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【#英语资源# 导语】自信是长风破浪会有时的执着,自信是天生我才必有用的肯定。请你就自信写一篇600字作文吧。©文档大全网为大家准备了以下内容,供大家参考阅读。


  Self confidence is one of the most important nutrients in our growth. Self confidence is one of the important secrets of success. It comes from our hearts, but it needs to be brave to try and face it, so that it can overflow from our hearts and radiate itself. It was my attempt not long ago that made me understand this truth.

  About a month ago, I accompanied my mother to participate in the Ruiheng cup marathon Mini half race held in my county. Instead of participating, I was going to interview and write a press release as a small reporter. Half an hour after the shooting, someone began to sprint to the finish line. The people around me gathered more and more. I should also start my interview, but I was afraid. I wanted to do it, but I couldn't take this step.

  Under this kind of uneasy psychology, I waited until my mother finished the game smoothly. After a short rest, my mother began to encourage me to interview some uncles and aunts, but I didn't dare. After a long time. I finally made up my mind to interview my mother first. My mother smiled and answered my question. I felt that it was not difficult, so I walked away and wanted to interview independently. But looking at the strange faces, my heart beat again. At this time, I saw a four or five-year-old child standing with several aunts to interview, because an uncle of the route next to my aunt was videotaping him. Uncle Kenda five saw my little press card, took me to another aunt and said to me, you can interview this aunt, come on. I can't push it, but I have to go like that. After a while, I returned to my mother with a smile, because the aunt looked strange, but she first responded with an encouraging smile and answered my questions seriously and patiently. I found that there was nothing to be afraid of. My mother's encouragement to me returned to my ears and turned into strength filled my heart.

  Then, I successfully interviewed an old man who finished the game successfully. Grandpa is not "old" at all. He is full of sunshine and self-confidence, which transmits more positive energy to people. Once again, I feel deeply. No matter what his own situation and conditions are, self-confidence is the most important!

  Students, growth needs self-confidence! Let us raise the sail of self-confidence and sail to the other side of the ideal, we will grow up and we will succeed!


  Self confidence may be half the success for us. When we lose self-confidence, can I stand up again?

  The answer is yes. It's not terrible for a person to lose self-confidence. What's terrible is that he can't get up as soon as he falls.

  When I was just in junior high school, I was a self-confident and timid child. I was afraid of making mistakes and regretting. Once I elected a sports committee member. At that time, I had a good job in sports. However, I dare not say it, so I told the students around me to choose me! But I was so nervous that I didn't feel it. Until the next day, I said to myself silently that I can do it, believe in myself and succeed. So I explained my ideas to the teacher early in self-study. However, the teacher promised, and I was secretly happy. Success is self-confidence that makes me stand up! In addition, in class, I am also poor at pronunciation. When I think of me in the first day of junior high school, I am so timid and naive. I dare not answer the teacher's temperature. The word "panic" in my heart. What's the matter with me? Does a little "panic" make me lose my confidence? No! So I try my best to adapt to the mood of no class in each class. Gradually, I have confidence that I can give a why and perfect answer to the teacher's question.

  I remember when the teacher asked me what kind of thoughts the author had when I was studying "silent night", I understood what the teacher said and my feelings, and answered them smoothly in one breath. I was secretly happy and confident that I had succeeded.

  I know that once I lose my self-confidence, I will fall sharply.

  This is a border county where I am not confident. I had white hair on my head. In order to make my hair black, my parents searched everywhere for presc riptions and prescribed me several pairs of traditional Chinese medicine for the first time. After several courses of treatment, I began to turn black, but because I didn't believe it, I didn't take those drugs every day, which made me jump again and again, and there was no relief. When I could, my father bought me some bottles of shampoo to wash my black hair and began to wash it for three months. I saw the effect. I thought it was good and didn't wash, but later it grew out again. Hey! If you don't obey, you can't stand up without self-confidence.

  Does losing self-confidence have a redeeming effect? The answer is that as long as you stick to your self-confidence, you will stand up.


  Life is long, and there are many setbacks. On the road of life, everyone has different experiences, but also different mentality and practices. Some people will give up their ideals and do nothing; Some people will work hard and persevere; If you choose the second method, you will become a beautiful scenery.

  When you fall and get up, this is the beginning of success; When you are not afraid of difficulties and have the courage to climb, this is the beginning of success; Having confidence when you fail is the beginning of success

  Yes, life is not plain sailing. Only by using our self-confidence to rush through the ups and downs can we successfully reach the terminal of success.

