1.Done with the 9 to 52 but not prepared to hang it up3? This work may be for you: the bridge job.
2.Two years ago,Bob Mark way retired. Or so he thought. After joining Shell's exploration and production unit in 1973,Mark way had climbed the ranks to manage its deep water operations in the Gulf of Mexico. He had reached an age and accumulated enough years of service to sail off into the sunset with a good pension. Both kids' college tuitions and one of their weddings were out of the way; his 46-ft. sailboat,the Sazerac,beckoned. But then Hurricane Katrina walloped his house two blocks from Lake Pontchartrain,and his plans for a clean break from his career shifted. "Suddenly,having cash outside of retirement plans began to look like a pretty good idea," says Markway,now 55. Besides,he felt a need to be useful. When Shell offered him interesting work on a project basis,he took it-on the condition it not interfere with sailing season.
2、两年前,Bob Markway退休了;至少他自己认为已经退休了。1973年,他进入壳牌公司勘探和生产部工作,之后他不断得到升职直至最后主管该公司在墨西哥湾的深水作业部门。如今,他已到了退休的年龄,多年来的工作足可以让他享有一笔不错的退休金,从而可以驾驶着帆船徜徉在夕阳的余晖之中。两个孩子上大学的学费,和其中一个孩子的婚礼费用都已不是问题,他那46英尺长的帆船Sazerac正整装待发。然而,后来发生的“卡特里娜”飓风摧毁了他距离Pontchartrain湖两个街区远的房子,他原本想彻底退休的打算也有了新的变化。眼下已经55岁的Markway说道:“突然之间,在退休期间继续赚钱,好像开始成了一个非常不错的想法。”此外,他也觉得有必要让自己成为一个有用的人。当壳牌公司为他提供了一份有意思的项目工作时,他接受了,条件是:工作不会影响他的帆船之旅。
3.What Markway is experiencing is a new kind of American career stage: the not-quite-retirement. As life spans lengthen,pensions tighten and workplace rules change,hopping from full-time work to full-time leisure is appearing less realistic and,to some,less desirable. The trend has given rise to a new category of employment,the so-called bridge job. Economists use this term to describe part-time or full-time jobs typically held for less than 10 years following full-time careers. According to a 2005 working paper from the Center on Aging and Work at Boston College,one-half to two-thirds of workers take on bridge jobs before fully retiring-one reason the number of workers 65 and up is expected to increase 117% by 2025. "Why go from 100 m.p.h. to zero?" says Joseph Quinn,a Boston College economist and co-author of the paper. "You wouldn't do that in your car. You'd do 70,then 50,then 20."
3、Markway现在所经历的是美国一种新型的职业阶段--非完全退休。随着人类寿命的不断延长,退休金额的日渐紧缩,以及工作要求的最新变化,放弃全职工作、置身终日消遣的可能性似乎越来越不现实;对于某些人而言,这也是情非所愿的。这种趋势带来了一种新的就业形式,也就是所谓的“返聘工作(the bridge job)”。经济学家用这个术语来描述那些兼职或是全职工作,这些工作一般是在退休后时间少于10年的再工作。根据波士顿大学老年人及其就业研究中心2005年的研究报告,有二分之一到三分之二的员工在完全退休之前从事返聘工作,这也是年龄在65岁或65岁以上的员工人数到2025年预计将增长117%的原因之一。Joseph Quinn是波士顿大学的经济学家,也是2005年研究报告团的合著者,他说道:“为什么要把时速从100英里突然降至零呢?你在开车时恐怕也不会这么做。你会把时速从100英里降至70英里,再降至50英里,再降至20英里。”
4.The prolonged-work ethic comes at a time when American companies face a demographics-driven crisis4: What happens when the 76 million baby boomers retire? As older workers begin to leave work in droves,economists project a labor shortage of 10 million by the end of the decade. Some industries,such as utilities,education and energy,are already struggling to stanch the institutional brain drain. So,older workers want to keep working,and employers need them-crisis solved. Right? Not quite,says Deborah Russell,director of workforce issues at the AARP5. Revamping retirement systems requires shifts in attitudes and bureaucratic pension rules. "It comes down to the perception that if you're 58,how much do I want to invest in you?" she says. "This is a critical issue for employers to overcome-for their own good."
4、退休再就业的现象根源于美国公司曾经面临劳力匮乏的危机--当7600万在生育高峰期出生的人退休后,将会发生什么问题?当年老的员工陆续退休之后,经济学家预测到本年代末将会出现1亿的劳力短缺。一些诸如公共事业、教育和能源公司等产业部门早已开始致力于阻止公司的人才流失现象。因此,年老的员工希望继续工作,而雇主又需要他们--危机因此得以解决。事实确实如此吗?美国退休人员协会劳力问题部的主任Deborah Russell认为,事实并非完全如此。修订退休制度需要改变人们的态度和那些官僚化的退休金制度。“问题最终归结于:如果你已58岁,我还愿意在你身上投入多少?”Deborah说道:“这是雇主们必须解决的重大问题--这是为他们自己的利益着想。”
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