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【#一年级# 导语】英语教案设计是改善课堂教学的一种更高层次的探索,是提高课堂教学质量和效率的一项必要工作,它可以促进教学的系统化,使老师掌握讲课节奏。以下是®文档大全网为您准备的与一年级英语教案设计示例相关的资料,希望可以帮助到您!





  (1)能听懂、学会a bee,a bird,a kite和a balloon,发音准确。


  (3)熟悉儿歌A bee.


  (1)能听懂、学会a bee,a bird,a kite和a balloon,发音准确。





  A. Free talk

  T:Class begings.

  S1: Stand up.

  T: Hello, boys and girls.

  Ss: Hello, Miss Jiang.

  T: Is this a …?

  S: Yes, it is. It’s a pen. / No, it isn’t.

  T:Is that a …?

  S: Yes, it is. It’s a book. / No, it isn’t.


  B、look and Learn



  (3)组织学生开展What’s missing?的游戏,让学生快速反应哪个单词“飞走了”,从而加深他们对单词的理解和记忆。

  C、look and read


  (2)在教字母Ll时,可采用分解音素的方法,如/e/+/l/ /el/,以有利于学生发好字母的音。



  D.Say a rhyme



  E、Assign homework




  Unit 6 In the park

  a bee a bird a kite a balloon,

  Ll Mm Nn☆教学调整☆



  1.词汇:farmer, fisherman, teacher, fat, thin


  3.句型:Are you a _______ ?


  1.Using nouns to identify people

  Eg: farmer, fisherman, teacher

  2.Using adjectives to describe people

  Eg: fat, thin


  1. Using nouns to identify people

  2. Using adjectives to describe people


  Pre-task preparation

  1. ●★Introduce your family member or the people you know

  This is my _______.

  He / She is ________ ( tall / short ).

  He / She is ________ ( young / old ).

  He / She is a ________. ( driver, teacher, milkman, policeman… )

  2. Quick response:

  T: Look, this is my friend, Goofy. How is he?

  P: He is ______.

  T: Goofy likes to change his jobs.

  Goofy is not a postman. He is a policeman.

  While-task procedure

  1.(Lead in):farmer

  T: Goofy likes to sing a song < There was a farmer had a dog> Let’s enjoy. To elicit: farmer

  1) Read the word ( arm—farm—farmer )

  arm, car, father, aunt

  2) Ask and answer:

  What is he?

  Is he a farmer?

  How is the farmer?

  3) T: What has the farmer got?

  P: The farmer has got a hat / towel / hoe.

  2.(Lead in): fat, thin

  1) T: I am super. I can make the farmer fat.

  a)★Read the word: fat

  b)●★Read the following words:

  apple, cat, bag, that, am, rabbit, animal

  2)T: I can make the farmer thin.

  a) Read the word: thin

  b) ●★Read the following words:

  pink, is, it, pick, fisherman, give, sit, six, sister

  3) Read a rhyme:

  ●★Fat farmer, thin farmer

  One and two.

  Fat farmer, thin farmer

  I see you.

  4) Make a new rhyme:

  ●★Fat ________, thin ________

  One and two.

  Fat ________, thin ________

  I see you.

  5) T: Who is fat, who is thin in our classroom?

  P: I am fat. I am not thin.

  I am thin. I am not fat.

  6) In our daily life, who is fat? who is thin?

  My father is _______. My mother is ________.

  3. (lead in) fisherman

  T: Goofy is happy now. He likes his job. He has got a friend. What is it?

  P: It is a cat.

  T: How is the cat?

  P: The cat is ______.

  T: Oh, the cat is hungry. He likes to eat fish. But Googy can’t catch fish. He is sad. He wants to be a fisherman.

  1) Read the word ( fish—fisher—fisherman )

  2) Greet to the fisherman

  Good morning, fisherman. Hello, fisherman. Hi, fisherman. Goodbye, fisherman. Good evening, fisherman.

  3) Ask and answer:

  What is he?

  Is he a fisherman?

  How is the fisherman?

  4) T: What has the fisherman got?

  P: The fisherman has got a ( net, fork, boat )

  T: Goofy can catch the fish. He is a fisherman now. He is happy. The cat is happy.

  Post-task activities:

  1.What do you want to be?

  2.●★Choose one job and say something about it.

  I am a _______. ( farmer, fisherman, driver …)

  I am ______. ( tall / short )

  I am ______. ( young / old )

  I am ______. ( fat / thin )

  I have got a ________.

  3. Play a guessing game.( Pick one job—hide—let others guess )

  P1: Are you a _______ ?

  P2: Yes. I am a ______. / No. I am a ______.

  4. Introduce your friend.

  This is _______.

  He / She is a _________.

  5. T: I am tall. I am young. I have got a boat. What am I ? Please ask me: Are you a ______?

  P: Are you a fisherman?

  T: Yes. I am a fisherman. Let others guess.


  1.Listen to the tape and repeat.

  2.Try to introduce one of the occupation.


  Unit5教案检查总结:Doctor and nurse

  教学目标 Teaching Targets


  Teaching Contents


  Functional Targets


  Language Targets


  Emotional Targets

  Let’s play---You are… Yes, I am. No, I am not.

  在做游戏的语言使用环境中,能用正确的语音语调说出一些已经学过的职业词汇farmer, fisherman,policeman等。在第三课时的学习基础上,能熟练运用I have got… What am I ? You are… 等简单语句进行问答。

  在做游戏过程中,学习新句型:You are... Yes,I am. No,I am not.使学生能熟练正确的表述。

  根据二期课改新课标的要求,在确保完成基本教学目标的基础上,可以结合学生的学习能力和语言的实际使用对教材呈现的教学内容进行拓展,所以在游戏中导入Can you…? Play with me. 有助于学生在实际生活中对语言的理解和表达更为准确和真实。

  教学过程Teaching Procedure

  Pre-task Activities

  Step 1


  Step 2

  教师通过类似“What is he?He is… Is he…? Yes, he is. No, he is not.句型进行问答。让学生通过问答复习已学的句型及职业名词。

  Step 3

  集体朗诵儿歌。输入语言使用环境后,可以通过复习doctor,nurse,cook以及What is she? 句型,帮助学生先回忆学过的内容。

  Step 4


  While-task Activities

  Step 1

  屏幕上出现图片和问句:What am I? 教师提示:You are…并指着出现的职业人物重复强调句型。

  Step 2


  Step 3

  听一位学生的描绘,其他学生用You are…猜他的职业,然后该生用Yes, I am. No, I am not.进行回复。

  Step 4


  Post-task Activities

  Step 1


  Step 2


  Step 3

  根据学生的讨论结果, 以小组为单位进行游戏, 同时引入已学的句型Hi, hello, Can you… ? Play with me.等。

  Step 4


  板书设计Blackboard Writing

  .1.Are you a …? You are a ….

  课后作业 Assignments

  课后反思 Reconsideration

  1. 听P24,25录音

  2. 熟读句子

  1.学生对于 “mouth”的读音

  2. 祈使句的掌握。

