·欧茨等作家都曾在《花花 公子》杂志上发表文章。

  海夫纳本人曾参加过一个名叫“邻家女孩”的真人秀,这档节目先后播放五年,向观众展示了海夫纳的妻子和一些杂志模特在《花花 公子》豪宅里的生活。

  海夫纳以身着丝绸睡衣和天鹅绒外套,嘴里叼着烟斗,以及他享乐主义的生活方式和花花 公子豪宅里的派对著称。


  Playboy magazine founder Hugh Hefner has died at the age of 91.

  He launched Playboy in 1953 with an issue that featured nude photos of actress and model Marilyn Monroe, and helped push along a revolution in views on sex as the magazine reached a peak of more than 7 million subscribers by the 1970s.

  The company said Hefner died Wednesday of natural causes at his Playboy Mansion home in Los Angeles.

  Beyond the magazine, the Playboy brand expanded into a multimedia empire that at various times included editions of the magazine in 20 countries, night clubs, casinos, a cable network and a film production company. In addition to nude pictures, the magazine also included writing from famous authors such as Ray Bradbury, John Updike, Vladimir Nabokov and Joyce Carol Oates.

  Hefner himself starred for five years in a reality TV show called “The Girls Next Door”, which followed his life at the Playboy Mansion along with some of the magazine models who lived at the site.

  He was known for his style of silk pajamas paired with a smoking jacket and a pipe, and a hedonistic lifestyle that went along with the parties at his mansion.

  Hefner was married three times and had four children.



