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【#英语资源# 导语】梨花万朵分外白,伫立墓前悲满怀。冥币翻飞情归去,香烟缭缭子规来。清泪千行湿冢土,满腔怀念今日诉。先人难见今日柳,后辈永记前辈恩。以下是©文档大全网为大家精心整理的内容,欢迎大家阅读。


  The swallow has gone, and there is a time to come again; Willows wither, and there is a time when they are green again; The peach blossoms have withered and will bloom again. But dear grandpa, you have been sleeping in this cold cemetery for a long time. Your grandson is close to you, but he is separated by Yin and Yang. He can't meet you even after thousands of calls. How can this not make my grandson sad, painful and melancholy.

  In my impression, grandpa is a kind old man who used to be the head of his village. He was honest and honest, never greedy for small profits, and worked silently for the village until he died. Some people say that the longing for others will fade with the passage of time. But I think my thoughts about grandpa are just the opposite. Even after a long time, every time I recall my grandfather's voice and face, I always feel sour and cool in my heart. Even for five or ten years, this feeling has not weakened or disappeared, but has become stronger.

  Time flies, years change, today, I stand in front of Grandpa's grave again, tears hazy my eyes. Through the misty rain, I only found the green mountains in the distance and the fields near me, which gradually became blurred. Everything in front of me seemed so familiar. It was as if my grandfather was still writing Spring Festival couplets to the villagers, telling the young people in the village not to pour garbage into the clear stream, and working hard to repair the ancestral temple in the village... In a twinkling of an eye, my grandfather had driven the crane West and disappeared without a trace, like water vapor in the rain. No matter how I caught it, I couldn't catch him, Empty leaves a damp in the palm. At this time, I realized that the swallows could fly back and the willows would be green again, but Grandpa would never come back, and what I could spend with me was my constant thoughts and the annual Qingming Festival.

  During the Qingming Festival, there are many rains - this is a vivid picture of metabolism. Rain and tears are intertwined to nourish me.


  It's Tomb Sweeping Day again. This time I didn't go to Grandpa's grave with my parents to worship him. I regret it.

  In the evening, I hid under the quilt and opened my photo album. The picture of my grandfather came into my eyes, which reminded me of my grandfather's memory, and my tears fell down.

  I remember when I was a child, my parents were not at home and asked me to live in my grandfather's house. Grandpa is a kind man and is so friendly to everyone. Every time after school, I always see my grandfather. There is no exception. According to grandma, grandpa is like a stubborn old cow. No one is allowed to pick me up. He must go by himself. Grandpa loves me and inevitably makes my brothers jealous. Whenever grandpa gives me that snack, my brothers suddenly appear in front of us like ghosts. At this time, Grandpa will "change" the same snack to them like a magician. Therefore, grandpa has a sense of mystery in our hearts.

  Grandpa loved me and my brothers and never stopped, even when he was ill.

  But people die, and no one is an exception. Once after school, my brother and I went to my uncle's house together. On the way, some people said to us, "your grandfather is gone." At that time, we didn't know what this "gone" meant. We thought grandpa had gone. We hurried to our uncle's house, but none of us expected it. As soon as we stepped into the gate, several of us almost collapsed and forgot how to cry, but the tears kept falling down. In this way, grandpa left us!

  Although grandpa has left us, Grandpa still lives in our memory!


  Qingming Festival is a traditional festival of the Chinese nation. Qingming Festival began in the Zhou Dynasty. It is 108 days after the winter solstice every year. Qingming Festival is between April 4 and April 6 every year. Qingming Festival is also called cold food festival.

  There is also a touching origin of Qingming Festival. It is said that when Duke Wen Chong'er of Jin was on the run, he fainted from hunger one day. His entourage Jie Zitui did not hesitate to cut off the meat on his legs and roast it for Duke Wen Chong'er of Jin. After Chonger came to power, Duke Wen of Jin rewarded those meritorious officials, but forgot to reward Jie Zitui. He was reminded that Jie Zitui should also be rewarded. Duke Wen Chong'er of Jin took the minister to appreciate Jie Zitui. Unexpectedly, Jie Zitui had hidden in Jinshan with his old mother. Someone proposed burning the mountain. Because Jie Zitui was so filial, he would bring his mother out. The fire burned for three days and nights. The fire was extinguished. Duke Wen Chong'er and his entourage went up the mountain to see that the old mother and Jie Zitui were burned to death on a big willow tree. Duke Chong'er of Jin Wen was very sad and ordered him not to use fireworks and only to eat cold food. So this day is called cold food festival and Qingming Festival. There are many customs about Tomb Sweeping Day, including ancestor worship, tomb sweeping, outing and tree planting. On Tomb Sweeping Day, my parents also went to commemorate the deceased ancestors and sweep the tombs of the deceased ancestors. On Tomb Sweeping Day, we also plant trees. As the saying goes, planting trees is better than planting melons and beans before and after Tomb Sweeping Day. After the Qingming Festival, the weather gradually warmed up and the farmer uncle began to plough.

