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【#英语资源# 导语】暑假到来人轻松,紧张生活脑后抛。吹响快乐集结号,唱起快乐的歌谣。清清小溪洗个澡,高温炎热都赶跑。亲切问候要送到,祝福声声不可少。愿你暑假乐逍遥!以下是®文档大全网为大家整理的内容,欢迎阅读参考。


  This summer holiday, the weather is very hot. Seeing many children go swimming with their parents, I envy them very much because I am still a "dry duck", so my grandfather decided to teach me how to swim.

  Grandpa let me learn diving first. I put on my nose clip and swimming goggles, grabbed the edge of the swimming pool, took a deep breath and dived underwater. At first, I could only dive for a few seconds, but my grandfather told me that it would take at least ten seconds, so I began to practice diving. Three seconds, seven seconds, ten seconds... Gradually, I can finally dive for more than ten seconds, or even 20 seconds. If you can dive, you'll start to learn swimming.

  Grandpa first let me dive down and float up, wow! As soon as I dived, my body relaxed, and my body suddenly floated up. I think if I swim with my eyes closed, I'll hit the edge of the swimming pool? oh Don't I wear swimming goggles? You should be able to open your eyes. I slowly opened my eyes, "Wow!" I can see the underwater scene clearly! Then grandpa taught me the movements of my hands and feet: first retract my two feet, separate my legs, and then push my legs out. The action of the hand is: first put your arms forward and straighten, and then force your palms apart to paddle back. The whole action is like a frog in the water. I tried to do it again as Grandpa said. My body is really moving forward! I can swim!

  Although I swim very slowly now, I finally have the fun of swimming. I must practice hard to swim fast and easily!


  Today, my mother took me to Zhongshan Park Sports School to participate in swimming training class. This is the first day of class.

  When I arrived at the swimming pool, I met many people, including primary school students who came to learn swimming like me. There are 23 people in our class, of all ages. One of the fat brothers is very cute. The youngest one is only five years old. He is dark and brave.

  We changed our swimming trunks and started the preparatory exercise under the guidance of the coach. We nodded, bent down and stretched our legs. It's time to go into the water. I looked at the swimming pool. The water was deep and cold. I summoned up my courage, held the edge of the pool, slowly stretched my feet down, and practiced breaststroke under the guidance of the coach.

  I remember the coach's instructions, the body should relax, the legs should float, the movement should be stable, and practice carefully. Suddenly, the coach stood five meters away and told me to swim over. I'm really afraid. At this time, the voice of the coach came from his ear: "don't be afraid, swim over quickly." I don't think about anything anymore. Close my eyes, push my feet, and swim hard forward. When I opened my eyes again, I saw the coach looking at me with a smile.

  After more than ten days of training, I have been able to swim a few meters. Next summer vacation, I will come to learn swimming and try to swim better.


  I am a boy who likes water very much. I have liked playing with water since I was a child. However, I prefer swimming and hope to swim freely in the water like a fish one day. Whenever I see others swimming happily in the pool, I always watch them silently by the water, and my heart is full of envy and jealousy. So I made up my mind to learn to swim.

  Under the guidance of my father, I first slowly practiced the basic posture of breaststroke in the pool and how to adjust my breathing. Kung Fu pays off. Through unremitting efforts, gradually, I can swim from one meter to twoorthree meters, and experience the buoyancy of water. The first step of success made me a little happy.

  Complacency will forget my form, and pride will always suffer losses. Seeing that my brother can't swim, I began to be complacent. After I felt that I had almost practiced, I had the courage to take risks in the deep water area. As soon as I plopped a few times, God punished me for drinking water, coughing constantly, panicking in my heart, and I was about to sink. Fortunately, my father "protected the frame", which was dangerous. My father told me, "be patient and don't be complacent. Especially don't take risks by yourself."

  Learning from the lesson of last time, I carefully practiced and adjusted the coordination of breathing and movement in the next training process, after repeated Practice, I can finally swim a distance in the water, although not too far, but it feels wonderful.

  By learning swimming, I am more confident. Swimming can not only cultivate a skill, but also strengthen my body, so as to strengthen my faith. No matter what you do, as long as you persevere, you will always succeed. Perseverance is the key to success and failure. Laying a good foundation is the most fundamental.


  Summer vacation is coming. On this day, I go swimming with my father and mother. We set out with swimming rings and swimsuits.

  When we got there, there were a lot of people in it. Because many students wanted to learn swimming during the summer vacation, there were many people.