  Indeed, in the long river of life, there is prosperity; There are also adversity; There is the joy of success and the bitterness of failure. If there are no crags, twists and turns, the path to success will appear. If there are no crags, twists and turns, even the path to success will appear.

  If you can't be the moon, you should be a bright star. After illuminating the night sky many times, you will surpass the bright moonlight and shine brightly in the sky. Because you have confidence and never lose heart.

  If you can't be a forest, you should be a strong little tree. After many years, you will eventually have luxuriant branches and leaves and be more brilliant than the forest. Because you have confidence.

  Not only self-confidence, but also a powerful driving force for learning knowledge. In the ocean of knowledge, we will inevitably encounter all kinds of storms, and self-confidence is the beacon that points out the navigation mark. Under its guidance, we will reach the other side of success.

  If our current students want to become the talents needed by the future society, one of the most important qualities is to be confident in their potential and future prospects. This is not only an effective measure to improve academic performance, but also a valuable asset for life.

  "Confidence is the first secret of success." Yes, it is this valuable self-confidence that leads you from failure to success.

  Self confidence is not only the true meaning of life, but also a landscape of success.


  "I want to stand up! I want to stand up!" Eh? Who's calling? I looked for prestige and found a man holding a crutch limping over, "ah! Brother, how did you come out! Mom said your legs have been... And you can't move around!" I was startled. He touched his sweaty forehead and shouted loudly and resolutely, "who says I'm disabled! I'm going to stand up!" I was moved by this little life, and my eyes filled with tears

  I still remember it was a sunny morning. I was still like a caterpillar huddled in the quilt, and my brother twisted up my ears. In order to keep my ears, I had to shout, "King Cheng, spare my ears!" He smiled and said, "look! This is my good friend Kevin Chen!" Ah! I brought another VIP. It seems that my room must become a chicken house. At this time, my mother stepped in again and said, "Xu Feng, I'm going to buy clothes with your aunt and take good care of my little brother!" "This..." before I finished, my mother closed the door with a bang. Ah! Why am I so unlucky!

  Finally, in the afternoon, I helped the two little VIPs downstairs. As I walked, my brother said, "I'm Altman! I can fly around! I don't believe I can fly down from here immediately."

  "OK! Let me give you a hand," said his good friend and pushed his brother. His brother shook his body and fell down the stairs. I was surprised and ran over uneasily. I saw his brother holding his feet and shouting, "it hurts! It hurts!" I hurried to call the 120 emergency center. After the doctor arrived, he took me to the hospital. After treatment, the doctor said to me, "I'm afraid your brother's feet won't stand up for a while."

  From that time on, my brother made a decision: I want to stand up! He kept falling and falling on the ground with a crutch every day until his feet fell out of blood and his hands grinded out bubbles. He still refused to stop. He still said the sentence: "I want to stand up!" Then he carried out the next step plan. He boldly put down his crutch, showed a firm look in his eyes, and took his first step forward. At this time, the last scene I wanted to see appeared again: my brother fell again. But instead of bowing to fate, he stood up and moved forward step by step... In this way, through his unremitting efforts, he was able to leave in a short time. Although it was unpleasant, it gave us a big surprise. He raised his head and said excitedly, "I finally stand up again!"

  Self confidence is to face failure bravely and persevere; Self confidence is to give full play to your strengths and shine continuously on the journey of life; Self confidence - trust yourself and be full of hope for your own development. The most important thing for people in this world is to have self-confidence, because self-confident people are the most beautiful.


  What makes the seed break through the confinement of rock stratum and face the light? What is it that makes the eagle rush into the sky fearless of the storm? What makes the horse break free from the shackles of the reins and run to the end of the world? It is self-confidence. Only with a self-confident attitude can we have success, because self-confidence is the cornerstone of success.

  Confident people are beautiful and confident life is bright. Without self-confidence, no matter how powerful people are, they can not be recognized by others and move towards success.

  US President Nixon ruined his political career because of a mistake of lack of self-confidence. In 1972, Nixon ran for re-election. Because of his outstanding achievements in his first term, most political commentators predicted that Nixon would win by absolute advantage. However, Nixon himself was not confident. He could not get out of the psychological shadow of the past few failures and was extremely worried about failure again. Driven by this subconscious, he did something stupid that he regretted all his life. He assigned his men to sneak into the Watergate Hotel of his opponent's headquarters and install a bug in his opponent's office. After the incident, he repeatedly blocked the investigation and shirked responsibility. Soon after the election victory, he was forced to resign. Nixon, who had been a sure winner, suffered a disastrous defeat because of his lack of confidence.

  What a pity! Nixon could have been re elected president successfully, but he made mistakes because of his lack of self-confidence, resulting in his failure to succeed and being criticized and ridiculed by everyone. What a heavy price!