  As a young pioneer, we should remember those revolutionary martyrs on Tomb Sweeping Day and let them rest underground.


  It is also the annual Qingming Festival. The drizzle outside is like a gray net, covering the earth. Everyone's mood changes from enthusiasm to desolation with the weather. No wonder the poet Du Mu said, "it rains one after another during the Qingming Festival, and pedestrians on the road want to break their souls." That's right!

  Early in the morning, my mother dug me up from the warm quilt and asked me to brush my teeth, wash my face and get ready to go out. The living room is full of large and small bags, including fruits, eggs and other things. Then there was the work of luggage. Everyone was as busy as a top. When the last bag of things were put on the car, the wheels of the car were as deflating as if, and the body immediately dropped by five centimeters. Next, the long journey began.

  On the way, my father asked, "does anyone know the origin of Qingming Festival?" My sister and I shook our heads. Dad spoke like a guide. Originally, it is said that at the end of the Qin Dynasty, Liu Bang chased the Central Plains and finally won the world. When he returned to his hometown with honor, he thought of worshipping in front of his parents' graves. However, due to years of war, the tombstone was tilted and covered with weeds. Liu Bang was very sad. He tore a piece of paper into small pieces and said, "my parents have a spirit in heaven. If the pieces of paper fall in one place and the wind can't move, it's my parents' grave." As soon as he finished speaking, Liu Bang immediately threw the paper into the air and finally found his parents' tomb. Since then, it has become a custom for ordinary people to offer sacrifices to their ancestors' tombs.

  At the destination, the whole mountain is filled with fog. Like a steamer, white smoke keeps coming out and curling up into the sky. Like fairies wearing white gauze, they are dancing, making people feel like they are in the fairy world. It turns out that Grandpa's grave is located at the foot of the mountain, where there is a vast expanse of sea and sky. Grandpa should sleep here with a smile! After we finished sweeping the tomb, we went to a restaurant for lunch and ended the interesting day.

  Qingming is really a sad day, but it makes people understand the truth of thinking about the source after drinking water. It's really a changeable day!


  There is such a legend about the Qingming Festival in my hometown. It is said that during the spring and autumn and Warring States periods, a prince fled with the prince in exile in order to avoid disasters. Most of the ministers who originally ran with the prince ran out of the way. Only a few loyal people remained, following the prince. One of them is called Jie Zitui. Once, the prince fainted from hunger. In order to save the prince, Jie Zitui cut a piece of meat from his leg, roasted it with fire and gave it to him to eat. Nineteen years later, the crown prince returned home and became a monarch. It was later said that Duke Wen of Jin.

  After Duke Wen of Jin came to power, he rewarded those ministers who shared weal and woe with him, but forgot Jie Zitui. Someone cried for Jie Zitui in front of Duke Wen of Jin. Duke Wen of Jin thought of the past and felt guilty. Duke Wen of Jin invited him personally. However, when Duke Wen of Jin came to Jie Zitui's house, he saw the door closed. Jie Zitui didn't want to see him, so he hid in the mountain behind his mother's back. Duke Wen of Jin asked his royal guards to search the mountain, but they didn't find it. Therefore, someone came up with an idea that it would be better to set fire to the mountain, ignite on three sides, and leave one side, hoping that when the fire starts, the meson push will come out by itself. Duke Wen of Jin ordered a fire to burn the mountain. Unexpectedly, the fire burned for three days and nights. After the fire was extinguished, Jiezi was not pushed out after all. When he went up the mountain, Jie Zitui's mother and son were dead holding a charred willow.

  On Tomb Sweeping Day the next year, Duke Wen of Jin led his officials to the Jie temple at the foot of the mountain to pay tribute to Jie Zitui. He saw the burned willows on the hillside of the burning forest dead and resurrected. Duke Wen of Jin thought that the willow was transformed by Jie Zitui, so he gave it Qingming willow. The people of Jin were required to hang willow branches on their doors, sweep tombs, plant willows and go for an outing in the mountains.


