- Please, stop with the mumbling.
- 求你了,别在那一直嘀咕。
- You know how I feel about the mumbling. Blah-blah-blah-blah.
- 你知道我怎么定义“嘀咕:吗?巴拉巴拉巴拉——
- It's very annoying! I'm just teasing. You're adorable. I love you so much, darling.
- 你知道这样很吵吗!我在开玩笑,你特别可爱,我特别爱你,亲爱的。
- I want to see the floating lights.
- 我想去看天灯。
- What?
- I was hoping you would take me to see the floating lights.
- 我一直希望你会带我去看天灯。
- Oh! You mean the stars.
- 哦!你指的是星星。
- That's the thing. I've charted stars,and they're always constant.
- 就是那个。我数过星星,可是它们是数不尽的。
- But these, they appear every year on my birthday, Mother. Only on my birthday. And I can't help but feel like they're meant for me. I need to see them, Mother. And not just from my window, in person. I have to know what they are.You want to go outside?
- 但是妈妈,我每年生日时这些星星都会出现。只在我生日那天,所以我禁不住去想它们对我有何意义。我想去看它们,妈妈。而且并非仅仅从我的窗户,我要亲自去,我需要知道它们是什么。
1. Please, stop with the mumbling.
mumbling: 喃喃;含糊话
What are you mumbling about? I can't understand a word!
Are you mumbling because you think it's selfish to ask for what you need?
2. And I can't help but feel like they're meant for me.
can't help but do: 忍不住想做某事
I can't help but be astonished by that acrobat.
Looking into the sunset I can't help but notice her beauty.
3. And I can't help but feel like they're meant for me.
mean for: 专为某人、某事
Computers aren't meant for everyone.
Love is meant for our imperfect world where things go wrong.
4. And not just from my window, but in person.
in person: 亲自,临场
I can't wait to meet you in person!
He appear in person at the bar of the house.