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【篇一】小米递交上市申请 拟IPO募集100亿美元
Xiaomi kicked off what is set to be one of the world's biggest initial public offerings to raise up to $10bn, filing a prospectus that gives investors their first look at the Chinese handset maker's financials. It is due to list in early July.
Xiaomi made an operating profit of Rmb12.2bn ($1.9bn) last calendar year, triple the previous year. After deducting the cost of redeeming convertible preference shares held by investors that became a pre-tax net loss of Rmb41.83bn.
The numbers also show that, Xiaomi's phoenix-like rise from its nadir notwithstanding, the company continues to burn through cash, to the tune of Rmb995.67m last year.
Proceeds from the IPO, which analysts and bankers expect to value the company short of the $100bn originally touted, will be split in roughly equal parts between research and development, investments in the internet of things and other areas designed to boost its software platform, and global expansion.
It has already invested in over 90 IoT and lifestyle companies and has become the top smartphone seller in India, with a 31 per cent market share according to Canalys.
The flotation would be one of the first to take advantage of changes to HKEX's listing regime, made last month, which allow for companies to list with weighted voting rights for the first time.
Another banker working on the deal recently told the FT that HKEX wanted Xiaomi to "be the poster child of its new regime".
While the company began life as a cheaper iPhone it has since expanded into home products, like rice cookers and air conditioners, and developing a mini-platform offering entertainment and other apps – aping the model adopted by the likes of Apple and, in China, Tencent and Alibaba.
Lei Jun, co-founder and chairman, never one to shrink from hyperbole, introduced the company in the prospectus by saying "We have changed how hundreds of millions of people live, and we will become a part of the lives of billions of people globally in the future."
【篇三】中国科技巨头日渐崛起 跨国公司败北人才大战
In the competitive Chinese market, Western companies are losing the war for talent.
According to a 2017 report by Bain & Co and LinkedIn China, about a third of executives in Chinese companies moved from multinationals in the past five years. Only 10% of leaders of multinationals moved from local companies over the same period.
In 2012, Apple topped the list of the most attractive employers in China, according to global executive search firm Heidrick & Struggles. But by 2017, Chinese companies had taken the top position in five out of six business sectors.
There are multiple reasons for the shift. Given the rise of Chinese tech companies like Baidu, Alibaba and Tencent, Chinese executives fear missing out on one of the world's most compelling growth stories as domestic companies become global players.
These executives can expect to move up the corporate ladder faster than if they remained at established multinationals.
There is a cultural dimension too: working in China for a Chinese company means not having to explain the Chinese market to Western business leaders in order to get ahead.
To change this condition, Western companies must change the way they do business, starting with developing a culture of agility and innovation in their Chinese operations.
Multinationals need to be less rigid and controlling from headquarters to allow local Chinese talent to experiment.