  When it comes to Qingming Festival, we all know that it is a traditional festival in China. On Tomb Sweeping Day, we have to sweep tombs, go outing and eat Youth League.

  This year's Tomb Sweeping Day, I returned to my hometown - Xiamen. Grandparents and aunts came to the airport to meet me. Instead of going sightseeing, we went directly to the ancestral temple to worship.

  The sky also seemed to reflect the ancient poem "rain in succession during the Qingming Festival", and there was a drizzle. The grave sweepers lit incense for their ancestors, were busy offering fruits and food, and some quietly shed tears

  We came to Grandpa's ancestral hall. First, we offered tribute, including chicken, fish, fruit and green ball. Then grandpa lit incense and gave each of us three incense. We worshipped three times in front of the ancestral tablet, knelt down and kowtowed three heads to our ancestors, and then burned paper money to our ancestors. There is a small stove on the side of the ancestral hall, which is specially used for burning fire. We light the fire first, and then relay the paper money to burn it. Grandpa kept fiddling with the fire with a wooden stick, so that the paper could burn away. Standing aside, I couldn't open my eyes because of the smoke. But grandpa kept fiddling with it. Finally, there is the link of setting off firecrackers. The whole family dare not light firecrackers. At this time, grandma volunteered to order, crackling, what a loud voice! Grandpa said, this is to tell our ancestors that we have come to see you!

  Qingming Festival is a festival to remember our ancestors and commemorate history. I think that on this day, we should not only commemorate our ancestors, but also the heroes who died for the great cause of our motherland! So the Qingming Festival is really meaningful!


  Today is the Tomb Sweeping Day. It reminds me of the ancient poem "rain in succession during the Tomb Sweeping Day, and pedestrians on the road want to break their souls", which has aroused my sadness. I seem to see this sad and heartbreaking scene. Qingming Day is a sad day and a moment of missing.

  On this year's Tomb Sweeping Day, my parents and I drove early. When we passed Nanshan Road, there was a long queue and the traffic was blocked. In this way, we stopped and drove. It took us a long time to get to the foot of the mountain corner of Zhongcun. Grandparents are already waiting for us.

  When I came to the grave, I saw that the director was full of weeds. My father and grandpa took a sickle and shoveled away the weeds. Grandma took out the sacrifice and put it in front of the tomb. At first glance, they are all a Tai's favorite dishes, including braised hairtail, oily shrimp, dried tofu, spring bamboo shoots, strawberries and wine. Grandpa poured three full glasses of wine into the cup and said, "Mom, everyone is here today. If you're happy, you can drink more. It doesn't matter if you're drunk!" I was fascinated. My mother put a bunch of white chrysanthemums into my hand and said it was for ah Tai. Go and put it away.

  Let a Tai bless you to study hard and make progress every day. However, I know that it is impossible to rely on the blessing of our ancestors. We should make our own efforts. After finishing this, we walked back and looked down from the mountain. The fields were green, with wheat fields in the East and rape flowers in the West.

  I learned a lot of common sense about human feelings during Tomb Sweeping Day and ancestor worship, and also learned that sacrifice is one of the traditional rituals of the Chinese nation.


  "It rains heavily during the Qingming Festival, and pedestrians on the road want to break their souls..." time flies, and the annual Qingming Festival is coming. Qingming Festival is also called outing Festival. On this day, people should bring wine, fruit and paper money to the cemetery to mourn their dead relatives.

  This year's Tomb Sweeping Day, the weather is particularly good, but it's not like what the poem said. I got up early that morning because my family was going to sweep grandpa's grave together. When I first went out, I felt in a very good mood. I was jumping all the way, like a newly released bird, because this was my first time to go up the mountain to sweep the grave. But from the adult's expression, I'm not as happy as I am. Maybe it's the reason for visiting the grave.

  At the foot of the mountain, I feel no different from others, but it's different halfway up the mountain. It was overgrown with weeds, which were a head higher than me. Walking, we came to Grandpa's grave. There were some branches and weeds around the grave. They seemed to understand the mood of grave sweepers. They were lifeless.

