
时间:2022-07-05 09:10:01 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

【#英语资源# 导语】日子,一天又一天的过……而那个永远属于学生的日子——暑假每年都在继续,而那正是每个学生所期盼的。下面是©文档大全网整理的内容,希望对你们有帮助!


  Summer vacation is a time for our children to relax, and it is also the busiest time for adults. Summer vacation is like a key, which opens the door in our hearts. The children played happily, forming a variety of different and interesting things in the holiday.

  This summer vacation, the temperature is over 38 degrees Celsius every day, which is unbearable. That evening, I made an appointment with my good friends Xiao Bao and Xuan Wei to go swimming together, ready to cool down.

  Our mother accompanied us to the swimming pool in the community. Many children have been playing water and fighting water battles in the swimming pool, which is really lively!

  Xiao Bao couldn't wait to jump down and choked a nose of water. That funny look made Xuan Wei and I laugh to the ground. "Hahahahaha..." Xiao Bao looked serious: "what's funny?" Suddenly, the conversation changed: "let's go to the water war!"

  This idea has won our unanimous approval. Xuan Wei is in a team. I'm on the same front with Xiao Bao. After all, Xuan Wei.

  Xiao Bao and I took the water gun we just bought and jointly "strafed" Xuan Wei. Xuan Wei was not willing to be outdone. We swept a "water bullet rain" with the water gun, and the two sides fought fiercely. Xuan Wei used a strong attack and attacked step by step.

  Xiao Bao just wiped the water off his face, but another spray hit him, making him unable to open his eyes. Helpless, he lost the battle and fled to the shore. I was not Xuan Wei's opponent alone, so I had to retreat gloomily. On the way to escape, I looked back and saw Xuan Wei's happy expression.

  On the shore, Xiaobao and I made a counter offensive plan and swam to Xuanwei again. Xuanwei swept a strong column of water at Xiaobao. Xiaobao pretended to choke a mouthful of water, covered his eyes and retreated. Xuanwei pursued him closely. At this time, I suddenly attacked from behind Xuan Wei, and a "hail of bullets" killed Xuan Wei unprepared. Xiao Bao also turned around and attacked Xuan Wei. One by one, one by one, Xuan Wei was overwhelmed by the enemy, so he had to raise his hand and surrender.

  It was getting dark, and the mothers asked the three of us to go ashore to end the battle. We reluctantly left the swimming pool, but our hearts still stayed in the swimming pool and refused to leave.


  One day in the summer vacation, I went to my aunt's house to play. There are many interesting things in my aunt's house. I have done many interesting things in her house, but one thing is still very interesting when I think of it now, that is the story of a little dog named "Pipi" in my aunt's house.

  Pipi is so beautiful. In our words, it's "handsome"!

  Every time Pipi saw a stranger, he would shout at the man. Of course, I was no exception at the beginning. However, "love grows with time", Pipi got along with me for less than three hours and was tamed by me.

  It was a sunny day. Pipi, who was tamed by me, was sleeping in the house. Suddenly, my aunt was moping the floor with a mop and woke up pipi, who was having a beautiful dream. Pipi was very angry and shouted to her aunt a few times, but as soon as she saw the mop, she stopped roaring, rushed towards the mop and bit hard, which can be called "love has a special preference". This interesting phenomenon was seen by me, so I continued to watch his next action. I saw Pipi bite a piece of cloth and don't put it away, sometimes his front legs fall back, sometimes his feet are facing the sky, sometimes he is a surfer, sometimes he is a super dog galloping the floor... I saw that Pipi was very interested in the mop, so I took the mop from my aunt's hand, swayed gently in front of pipi, and said to pipi, "come, good dog!" The dog did not hesitate to bite the cloth. I dragged and pulled, and he jumped and ran after the mop. My aunt and I were amused by the interesting scene and couldn't breathe. I became more energetic, so I lifted the mop up, which was too high. The dog was hung up because of its biting on the cloth. Its front legs hung in the air, its hind legs kicked on the ground, and jumped up the "tango". It also played with its tail from time to time, as if it was very unconvinced. Unexpectedly, the little guy did a magnificent action - "360 degree air rotation" jumped down from the mop, but due to his poor Kung Fu, he fell "dog gnawing mud".

  This funny puppy added a lot of fun to my summer vacation and made me have a happy summer vacation.


