

时间:2023-10-04 19:45:01 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

【剧情简介】公主终于走出了高塔,陶醉在无比新鲜的世界中,但一想起巫婆,又无限纠结起来…… 【儿童动画故事片段中英对照台词】

- You know, I can't help but notice you seem a little at war with yourself here. - 你知道的,不经意发现你似乎在这里自我斗争。

- What? - 什么?

- I'm only picking up bits and pieces. - 我只是发现一些鸡毛蒜皮的小事。

- Overprotective mother, forbidden road trip. This is serious stuff. - 保护欲过强的母亲,被禁止的履行。这是严重的部分。

- But let me ease your conscience. - 但是让我来解放你的良知。

- This is part of growing up. - 这也是成长的一部分。

- A little rebellion, a little adventure, that's good. Healthy, even. - 适当反叛和适当的冒险是有益的。甚至会让你健康。

- You think? - 这是你的想法?

- I know. You're way over-thinking this, trust me. - 我知道。你想太多了,相信我。

- Does your mother deserve it? No. - 你妈妈值得吗?明显不。

- Would this break her heart and crush her soul? Of course. - 这样做会让她心痛欲绝吗?明显会。

- But you've just got to do it. - 但你必须这样做。



1. I can't help but notice you seem a little at war with yourself here. at war with: 与...作战,矛盾 Her imagination and her reason are not at war with each other. 她的想象力和理解力互不矛盾。 Through all these strategies, you have been at war with your depression, doing everything within your power to get rid of it. 采用所有这些计策,你都在与抑郁交战,尽你自己的一切所能来将它消灭。

2. I'm only picking up bits and pieces. bits and pieces: 鸡零狗碎,一点点 She made up a good lunch from bits and pieces. 她东拼西凑,弄出了一餐很不错的午饭来。 It's hard to explain. I only know bits and pieces. 这很难解释,我只知道一点点。

3. You're way over-thinking this, trust me. way: 远远地,大大地 So have your electrical bills gone way down? -Yeah, that's for sure. -Yeah. 因此你的电费大大地下降了吗?-那是当然。-是啊。 When a woman feels comfortable opening up to you and telling you details about her life, you'll be way ahead of other men. 如果一个女人对你信任,和你说她生活的琐事,你已经远远地在其他男人的前面了。

4. Would this break her heart and crush her soul? break one's heart and crush one's soul: 撕心裂肺 At best, dealing with these issues helps people mature and gain wisdom, but at worst, they can completely break your heart and crush your soul. 的情况是,处理这些问题使人们日渐成熟,增长智慧。但是在最坏的情况下,这些问题却可以让人崩溃。