  We first weed out the grass around the grave, then press yellow paper with some small mud blocks on the grave, put offerings and light incense, and we kowtow to grandpa in turn. Grandpa recited words in front of the grave, reporting the major events of the family in the past year, and asked grandpa to bless the whole family. I think: grandpa who is sleeping here must have heard what we said. He must be happy and will bless us

  Finally, we burned the paper money in the "open space" in front of the grave. When it was finished, we also used the water we brought to extinguish the Mars. Because there was a pavilion in front of Grandpa Tai's grave, we sat in the pavilion and ate. Grandpa also scattered the finished eggshell on the grave. I asked curiously, "Grandpa, why do you do this?" Grandpa said, "it means that our ancestors are with us!" The dead are clearly here. How can they be with us? Maybe he lives in Grandpa's heart! I nodded vaguely... Finally, my father checked again and we went down the mountain.

  On the way down the mountain, everyone talked and laughed, and the mood was very relaxed. When I came back, I thought: the original Qingming Festival is a day of remembrance for our ancestors. It is also a good opportunity for family reunion and spring outing.

  This year's Tomb Sweeping Day is very meaningful for me. I will visit the tomb again next year.


  The day before the Qingming Festival, my father picked me up at school to go back to my hometown for Qingming Festival. My family drove back to my hometown happily.

  Early in the morning, we went to Gu Nai's house. Her house is a canteen. We bought paper money for Qingming at her house. The RMB seems to be real. Strings of money are round, like small cards. We also bought a lot of firecrackers. When we bought something, we went to lunch.

  After lunch, we returned to the village. My father opened the paper money one by one. My grandmother and aunt milk shook all the money out of the basket and put it in the bamboo basket. I ran over and looked at it. It was so much!

  We put on our boots and walked carefully on the ridge. The ridge in the countryside was so small that it shook like a duck dancing. We finally came to the grave.

  Dad took something like a ribbon and hung it on the grave. Dad piled all kinds of paper money together like a mountain. My brother lit the fire and the smoke rose slowly. Watch us burn a piece of paper. We made three loud noises. Gu Nai said, "as long as you make a wish in your heart, it will come true." I silently wish to study hard and become smarter and smarter. Then Dad hung the firecrackers on the branches and lit them. The fireworks were colorful in the air, flying like Fairies in the air. We came to another mountain. In front of the tomb, there was a drizzle in the sky. My father told me to take something like a ribbon and hang it on it. Dad lit the pile of paper money and we finished it in a hurry. I still made a silent wish in my heart. This time I want to make myself more and more beautiful. Then I looked at my brother talking silently, probably trying to make progress in my study!

  My father came over and said, "Qingming Festival is a traditional festival for our future generations to commemorate our ancestors. It is a virtue of the Chinese nation."

  At the end of this day, I am busy, happy and tired. In the sound of firecrackers, we finished the Qingming Festival.


  It is another Tomb Sweeping Day, another holiday to worship our ancestors, and another spring outing. A year later, the most important festival in China - Qingming Festival, has come again.

  Recalling the war, how many heroes threw their heads and shed blood, opening up a safe sky. In the Tomb Sweeping Festival, we think of those martyrs and heroes again. We should go and see them.

  The mourning activity began around 11 o'clock. Our students in the primary school of Qiantang foreign language school held small white flowers. In the high national anthem and sad mourning music, we observed silence, bowed and presented flowers to express our condolences to the revolutionary martyrs. Under the monument to the revolutionary martyrs, there are Memorial flower baskets full of flowers. The cypress behind the monument is full of white flowers dedicated to the martyrs. In the exhibition hall of the revolutionary martyrs memorial hall, countless glorious deeds of heroes and martyrs are introduced. Under the leadership of CAI Yiling, we express our condolences to the heroes and their dusty deeds.

  The unforgettable Qingming Festival, the noon sun is very dazzling, while the monument rises to the blue sky. At the beginning of the memorial, we need to look at the monument with respect. The sun made us unable to open our eyes. We really wanted to close our eyes to avoid the fierce sun. When my eyes collided with the monument, my eyes opened unconsciously. I think this is our Chinese children's subconscious obedience to the party. When we held white flowers in our hands, browsed the relief of martyrs and presented flowers, the whole team moved very slowly. Everyone hung their heads and silently put the white flowers on the cypress. Everyone is remembering the revolutionary martyrs who created peace for us. Our hearts have already become very heavy.

  Those martyrs sacrificed their young lives for the sake of new China. They deserve our remembrance and remembrance.

