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  人口老龄化 (the aging of population) 牵涉到政治、经济、文化和社会发展诸多方面,带来了一系列的问题,如:社会负担加重,社会文化福利 (welfare) 事业的发展与人口老龄化不适应,家庭养老功能 (role of the family in providing for the elderly) 减弱,老年人对医疗保健、生活服务的需求突出等。为了适应人口老龄化的发展,目前,许多国家或地区都在积极探索和制度相应的对策,为老年事业努力。
  The Aging of Population
  The aging of population, which involves politics, economy, culture and social development, brings about a series of problems such as the increasing burden on society, the incompatibility between the growth of social and cultural welfare programs and an aging population, the diminishing role of the family in providing for the elderly, and the pressing need of the elderly for medical care and living services, etc. Currently, in order to adapt to the ongoing trend of population aging, many countries or regions are actively exploring and formulating countermeasures in an effort to improve the cause of the elderly.