  By the swimming pool, it's like dumplings in the water. There are really too many people! I walked to the stairs into the water. At first, I stood to the end and closed my eyes. I thought I was drowned. I didn't expect to stand to the end. Then I put on a swimming ring and floated on the water, but I couldn't swim anyway. At this time, my father said, "you must row your hands back and pedal your feet behind, so that you can swim." So I did what my father said, and I really swam a long way. He said, "just swim like this!" After swimming for a while, I saw a little boy who was younger than me. He could swim freely without a swimming circle.

  I went to ask my father, "how can he swim so well?" Dad said, "do you want me to teach you how to swim?" I nodded hurriedly. Then, with one hand holding my stomach and the other hand holding my chest, he let me float on the water. At this time, I felt as if the whole person was floating. He said, "you have to be like this just now." If I could swim forward, he loosened his hand and I sank and drank a mouthful of water. Dad quickly pulled me out of the water, and I couldn't wait to hit him. He said, "you keep swimming when I let go." Then we tried again, which really worked. I'm so happy that I can swim without a swimming circle.

  In fact, doing anything is like learning to swim, as long as you are serious and work hard.


  The hot summer vacation is coming, and now the sport is swimming. So my mother and I immediately signed up in the gym.

  Pan, pan, finally came the day of swimming. We first did warm-up exercises, and then we dived like a group of ducklings. Wow, the water is so cold! I know nothing about swimming. Looking at the eager appearance of other companions, I began to learn slowly from breathing. "Poof!" I drank a few mouthfuls in a row, and my nose was sour. I thought angrily: hum, what's great, isn't it just a breath? Still want to embarrass Miss Ben? With this idea, I learned to breathe and began to slide. Gliding is very important in swimming. It can make you swim easily and quickly. Facing the water of 1 meter and 20 cm, I just don't dare to slide out. Such deep water is no joke! The coach said to me calmly, "overcome psychological obstacles and swim forward boldly." After listening to it, I learned boldly. He also taught me how to kick my legs and made a lot of progress soon, which made the coach very happy.

  After 10 days of hard training, I finally mastered the skill of breaststroke. This is the result of my efforts in the past 10 days. Time passed quickly. 14 days passed in a blink of an eye. I also learned a variety of swimming postures, ah! This is really a happy summer vacation!


  Half of the happy summer vacation has passed, and I'm almost finished my summer homework. The weather is also hot recently. At my strong request, my mother signed up for a swimming class for me.

  I went very early on the first day, because this was the swimming class I had been looking forward to for a long time, and finally started. When we arrived at the swimming pool, the coach first taught us how to learn breaststroke. The coach told us that we could learn how to swim as long as the action was standardized and the hands and feet cooperated well, but this required our hard practice.

  Later, we began to enter the water. At first, I was quite afraid of water, because the water in the swimming pool was relatively deep, so the coach asked us to take a back float and hold a floating board in our hands, so that we wouldn't be afraid of drinking water. I followed the action taught by the coach. I took my back float and took the floating board to practice hard again and again. Slowly, I was able to swim. Later, I can swim up to 10 meters without the floating board, and then I can swim freely in the water without the back drift. Instead, I think swimming is very fun. In this hot summer, swimming can not only cool us down, but also make many children.

  Finally, the coach taught us to dive. At first, I was afraid of diving. I felt that it was dangerous to jump on such a high step. Finally, under the patient guidance of my coach, I learned to dive. The last class is the exam. Finally, I got excellent grades and ended this swimming class.

  Through this swimming class, I realized that as long as we work hard and persevere, we can finally achieve good results, whether in study or in life!


  During the summer vacation, my mother sent me to Hangzhou natatorium to learn swimming.

  At first, I was afraid of swimming, not only because the coach was very fierce, with a straight face all day without a smile, I shivered when I saw his face, but also because the water in the swimming pool was very deep and cold, which frightened me. If I don't get into the water, the coach will throw me down, so I can't learn anything. But this coach laid a foundation for me.

  Later, a coach changed. He is very gentle, always encouraging me, don't be afraid, don't be discouraged. He never threw me into the water, but also taught me many methods. With the original foundation, through my own efforts, I slowly learned to swim.

  In the process of learning to swim, the coach often gives us games to swim faster and dive longer than anyone else. I remember a diving competition, I was afraid of drowning, so I secretly raised my head out of the water, took a breath, and then dived into the water. As a result, I won the first place, and the coach awarded me a beautiful rubber. But I can see from the smiling eyes of the coach that he already knows that I have "small moves". That is because he encourages me and makes me not afraid of swimming, so he doesn't expose my trick. In the future swimming competitions, I never cheated again.

