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【CET6】【电脑用户】→点击进入免费试听>>四六级考试课程! 在这个信息爆炸的时代,大学生的阅读习惯变得碎片化、功利化。一项调查结果显示,许多大学生每日阅读不足1小时,而上网时间却超过了4小时。现在年轻人喜欢看一些“更实用的”书籍,如考试指导及职业指南。专家指出,碎片化、功利化阅读削弱了学生的思考以及分析能力。他们一再强调,学生应多去阅读人文作品以提升自身的审美品位(aesthetic taste)。
In an era of information explosion, college students are now reading in a fragmented and utilitarian manner.According to a survey, many college students read for less than an hour every day, but spend more than four hours online daily.Young people nowadays like to read "more practical" books, such as guidance for exams and occupations.Experts pointed out that fragmented and utilitarian reading undermine students' ability to think and analyze. They insist that students read more humanity works to develop aesthetic taste of their own.