【#四六级考试# 导语】备考是一种经历,也是一种体验。每天进步一点点,基础扎实一点点,通过考试就会更容易一点点。®文档大全网为大家准备了以下内容,供大家参考阅读。
作为中国传统的民间艺术,吹糖人(Sugar Figure Blowing Art)历史悠久,然而 随着中国经济的发展,这一艺术正渐渐消失。据说这一民间艺术始于宋朝,当时被称为戏剧糖果(operacandy)。吹糖人以糖作为基本材料,糖人艺人用自己的方法熬糖,然后吹成各种人物。艺人先把糖加热到适当的温度,然后拉一些糖稀(syrup)捏成一团,再用各种技巧做出不同的形状,并涂上鲜艳的颜色。这种艺术是手、眼、心、 呼吸和一定温度所需时间控制的真正结合。一项技术不过关,整个过程都会失败。参考译文:
As a truditional Chinese folk art,the Sugar Figure Blowing Art have a long history.But it is gradually disappearing in the process of economic development in China.It is said that this folk drt was formed in the Song Dynasty;at that time it wan called opera candy.The Sugar Figure Blowing Art uses sugar as its basic material,and the artists have their own ways to boil sugar and blow it into various figures.Artists heat up sugar to proper temperature,then pull some syrup and knead it to a ball.Then they make different shapes by using different skills and paint bright colors on the figures.This art is really a combination of hand,eye,heart,breath,and the timing of temperature skill.If there is one skill you couldn’t perform well, the whole procedure will be a failure.
皇帝是中国封建社会(feudal society)最 高统治者。秦王赢政统一中国之后,称自己为皇帝。自此,中国开始了长达2132年的皇帝统治时期。到1912年中国最后一个皇帝溥仪退位,中国历共有495位皇帝。皇帝一人掌握国家政策制定、军事决策等全部大权,决定着国家和人民的命运。中国历有许多英明的皇帝,他们勤政爱民,制定了许多合理的政策,促进了经济和社会的发展。还有一些残 暴无能的皇帝,他们带给了人民无尽的灾难,受到人民的激烈反抗。参考翻译:
Emperor was the supreme ruler of the feudalsociety in China. After Yingzheng, the king of Qin,unified China, he called himself Emperor. Sincethen, China had entered a period of emperors'reign,which lasted for 2,132 years. There were totally 495emperors in the history of China until 1912, when Puyi, the last emperor of China gave up thethrone. Emperors dominated all the rights of policy making and military decision and so on.They were the only ones who could decide the fate of the country and its people. In Chinesehistory many wise emperors were diligent in politics and loved their people. They made manyreasonable policies to promote the development of economy and society. There were alsomany cruel and incompetent emperors who brought endless disasters to the people and wereresisted fiercely.
Yangko is one of tradition folk dance of Han in China.It is usually performed in northern provinces.The dancers usually wear colorful and bright costumes with their performance being powerful and swift.During some festivals such as Spring Festival and Lantein Festival,hearing the sound of drums and gongs,no matter how cold the weather is,people will come to street and appreciate Yangko.In recent years,the old people in the city of east-northern of China take the initiative in (自发地)organizing teams of Yangko and the members keep healthy by dancing Yangko the whole year.