  Swimming can not only exercise, but also make me feel a lot of fun, so I didn't like swimming at first and then fell in love with swimming.


  This summer vacation, my mother enrolled me in a swimming class. The swimming class is in Pingyang, six days a week. My mother drove me from Monday to Friday, while on Saturday, my father took a holiday and drove me personally.

  Today is the first day. When I took the bus, I was thinking: what about the swimming pool? How many people are there? Is the coach fierce? These questions puzzled me. I really want to be there soon.

  Finally, I arrived at the swimming pool. I saw two pools, a big pool and a small pool. There are many people in the pool and many children of my age.

  It was almost time for class. I took my swimming trunks and ran into the dressing room. Take off all your clothes and put on your swimming trunks.

  After class, I ran to the assembly point and saw that many children were already there. They should be our "classmates". We did warm-up exercises first, and then the coach told us to go into the water. We went down a small pool. The water was not deep until it reached my navel. The coach told us to line up against the wall of the pool, turn around, hold the ceramic tile and hold our breath for 5 seconds, then 10 seconds, 15 seconds, and finally 20 seconds. The coach asked us to float up again. I relaxed, relaxed, relaxed again, and finally floated up.

  Just then, the bell rang. How can it be so fast in an hour!


  The hot sun scorched the earth. This summer vacation, my mother decided to take me to learn swimming.

  On the first day, the coach first taught us to breathe. The way to breathe is to take a deep breath on the water, dive into the water and exhale with your nose. At first, I often choked on water. I either inhaled before I put my head out, or exhaled with my mouth underwater. The water got into my nose. It was very uncomfortable, but now I don't choke on water.

  The next day, the coach finally wanted to teach us breaststroke, and I was very excited.

  The coach first asked us to practice on the bench. The coach told us about the action of wading: first put our feet into the ditch, bend our calves forward to the waist, then push our legs away from both sides, and straighten our feet, which can reduce resistance. For the first time, the coach asked us to swim in a swimming circle. The second time, the coach asked us to swim with a poor plastic floating board. It was said to be a floating board. In fact, when the hand floated on the water, as long as a little pressure was applied, it sank. Although it didn't sink deeply, it still stretched a certain depth. No wonder the coach didn't let us take it for the first time.

  When the third day arrived, the coach taught us the action of rowing. Rowing is to swim in the water with a breath in my mouth. When I can't hold it in my mouth, I just need to stroke my hands to both sides, and my head can float to the surface of the water. The extension time is very short. During this time, you can take a breath, and then swim. I'm not very skilled in the previous few times, and I often choke on the water. I swam around the swimming pool several times without choking a mouthful of water. I was very happy.

  After a few days of study, I finally learned how to swim. Swimming in the pool is not only cool and comfortable, but also can strengthen my body. Now I like swimming more and more.


  The scorching summer is unbearable. I suddenly wanted to go swimming. In order to go swimming, I begged my mother all morning.

  When it was almost four o'clock, I said, "Mom, I can't wait to go swimming. I can't wait, can't wait!" But my mother didn't say anything, just playing with her mobile phone. After a while, my mother took out the manuscr ipt, Sudoku, abacus and mental arithmetic... And said, "finish these first!" "All right!" My heart was originally resistant, but I know my mother, an "old * cunning" guy, won't let me go swimming as long as I don't finish my homework. So I quickly finished all my homework and gave it to my mother for examination. Then my mother agreed to let me go swimming. I also invited my aunt and cousin to go with us.

  When we came to the water park in Dongshan, I quickly put on my swimming trunks, put on my life buoy, and couldn't wait to jump into the pool. There are many interesting places in the amusement park. I slide down the long red slide. It's so cool! And the rotating slide, and... I'm really excited! At this time, I was dragged to the deep water by my cousin, who taught me how to swim. My cousin told me that if I want to learn to swim, I must learn to hold my breath first. Hold your nose first, and then put your head into the water to see how long you can hold it. Don't be brave. After repeated practice, I can hold it for twenty or thirty seconds. Next, my cousin taught me to press forward with my body, slide my hands from the front to the back, push my feet hard, and beat the water with my feet, so that I can move forward. In this way, my cousin taught me to practice repeatedly, and I finally learned a little. When I was exhausted, my mother brought me a "hot dog". Hey! It's really a mother who knows her son!

  Night slowly fell! At this time, the people in the pool increased unabated. Everyone was playing, and a cool wind blew around from time to time. It was really comfortable. Unfortunately, my mother was urging me to go home at this time.

  Today I feel very happy and tired, although a little tired.