  Only with confidence can we overcome the immediate difficulties, see the bright future, realize the value of life and move towards success.

  In order to extract radium in order to determine its atomic weight and confirm its existence to science, Madame Curie once wore working clothes covered with dust and stains all day. In an extremely simple laboratory, she spent all day with experimental instruments that could not speak, stirred the smelting pot with iron bars as high as her, and looked for traces of radium from the waste residue of asphalt mine piled up like mountains. For a beautiful woman, the conditions are extremely difficult. She has to carry out very dangerous experiments and endure the ridicule that ordinary people can't stand, but her heart is full of self-confidence. She often said to her partner, "we should have perseverance, especially self-confidence! We must believe that our talent is used to do something, no matter how expensive it is, it must be done." Finally, she was successful and won the Nobel Prize. She was praised by later generations. Her deeds inspired generations!

  Self confidence is fire, lighting the torch of dreams; Self confidence is the torch, illuminating the road to success; Self confidence is the road and the door to success. Only a confident person can create the value of life, and only a confident attitude can lead to success. I always firmly believe that self-confidence is the cornerstone of success. Let's be a confident person!


  "Confidence is the cornerstone of success." Said the man. "Confidence can help people succeed." Teacher Lu Qin preached. "I don't know whether I will win with confidence, but I know that I will lose without confidence!"

  When I was in primary school, my grades were excellent. I was always among the best and was highly praised by my teachers. In my six-year career in primary school, I was always very proud

  With the footsteps of autumn, I went to middle school, and everything in primary school has undergone earth shaking changes. Middle school life is too heavy for me to breathe. Homework is piled up like a mountain. After finishing this homework, the other one is crowded again; Hundreds of English words, like amnesia, read day and forget night; In the morning and evening, self-study and self-improvement, and black circles in my eyes every day... Junior high school is like a mountain without fingers, which makes me powerless to bind chickens, and I have to be at its mercy, walking corpses every day. I became more and more disgusted with the study life in middle school and began to escape him.

  In class, I was not listening at all. I slept, slept or slept. My grades plummeted. Failed in the exam. Getting worse and worse day by day, I began to realize the immensity of life. The flame in my heart was extinguished, and my heart was half cold. I thought all day and indulged in games all day

  Until one day, someone changed me.

  That day, I didn't go to school. I wandered along the narrow path in the countryside, looking melancholy at the distant river. At this time, an old man over seventy was working. He seems to see through my mind. Sure enough, the old man shook his hand to me. I followed him to a piece of withered grass. The weeds around him were dying and looked desolate. At this time, the old man removed the big stone from the withered grass. I was surprised, oh! It was a touch of bright green. I was surprised. The old man said solemnly, "look, the grass around him has withered and died. Only the grass is pressed by the big stone, but it still grows. Although they are bent, they are still strong, don't you think so? So it's the same with being a man!

  Since then, I have regained my confidence and embarked on the journey of life.


  Success is envied and admired by everyone. However, who can really experience the blending of blood and tears? There is only one person, that is the winner himself. I think only the successful person knows: the discomfort of sleeping on the park bench, how hard the cold bread is to swallow, how harsh the comments of others are, and the disappointment and even despair caused by failure again and again. Yes, these have made them want to give up, but have they given up? No, it is because of persistence and conviction that they can endure so much, and all this comes from self-confidence.

  Once there was a conclusion: human's 100 meter performance cannot exceed 10 seconds. That is to say, at that time, people's 100 meter result was 10 seconds. No one doesn't believe it, because people don't believe they can run faster. However, only one person believes that his speed can break the world record. Therefore, this self-confidence accompanied him, so that he had the courage to sprint again and again in the voice of other people's comments, so that he had the ability to climb up again and again when he fell, so that he had the strength to refresh his record again and again. Finally, the day of the game came, "bang", the gun rang, and he rushed out like a cheetah ready to go. Come on, come on! He told himself. He almost gasped for a short time, and all the blood poured into his legs. He could not hear the cheering or see the cheering people. So fast, when he crossed the finish line, people were boiling. Because he broke two records at once: the expert's conclusion and the world record! He ran a hundred meters in ten seconds!

  Later, when he was interviewed by reporters, he only said one sentence: "I knew I could do it from the beginning." Yes, he can. He believes he can, so he can. The power of self-confidence is powerful. It gives you courage, strength and everything you want. But the premise is that you must have it, always have it!

  Self confidence makes you fearless. Success comes from self-confidence. Everything comes from self-confidence!


