

时间:2021-11-21 05:56:39 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

【#新概念英语# 导语】新概念英语文章短小精悍,语句幽默诙谐,语法全面系统。适合各个阶层的人群学习参考。相信有了新概念英语,你也可以成为“大神”级别的人物!还在等什么?快来加入学习吧!©文档大全网小编与您一起学习进步!



  1 He is swimming across the river.

  2 she is sitting on the grass.

  3 The cat is running along the wall.


  1 Where is the man going? He's going into the shop.

  2 Where is the woman going? She's going out of the shop.

  3 Where is he sitting? He's sitting beside his mother.

  4 Where are they walking? They're walking across the street.

  5 Where are the cats running? They're running along the wall.

  6 Where are the children jumping? They're jumping off the branch.

  7 Where is the man standing? He's standing between two policemen.

  8 Where is she sitting? She's sitting near the tree.

  9 Where is it flying? It's flying under the bridge.

  10 Where is the aeroplane flying? It's flying over the bridge.

  11 Where are they sitting? They're sitting on the grass.

  12 Where are the man and the woman reading? They're reading in the living room.



  1 What are you doing? We are reading.

  2 What are they doing? They are doing their homework.

  3 What is he doing? He is working hard.

  4 What are you doing? I am washing the dishes.


  1 What are you going to do?

  I'm going to shave.

  What are you doing now?

  I'm shaving.

  2 What are you going to do?

  I'm going to wait for a bus.

  What are you doing now?

  I'm waiting for a bus.

  3 What are you going to do?

  I'm going to do my homework.

  What are you doing now?

  I'm doing my homework.

  4 What are you going to do?

  I'm going to listen to the stereo.

  What are you doing now?

  I'm listening to the stereo.5 What are you going to do?

  I'm going to wash the dishes.

  What are you doing now?

  I'm washing the dishes.



  1 Send that letter to George.

  2 Take those flowers to her.

  3 Show that picture to me.

  4 Give these books to Mrs. Jones.

  5 Give these ice creams to the children.


  1 I'm going to put it on.

  2 I'm going to take them off.

  3 I'm going to turn them on.

  4 I'm going to turn it off.

  5 I'm going to put it on.

  6 I'm going to take it off.

  7 I'm going to turn them on.

  8 I'm going to turn it off.

  9 I'm going to turn them off.

  10 I'm going to turn it on.