  This summer vacation, I came to my hometown Kunming again.

  Kunming is a big city with mountains and water. I came to say goodbye to Kunming this time. My mother will not make clothes in Kunming in the future, and there will be less time to return to Kunming in the future.

  This time, I almost went crazy. I spent 4 or 5 days with several kindergarten classmates. On the first day, I made an appointment with Wang Qing and agreed to play with Yan yunqi the next day. On the first day, I only played for a long time.

  The next day, we set out before 10 o'clock. When we arrived at Yan yunqi, it was about 11 o'clock. As soon as I entered the door, I saw a dark, thin man standing at the door. I felt familiar, but I couldn't remember who she was and what her name was? I'm confused, but we have a good chat. After a while, we "get familiar with each other". When we play skateboarding together, Wang Qing and I can't skate. Yan yunqi teaches us hand in hand. Wang Qing learns fast and learns in a short time. As for me, after learning for a long time, I can skate, but I just can't skate. (unless someone helps me and imagines that I'm stupid), I spend a day learning skateboarding.

  I especially like cross stitch. It happens that a friend of my mother (aunt Zheng Jing) specializes in cross stitch, so I took some pairs of cross stitch to play with. When I went to her house, I saw the cross stitch she embroidered by herself. It was unusual. It was the size of twoorthree air conditioners put together (I don't know its name). When I looked at it with my eyes alone, it seemed that there were only a few colors. In fact, it was embroidered in more than 100 colors, and the embroidery was lifelike. She is now embroidering flowers, rich and noble, and has embroidered 1/3 of it. If it were me, I wouldn't have such a good patience as her!

  I remember in grade 4, we had a Rubik's cube competition. This time, I came to Aunt Zheng Jing's house to watch my uncle turn the Rubik's cube. Although it takes a long time, he can turn all six faces out. He taught me the rule that the first face should first turn out of the shape of the cross, and then fill in the four corners. On the four sides, turn out two lines first, and then recite the formula to turn the remaining line. What's up left, down right, The second power at the bottom left... I was dazzled. My uncle also said that there was a colleague in his unit. No matter how messy he turned, he could turn out six faces in nine seconds.

  I can't remember so much I saw and heard during the summer vacation!


  One weekend in the summer vacation, I was invited to a farm in Nanshan.

  On the way, I saw the snow peaks and rolling hills in the distance under the brilliant sun; Flocks of cattle, sheep, and yurts dotted the green mountains, and immediately relaxed and happy. I sang and laughed with some friends all the way, and soon came to the gate of the farm.

  The farm was next to the hill. I saw that the hillside was full of straight pine and cypress trees, which stood on the hillside like pagodas, and guarded the farm like soldiers.

  We walked into the farm and saw the green vegetable garden at a glance. There are green drops everywhere: crisp radishes are on the ground - half of them are exposed, corn plants are singing the song of harvest, and green tomatoes are standing proudly on the curved vines. Just as I was about to pick one and taste it, the uncle next to me quickly stopped me: "this crop of tomatoes is not ripe yet! When they are red, you can eat it again!"

  So we went out of the vegetable garden and came to the yard of the farm. At this time, the sun was not too harsh, and the gentle breeze was very comfortable! "Let's go to the stream over there and step on the water!" I propose. "Good! Go!" The little friend cheered excitedly. We came to the brook not far away. At this time, the sun was slowly leaning westward. I saw that the trees on the mountain became dark green, and the stream glittered with gold under the sunlight. The stream made a tinkling sound, like singing; The wild flowers and grass on the grass also seemed to be covered with golden colored clothes.

  Unconsciously, the sky is getting late. The sun, which was just gilded, is now wrapped in oranges - - it is no longer dazzling, and the clouds are quietly changing into red makeup in the sky. Everything in front of us was magnificent, and we quickly retained this beautiful moment with our mobile phones.

  After dinner at the farm, we played for a while and heard the adults say it's time to go home. On the way back, I reluctantly turned my head and looked at the farm. The setting sun sinks in the west, the snow mountains in the distance are covered with a layer of gray mist, and the smoke curls from the nearby farm, making the whole scene so quiet. Farewell, beautiful Nanshan; Farewell, lovely farm


  Summer is coming, and the ground is like an oven. It's hot, and people are about to be dried up. The ruthlessness of the sun makes people spend most of their summer vacation at home, but it's enough for me to fill the summer vacation with wonderful memories.

