【#新概念英语# 导语】新概念英语作为家喻户晓的英文学习教材,《新概念英语》在中国经久不衰,影响了好几代学习者。即使以今天的角度来看,这套出版于几十年前的教材无论是在编排体系,题材和题材,词汇还是语法上都有出彩之处,值得各个层次的人学习。©文档大全网为您整理了以下内容,仅供参考。希望可以帮助到您!如果您想要了解更多相关内容,欢迎关注©文档大全网!
Almost half of American adults work full-time for an employer, but only 13% work full-time for an employer and are actually excited by what they do.
That's just one of the findings from Gallup's new poll, which was released yesterday with results from its survey of workers in 140 countries.
The report looks at the distribution of quality jobs across the world.
There are the good jobs, which give adults full-time work, and the great jobs, where adults have full-time work that they actually like and find meaningful.
While there are plenty of good jobs in the world, particularly in the United Arab Emirates and Bahrain, turns out great jobs are pretty rare.
In the U.S., 13% of the adult population in full-time jobs for employers said they were truly engaged and had meaningful work, and no country had a higher percentage than that.
It's unfortunate that great jobs are so rare, because they boost workplace productivity, safety, retention, and well-being.
Employees who are engaged and satisfied with their work can make a business thrive, increase innovation, and find greater success.
几乎有一半的美国成年人从事全职工作,但是只有13%的全职工作者对所做的事情保持激 情。
这只是盖洛普新的民 意测验结果中的一项,昨天发布的这次测验调查了140个城市的工作者。
在美国,13%的成年全职工作者说自己真正从事有意义的工作,没有其他国家有比13%更高的比率 。
After moving out of college as a fresh engineering graduate, I got cheated by a fake software company. I had paid 30k to get that fake job! :( The worst part was my mother had sold her anklets to arrange that money. In fact she was very happy to give me the money as she believed that I became a software engineer(She never went to school).
I couldn't share this story with my mother and joined an international BPO in bangalore to earn bread and butter and worked here for 6 months. I didn't tell my mother that I lost money and joined a BPO as I didn't want to break her heart. I lied to her that I'm doing good at my work. 15k was my monthly salary in BPO and I was in my comfort zone. Also I had already lost all hopes in software job.
At that point of time, one of my college friends told me about this small start up software company located in Yelahanka. I visited this start up the next day itself and agreed for below terms and conditions:
●No salary for 3 months
●You will be paid 5k INR as salary after 3 months
●1.5 years bond
I grabbed this opportunity without any second thought. I started working as a software developer. As my performance was good, after 6 months I was offered 20k INR per month(it was huge for me) and was sent to a client location to work.
Fast forward 3 years, I’m working in one of the big IT giants in the world and 58k INR is my take home.
Finally I made it! I made her dream come true. I never shared this story with her till now. And yes! I gifted her new pair of anklets and bangles too also I have started construction of new house in my village. She is super happy now.
Coming out of my comfort zone and joining the start up without considering the salary, company reputation and other benefits was my best career decision :)