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【#新概念英语# 导语】新概念英语之所以经久不衰是因为以其全新的教学理念,有趣的课文内容和全面的技能训练,为英语学习者排忧解难,深受广大英语学习者的欢迎和喜爱。想要学好英语的你,怎能错过?快来加入学习吧!©文档大全网为您提供了以下内容,希望能够为大家学习新概念英语提供帮助!




  过去完成时表示过去发生的事情对过去造成的影响或结果,主要用来描述过去某个动作或状态之前发生的动作或状态,所以过去完成时的用法也常被简称为“过去的过去”。其形式为had done。如:

  Aftter they had entered the house, they went into the dining room.


  Do you like stories? 这句话可以作为讲故事的开头的套话来用。

  I want to tell you a true story. 1)tell sb. sth.,告诉某人某事。 2)a true story,真实的故事。注意true和real的区别:real可用于有形的人或物,也可用于无形的事物,true通常只用于无形的事。比如,“真金”就只能说real gold,而不能说true gold。但“真爱”却可以说real love或true love。

  It happened to a friend of mine a year ago. 1)sth. happen to sb./sth.某事发生在某人或某物身上。 2)a friend of mine,我的一个朋友。这是双重所有格的用法。

  While my friend, George, was reading in bed, two thieves climed into the kitchen. 1)可在此通过复习when与while的用法来复习上节课所学的过去进行时的用法。 2)read in bed,躺在床上看书。注意bed前面不加任何冠词。

  After they had entered the house, they went into the dining room. 1)在此可解释为什么enter要用过去完成时(因为went into the dining room是发生在过去的,而enter是在此之前发生的,所以要用had entered)。 2)enter就相当于go into,作者为了避免重复,采用了这两种表达方式。

  It was very dark, so they turned on a torch. 注意torch可以表示“火把”,也可以表示“手电筒 ”。文中用了turn on,说明这里是表示“手电筒”。

  Suddenly, they heard a voice behind them. 注意voice(声音)和noise(噪音)的区别。

  What's up? What's up?' someone called. 1)What's up?用来询问发生了什么事情,相当于“What's wrong?” 2)call,表示大叫。

  The thieves dropped the torch and ran away as quickly as they could. 1)drop,丢下。注意过去式形式要双写p。 2)run away,逃跑。 3)as quickly as they could,尽可能快地。as...as sb. can/could,尽可能...

  He turned on the light, but he couldn't see anyone. 1)light,灯。 2)he couldn't see anyone,not...anyone,相当于no one。

  The thieves had already gone. 1)可以跟学生解释,本句之所以用过去完成时,是因为小偷逃跑在先,他开灯在后,而开灯是过去的,所以小偷逃跑是过去的过去。 2)had gone,表示消失了、逃跑了。

  What's up, George?' he called. 'Nothing, Henry' George said and smiled. 'Go back to sleep.' 1)注意nothing用来回答什么事也没发生。2)go back to sleep,回去睡觉。







  The lady who is standing behind the counter.

  The books which are on the counter.

  He says he's the man who bought these books.

  The man who I served was wearing a hat.


  I bought two expensive dictionaries here half an hour ago,

  but I forgot to take them with me.

  1)可提醒学生bought使用一般过去时的原因(因为后面出现了时间状语half an hour ago)。 2)注意dictionary中的a存在英式英语和美式英语的发音差异:英式英语中发/ə/,美式英语中发/e/。 3)forget to do sth.,忘了做某事。 4)take sth. with sb.,随身携带某物。

  Who served you, sir? The lady

  who is standing behind the counter.

  1)可提问学生此处的serve为什么也用一般过去时(因为书店的manager问的就是当时是谁接待这位customer的)。 2)因为先行词lady表人,所以用了who来连接。此时,先行词在从句中作主语,所以用了主格形式的关系代词who。

  Which books did you buy?

  The books which are on the counter.

  1)问句采用了一般过去时的,是因为书店经理问的是顾客当时买了哪些书,是过去时间发生的动作。 2)因为先行词是books,表物,所以关系代词采用了表物的which。

  Did you serve this gentleman half an hour ago, Caroline? 此处还是询问当时发生的动作,所以句子动词采用了一般过去时。

  He says he's the man who bought these books. 1)He says后面接的是省略that的宾语从句,是间接引语。 2)因为先行词the man表人,而且在从句中作主语,所以关系代词采用了主格形式的who。 3)从句中的谓语动词buy采用了一般过去时,是因为买(书)的动作发生在过去。

  I can't remember. The man

  who I served was wearing a hat.

  1)remember,记住。 2)因为先行词the man表人,所以采用了关系代词who。但是,与前面的句子不同的是,本句话中的先行词在从句中是作宾语的,但却仍然采用了who,因为who作为关系代词,既可以作主格用,也可以作宾格用(相当于whom)。需要注意的是,当关系代词紧跟介词时,只能用宾格形式的whom。如:This is the boy to whom I was talking just now. 3)可提问学生句中的wear为什么用进行时(因为Caroline描述的是当时买书时,顾客正戴着帽子。)

  Have you got a hat, sir? Yes, I have. 注意复习have got与have的用法差别,并可在此进行替换训练。如本句如果改为have的用法的话,就是:Do you have a hat, sir? Yes, I do.

  Would you put it on, please? All right. 注意区分put on(强调动作)和wear(强调状态)的区别。

  Is this the man that you served, Caroline?

  Yes. I recognize him now.

  1)在所有关系代词中,that皆可以表人也可以表物,所以本句话中的that其实相当于who/whom(因为先行词the man在从句中作served的宾语)。 2)recognize,认出、辨认。注意重音在第一个音节。







  They're people I met during the trip.

  That's the ship we travelled on.

  That's the man I told you about.

  The man standing behind the counter.

  The men repairing the road.


  Look, Scott. This is a photograph I took during my trip to Australia. 1)句中的先行词a photograph表物,在从句中充当宾语,原本应该用that或which,在句中为了简便需要省略了。 2)take a photograph,拍照。 3)trip to+地点,到哪儿的旅行。

  Let me see it, Mike. 注意let的用法:let sb. do sth.,表示让某人做某事。

  They're people I met during the trip. 先行词people表人,在从句中作宾语,所以关系代词原本应该用who或whom,但为了简便需要省略了。

  That's the ship I travelled on. 1)先行词the ship表物,在从句中作宾语,所以原本要用关系代词which或that,为了简便需要省略了。 2)注意travel的过去式有两种形式:英式为travelled,美式为traveled。

  What a beautiful ship! 可复习一下what和how引导的感叹句的用法。本句话就相当于:How beautiful the ship is!

  That's the man I told you about. 1)先行词the man表人,在从句中作about的宾语,原本从句要用who/whom来连接,出于简便需要省略了。 2)tell sb. about sth.告诉某人某事。

  Remember? 完整形式为:Do you remember?

  The one who offered you a job in Australia. 1)先行词the one表人,在从句中作主语,所以关系代词采用了主格形式的who。 2)offer sb. sth.给某人提供某物。

  It's not you, is it? 可讲解反义疑问句的用法:前肯后否;前否后肯。

  I grew a beard during the trip, but I shaved it off when I came home. 1)grow a beard,蓄胡子。beard,一般只下巴上的胡子,络腮胡;可拓展moustache(嘴唇上的胡子) 2)shave off,刮去。

  Why did you shave it off? My wife didn't like it! My wife didn't like it前面省略了because,这样反倒加强了语气,表达出了Mike的无奈。