  During the summer vacation, I like to go swimming, because it can get a cool feeling like drinking ice water. It makes me feel very cool without turning on the air conditioner. What's more, we can also have water fights, spray guns, soak in Hot Springs... Everything makes me have a lot of fun and cool, and makes me want to go swimming every day! Swimming is really a fun and summer fitness exercise.

  During the summer vacation, I also like to go camping. When camping, I can play grass skiing. Everyone's weird and funny actions are really interesting. I'm very happy to see them. When camping, I can also walk on the footpath. Once we went to the footpath and found a lot of caterpillars on each tree, so we named it "caterpillar footpath", which we will never forget. But my favorite time is at night, because I can be closer to the embrace of nature. Looking around, there are countless stars. Listen carefully, you can hear insects and birds, and you can also smell the fresh air belonging to nature. This is what attracts me most to go camping.

  I prefer to go to my grandmother's house to pick up duck eggs. I have to bend down to pick up duck eggs, and then put the eggs in the bucket. My height is relatively short, so this job is most suitable for me. After picking up duck eggs, I will add vegetables to everyone. The taste of duck eggs is really delicious. Probably because I picked them up by myself, I actually think they are like the delicious food eaten by the Jade Emperor!

  In hot summer, I like to make popsicles best. First, put some water in the plate for making ice cubes, then put a stick in the water and add fruit. Finally, put the plate in the freezer so that it can be eaten. Make it yourself, which not only saves money, tastes delicious, but also protects the environment!

  Summer vacation is like a good friend who meets once a year. I like to play with him every year. He also teaches me many things and lets me spend a full day. I hope to have summer vacation every day, so that I can be happy every day!


  During the summer vacation, I went to the Yellow River beach with my good friends. There are so many people there! Some are building sand castles, some are catching small fish, and others are picking up shells. Don't mention how happy you are! My good friend and I found a quiet and safe place to build a sand castle. First we built a mountain, and then we built several small houses. Link them together, and a beautiful sand castle is finished!

  When we finished building the sand castle, I saw that there were many people playing sand skiing over there. My good friend thought it was very interesting. He wanted to go there to have a look. I thought, I was a little afraid of heights, but I could only sacrifice my life to accompany a gentleman. Because I saw other children slide down the sand slope with a sand skateboard. It's so high. I'm a little afraid of heights, but I don't want to tell my good friend, because I'm afraid she'll laugh at me. I can only say that there's no way to play this game with two people. Let her play it first. I'm watching quietly below. When my good friend flew down the sand slope, he walked in front of me and said with a smile, it was so funny! As soon as I heard it, I itched to have a try. I carefully climbed onto the sand slope with the sand slide board. I was still a little afraid of being too high. Of course, I didn't want my good friend to see anything, "Hey! I'd better try it! Maybe it's really fun!" I comforted myself. I carefully put down the sand slide board, sat on it carefully, tightly grasped the safety hand in front of the sand slide board, and slowly slid to the slope, maybe. It was like flying at the same speed, and I slipped down from the sand slope. It's so exciting and fun! I overcame my fear, and I was secretly happy. Finally, I understood why so many people enjoyed playing this. Later, we played it several times each! It's really fun.

  Unconsciously, it was already dark. Mom and dad told us to go home, and we happily embarked on the return journey. I think this is the most interesting thing in my summer vacation. After this trip, I overcame my psychological barrier of fear of heights, and I won't lose face in front of my friends because of fear of heights in the future.


  Halfway through the summer vacation, I finished my homework early. In the rest of the day, I wanted to have fun for a few days, but my parents forced me to learn this and that. If I was unwilling, they asked me if I was proud, and then inexplicably scolded me, talked about a lot of theories, and said it was for my good. I don't know what they thought.

  I get up in the morning and wash first. Then, my mother didn't even give me time to eat breakfast, forcing me to write Olympic math homework. After writing, I should have lunch. After lunch, my mother didn't let me take a nap, so she let me write my composition. After writing, I knew it was time to learn English online. I studied for threeorfour hours.

  After dinner, I went out for a walk and had to take a shower when I came back. Then my father urged me to go to bed early to welcome the new day.