  The bridge from failure to success is just like a person giving himself a thumbs up. When you erect it, you will increase your confidence and move towards success step by step; When you put it down, you may lose confidence, stay away from success and fall into the abyss of failure.      For setbacks and failures, we should not be afraid, but rise in the face of difficulties and give ourselves a thumbs up with confidence. Speaking of this, I can't help thinking of the election for monitor last year.

  The day before I delivered my campaign speech, I wrote a speech. Its main content is how to drive students to enhance their learning enthusiasm and how to deal with class affairs. After writing, I read it five or six times and asked my father to help me revise it again. The preparations are ready for the official election tomorrow.

  As soon as the class meeting time arrived the next afternoon, the campaign kicked off in a burst of applause. A pair of expectant eyes stared at the podium, and everyone was waiting for the first candidate to come to power. The classroom was very quiet. For a long time, no one came to the podium. I was a little flustered and thought to myself: I can't go on like this. Someone must take the lead. When I was very anxious, one hand patted me on the shoulder. I turned around and saw that it was my deskmate. She whispered, "take a lead. I'm sure you'll succeed." After listening to her words, I calmed down slowly and thought, "yes, I can't give up this opportunity to exercise myself. I must take it." So confident, I stood up calmly and took the speech to the podium.

  Suddenly, warm applause broke the silence of the classroom. I cleared my throat and read the speech. I looked at the audience from time to time. I saw the students listening attentively and looking forward to my success. At this time, I seemed to give myself a thumbs up in my heart, read the manuscr ipt prepared last night with confidence, and then saluted and thanked the teachers and students. Deafening applause broke out again in the classroom. From the applause, I felt the support and encouragement of teachers and students for the first time. How unforgettable it is for me!

  A week later, the teacher announced the election results, and I was very honored to be elected. I was so excited that I almost cried. It was the most unforgettable moment of my life. Friends, don't flinch on the way forward. Give yourself a thumbs up and add confidence and courage. Li Bai said, "there will be times when the wind breaks through the waves. Hang the cloud sail straight to the sea." As long as we have the courage and courage to ride the wind and waves and give ourselves a thumbs up from time to time, we can achieve the ideal goal of "helping the sea".


  I'm not beautiful, but I'm confident. Because of self-confidence, I become more cheerful; Because of self-confidence, I become more optimistic. Confidence is an essential part of life!

  Be confident in everything you do!

  I remember one afternoon, the school held a nursery rhyme competition. The students who watched the competition performed very well one by one, so I couldn't help getting nervous. For fear of memorizing the wrong lines and doing the wrong actions. So I calmed myself down again and again, but it didn't help! Suddenly, I thought again: what is memorizing the wrong lines and doing the wrong actions? Be confident. Don't be nervous. Just practice alone. After a while, it was our turn. The students in our class went to the designated place and started the game. I soon entered the state. With a burst of warm applause, the game in our class was over. We were all relieved and waited for the result of the game. A few days later, the result of the game came out and our class won the third prize. Hearing this, I thought to myself: it seems that you must be confident in everything!

  Among the snowflakes in the sky, counting plum blossoms is the most confident; In the vast sky, the eagle is the most confident; Under the plain King's door, counting Mao Sui is the most confident; Among many scientists, Edison is the most confident... From ancient times to the present, from far to near, everything is full of self-confidence. With a smile, he casts an unyielding soul and lights up life.

  Self confidence + ability = success. Therefore, success is inseparable from self-confidence. If you want to succeed, you must have more than half of your self-confidence. It is difficult to succeed without self-confidence. Let's "pick up self-confidence" and embark on the road of success!

  Let's learn to work hard in self-confidence, learn to be strong, learn to move forward and meet success!


  I am confident. Whenever I fail in the exam, when I fail in the exam, I never cry; Nor will he become a melancholy and illiterate child after this, but to find their own shortcomings and correct their own shortcomings. I will also tell myself that I want to be the most confident myself.

  I like to write composition on my blog, but my writing is not particularly good. Sometimes, netizens will throw a "rotten egg". What would you do at this time? Scold the netizen, or give up your hobby and stop writing your composition? For self-confident me, when I was thrown a "rotten egg" by a netizen, I never scolded the netizen or gave up. Instead, I corrected the article according to the shortcomings raised by the netizen on my article.

  What would you do if the teacher suddenly told you that you had to represent your class or school in a competition? Have no confidence in yourself, or recommend others? For confident me, when the teacher suddenly asked me to represent the class or school to participate in a competition, I would not give in or lose confidence, but bravely said to the teacher, "I will work hard."

  Be self-confident, so that you can face every setback in your life, continue to grow from setbacks and make progress!

