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【#新概念英语# 导语】新概念系列教材的经典早已不言而喻。其文章短小精悍,语句幽默诙谐,语法全面系统,历来被公认为是适合大多数中学生课外学习的资料之一。®文档大全网为您整理了以下内容,仅供参考。希望可以帮助到您!如果您想要了解更多相关内容,欢迎关注®文档大全网!


  【Key to Multiple choice questions】

  1. B 2. C 3. A 4. B 5. C 6. A 7. D 8. C 9. D 10. D 11. B 12. A

  Multiple choice questions 多项选择

  Comprehension 理解

  1„ 正确答案:B by rail = by train

  2„ 正确答案:C

  at the speed of 以„的速度 express train 特快列车

  3„ 答案正确:A

  complain about; complain of 抱怨

  注意句子:The train scheduled as an express train having in fact been a slow one.

  Scheduled as an express train 修辞 the train,做它的后置定语。

  Having in fact been a slow one 与 train 构成独立主格结构。


  Structure 结构

  4„ 答案正确:B expect 的用法: expect sth/sb to do

  5„ 答案正确:C

  注意:might 在 railway services 之前,是明显的倒装表示。 需采用倒装形式的几种情况:

  A) only 所引导的状语从句用在句首,句子必须倒装。

  B) if 条件句,如果 if 省略,were 要前置。 --Were it to snow = If it were to snow.


  6„ 正确答案:A

  in a mere hour and seventeen minutes 在 1 小时 17 分钟内

  7„ 正确答案:D 因为 still, 所以答案为 d. 如果选择 a) before we had ,则应去掉 still to.

  即:before we had covered half the distance.

  8„ 正确答案:C

  十分有礼貌的表达方式,且与 asked 形式呼应。

  9„ 正确答案:D

  held up = delay halt 停止 retard 防止

  slow up 减慢

  10„ 正确答案:D

  as soon as I arrived = immediately on arrival

  11„ 正确答案:B 注意:主句中 I 做主语

  a 选项,则 noting 与主句中的主语 I 不相符合。

  b 选项,sounding 是现在分词做状语说明修辞 I 的情况

  12„ 正确答案:A take another look 再看一眼

  review 复习 overlook 忽视,宽恕,检查,监督


  【Key to Multiple choice questions】

  1. B 2. D 3. A 4. D 5. C 6. B 7. C 8. B 9. A 10. A 11. C 12. A

  Multiple choice questions 多项选择


  1„ 正确答案:B 根据课文内容选择

  2„ 正确答案:D 同上

  3„ 正确答案:A 同上 Structure

  4„ 正确答案:D 用将来时态才与原文相符合

  5„ 正确答案:C

  原句中缺少主语,由 what 引导一个简单句做主语从句

  6„ 正确答案:B

  code 指 the markings ;现在分词做状语

  7„ 正确答案:C

  强调二者之间有联系,故排除 A,而 C 选项表示有可能联系,语气不肯定,符合题目要求。

  8„ 正确答案:B

  puzzle out:to find answer by thinking hard

  9„ 正确答案:A 同义词

  10„ 正确答案:A

  令人费解的:puzzling ;符号 signs 代替了 code,而不是 singal,singal 表示信号。

  11„ 正确答案:C

  A 选项,come to 必须接动词原形,如 come to record / come to exist

  C 选项 ,come into existence(existence n.)

  12„ 正确答案:A

  nomands:move from place to place


  【Key to Multiple choice questions】

  1. C 2. A 3. A 4. D 5. A 6. D 7. B 8. C 9. A 10 .C 11. B 12. C

  Multiple choice questions 多项选择


  No.1 C

  It seemed less likely that…… Meet with disaster

  No.2 A

  In response to renewed pleadings, Bruce stopped.

  No.3 A He was not the sort of person to be perturbed by anything.


  Believe sb./sth./that/in

  No.4 B

  No.5 A

  What 感叹句的主题词是名词 How 感叹句的主题词是形容词

  No.6 D

  No.7 B Run out of 旧版笔记

  bumpy /washboard +road I’m a rough diamond. 内秀 问路

  Where is the hospital? Can you direct me to ..? How do I get to .. What is

  the closest way to..? Bear left, when you came across the fork.

  run across

  I run across an old friend in the street. 碰巧遇到

  get sb to do = persuade sb to do sth get sth done (get foot spiked)

  get sth dong = begin to do sth

  I need you professional advice. Any suggestions?

  We are hungry fo ideas. Why not try this way? No point in trying.

  No.8 C

  No.9 A Hinder = obstacle

  No.10 C

  No.11 B

  No.12 C