  Alas, the day passed so vaguely. At night, I lie in front of the bed, looking at the stars and blinking freely, thinking: what meaningful things have I done today? Not at all! I entered the dream, I dream of doing homework.

  The summer vacation I'm looking forward to is not like this! It is a combination of work and rest, which is very bright and sunny. It's not like struggling in the sea of learning and suffering in exercises all day before the exam. I don't want it!

  Maybe in the eyes of parents, summer vacation is a prime time for learning, while in the eyes of primary school students, summer vacation is a day to relax.

  Mom and Dad, please respect us. My summer vacation is up to me.


  My summer vacation was colorful, such as roller skating, swimming in the sea... But what impressed me most was my first time in the sea.

  My mother, my sister and I came to XXXX beach. There is an endless sea, blue and blue. My sister swam freely in the water, like a mermaid. I sat on the beach and watched my sister swim around. I was so envious! How wonderful it would be if I could be like my sister! But who calls me a dry duck - born afraid of water!

  Suddenly, my sister walked on the beach and said with a strange smile, "why don't you go swimming in the sea? So you're a coward! I immediately got angry: I can say I'm a dry duck, but I must not say I'm a coward, so I jumped up from the beach. I took three steps and rushed to the sea. But before my feet touched the sea, I immediately came to a" sudden brake ". Looking back at my sister behind me, she was looking at me with a smile! It seems that it's impossible to get wet without going to the sea today!

  I inched slowly into the sea step by step, and the sea water flooded the instep, the calf, and the knee... Suddenly a big wave hit, and I stumbled accidentally. Fortunately, I stepped back. I slowly came to the beach and jumped into the sea. I held my breath and rowed hard with my hands and legs. Gradually, I felt myself floating, but what was worse was that I was out of breath. So I raised my head and breathed. Before I came to dodge, a big wave plunged me into the sea again. I raised my head and breathed again. My eyes were sour and painful, and my nose and throat were like pepper water. I don't want to "swim" anymore. I just wanted to go ashore, but when I thought of my sister's "smile". So I continued to swim. After a long time, I went ashore. My sister saw me and praised me; "Like a young man."

  "Go down the river to know the depth, and taste the pear to know the sweetness." This time I went to sea, I learned a lot


  The summer vacation has begun. It's so hot. Although I still have homework to do every day, I'm still very happy.

  Today, my father promised to take me to the park. I'm so happy! We set out early in the morning, mom and dad and I, and soon we arrived. There are so many people in the park. The warm weather has not stopped the enthusiasm of the children.

  As always, everyone is still playing, and I'm no exception. I ran to the merry go round at the beginning. My father bought two tickets, and my mother and I went up. My father said he didn't go up. I'm a little embarrassed to watch my mother and me from below. My mother and I hurried up. The music began, and the merry go round as the music went up and down. The wind gently blew my face, so comfortable! Every time I come to the park, I have to sit on the merry go round. Sitting on the merry go round, I have an unspeakable joy.

  We took another Whitewater adventure. I looked around. All the children who came were about my age, and their parents. It seemed that this was also a "family" adventure! Soon it was our turn to get on the boat. The boat, which looked not too big, could even hold three of us. The boat slowly floated out with the water, and the water also floated out along the original cement path. I stretched out my head and looked. There were fixed gears in the water, that is to say, there were gears at the bottom of the boat, so the boat floated out with the impulse of the water.

  I told my parents this idea, and they all said that I really can observe life! After that, the boat floated a big circle and reached a high place. Suddenly, "wow", we rushed down from a point. My parents and I called out. In a few seconds, we reached the far point of departure. It was really exciting, and that moment was really unforgettable!

  The next stop is the zoo. There are many lovely animals, including monkeys, tigers, elephants, lions, ostriches, many, many... I'm also lucky to be friends with them. They all look like my lovely friends!

  Time passed, and soon it was evening, and I reluctantly left the park, but my father said that as long as I made a good plan for my summer vacation, I would still bring me. Then I'll go back and plan my summer vacation well, and look forward to coming again next time!


  This morning, I went to buy schoolbags. When I came to the market, all kinds of schoolbags were dazzling. I was a little anxious whether I could choose or not.

  Mother said, "don't worry, take your time. What style do you like? What color do you like?" "I like animals, that's it!" Aunt gave me a new package. I took it down and looked beautiful!

  I took my schoolbag and went home happily.
